Chapter 6: Cleaned

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Sapnap POV.

“What the hell is Dream planning?” I asked myself as Karl and I put the suitcase and backpack that belonged to whoever was in the basement on a double bed.
“Who knows with him,” the brunette responded with a shrug. “All that I do know is that whoever this bag belongs to, he has no sense of style. Or at least that is what Eret would say.”

“And we are in the mafia, so why do we care about style?” I said to him as I turned the light on to brighten up the dark room. “But what I am talking about is why would he suddenly keep someone alive. He has never done that.”
“You know him better than me.” Karl murmured as he went to pull back the curtain.

It wasn’t our fault that we had to do a little bit of housekeeping before whoever Dream had decided to let live here arrived. After all, the blond wasn’t exactly one for inviting people over to stay that often, so he didn’t tell the maids he did have to clean to cover these rooms. In fact, I doubted that anyone has come in here in at least a couple months.

Even though we hadn’t been told to clean, it wasn’t very clear who exactly the mafia boss decided to bring in here, so we wanted to be prepared. “There.” Karl smiled, having just opened one of the windows as the last streams of sunlight bathed the room in natural lighting.

“This brightens up the room a little.” He said, seeming satisfied when he turned back to me.
We took a moment to look around before I smiled. “This place isn’t so bad. I should try and talk Dream into letting me have this room. And look at that view.”

“It clearly isn’t for you Sapnap, plus I thought you liked the room you had because it is so close to the bar. Remember how often you’d sneak out of the mansion in the middle of the night and get drunk. And Dream decided that you sneaking out was a problem so he moved your room next to our bar so you didn’t end up leaving and getting yourself killed.” Karl spoke with a grin.

“That is not true,” I smiled. “The reason I got to have a room by the bar was because the two of us are best friends.” I explained to the brunette.
“You mean back in highschool? Seven years ago?” Karl questioned with a giggle, and I simply rolled my eyes at him.

“Whatever.” I scoffed. “I should probably go find Sam so he isn’t wandering around aimlessly with whatever stranger Dream decided to keep. You go and do whatever.” I walked out of the room, pretending to be angry when in all honesty I was close to laughing myself.

“Uhh… what are you smiling like an idiot about?” My eyes widened when I saw Sam standing in the hallway, an unconscious brunette having been thrown over his shoulder. He had an unimpressed look on his face as he carried the boy effortlessly, as though the weight of another human on him wasn’t heavy at all.

“Nothing. I am just having fun, if you know what that is.” I made an attempted jab at him to get him to laugh but that obviously didn’t work under his disapproving look. So I turned my attention away from his face, and instead tried to look at the face of the unconscious man on his shoulders.

“Whatever,” Sam sighed, before glancing at the doorway I just came out of. Karl was standing there quietly, having been watching the whole interaction silently up until now. “Is this the room that you guys got for him?” The green haired man asked, and Karl nodded.
“This is the room. I just finished remaking the bed a couple of minutes ago.”

“Good, I am tired of carrying him around the mansion.” Sam huffed, walking over to the bed and dropping the boy down on it. Karl walked over to the brunette and moved him under the covers of the bed and I also stepped forward to look at him, and… Holy shit. George?

My eyes widened as I looked down at the familiar brunette. It had been years since I had seen him, so it wasn’t surprising that I didn’t recognise him from security footage either. But now that I could see him in person, it was obvious that this was him. And now it was suddenly obvious why Dream had decided to keep him alive.

During highschool, the pair were inseparable. On the day of our graduation, George had told the two of us, along with the rest of our friend group, that he was moving back to where he grew up, with no prior explanation. That was around the time that my best friend, Dream (or as he was known then, Clay), became the head of his parents mafia, under their supervision though.

Although several years had passed it was clear that the blond still had feelings for George. Even though we’d done dozens of business deals at clubs filled with young attractive men and women that were for entertainment, and there had been countless occasions where other mafias and crime families tried to offer up their members for marriage as a way to form an alliance.

None of these times though, was Clay interested in anybody else. His life had become just focused on his work. Dream would spend hours slaving away at his desk, focusing on paperwork, and planning drug deals, robberies, and other things which didn’t even need to be organised by him.

“Hey Sapnap, are you all good? You’ve been staring at him for a while now.” I felt Karl’s hand on my shoulder as he spoke and so I turned to look at him.
“Oh it’s nothing,” I smiled, not wanting to tell either of them about my, and Dream’s, pre existing relationship with the brunette on the bed. “I just remembered I need to talk to Dream later.”

“Okay.” Sam said, walking over to a desk in the corner of the room and taking a seat in the chair there. “So are you two going to stay, or leave? I couldn’t care less but I just want to know.”
“What do you mean?” Karl questioned, sending the green haired man a confused look.

“Dream decided to put me in charge of the sleeping beauty,” he scoffed, clearly annoyed at what he was having to do. “I am not allowed to leave until he wakes up apparently. Then I have to tell Dream that he is awake.”
“Have fun with that then,” I chuckled, before leaving the room with Karl following after me.

We walked out of the room and then he sent me a glance. “So what do you want to do now?” He asked me. “Cause there was this new game that I found a couple of days ago, and I was wondering if you wanted to play it?”

“Maybe later.” I responded, giving him a saddened look. “I need to talk with Dream, but afterwards, I can show you how great I am at those sorts of games.” Karl gave a nod of agreement before the two of us parted ways, me walking towards Dream’s office for a talk, and Karl walking to his bedroom.
1237 words

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