Chapter 32: Alex?

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George POV.

I stood in the bathroom awkwardly facing down the two undercover officers who just… employed me I think. I’d just answered and they both seemed happy.
“Thank you George. This can do so much to help the people of this city.” The first officer said as he handed me the phone for the photos.

“If you feel scared and want to get out at any point the phone has both of our numbers and we will be able to get you out. Don’t call anybody else okay, just us. And I can see any of the photos you take” I examined the phone as he talked, noting that it didn’t have a password yet and so I quickly added one, just a simple four digit code.

“You should probably get back to Dream now.” The pinkette said in a monotone voice, and I nodded in response thinking that he might be starting to get suspicious.
“Before you do go, George.” The other man said. “Just so you know. I’m Officer Soot, and this is Officer Blade.” I nodded at both of them at the introduction before returning outside to Dream.

The phone was hidden in the pocket of my dress pants, barely noticeable from where Dream was sitting and his attention clearly moved as he saw me limping out with my crutches. I returned to my stool beside him and he gave me a look from under his mask. “You took a while in there.” He stated, and I glanced at him with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah.” I responded gruffly. “I needed to take a shit.” It felt weird saying that to the blond, however I’d rather him believe that than I was talking with two undercover police officers who enlisted me to help take him down. “Can I have another drink now?” I continued on.

“Later, remember?” He stood up, causing me to give me a strange look. ”Come on, let's go find Sapnap and Karl.”
“Oh stop being such a buzzkill Dream. This is a party, remember.” I looked up with confusion to see the person who was standing on the other side of the bar.

The bartender who had served myself and Dream before I’d gone to the bathroom had disappeared. Now the person who was standing there was someone oddly familiar, and I found myself staring.

It was Alex. I stared at him, watching what he was doing as he playfully glared down at the mafia boss. He had been a friend of mine at high school, dropped out a couple of months before we graduated because he was certain that he could start a drug ring that would earn him millions.

He was wearing the same type of beanie he had been wearing since I had first met him. Along with that he was dressed in a suit, which is possibly the most formal piece of clothing that I had ever seen him in. It was definitely my friend, no doubt about it.

The man had figured out that I was staring at him and turned to look at me. I decided to make a guess. “Alex?” I asked cautiously, and his eyes widened before he nodded.
“Hey George,” he smiled. “I was hoping that Dream brought you here. It’s been ages since I last saw you. How have you been?”

‘This was an awkward way to start a conversation,’ I thought to myself, but I allowed a smile to appear on my face.
“I’ve been busy.” I replied, not wanting to say anything that would piss Dream off, seeing as he could kill me without even thinking about it.

“How about you?” I questioned in response, “Are you working as a bartender for the casino now?” My question made both of them laugh, and I glanced awkwardly between the two of them, trying to figure out if there was some kind of joke that I had made which I didn’t understand.

“You know that drug ring I dropped out of high school to create?” He asked, and I nodded. “Well this entire business is what resulted from it.” Alex spun around on the spot dramatically, laughing as he did.
“Impressive,” I hummed, chuckling at his words.

“And he is one of my best buyers.” Dream added on, causing a smug expression to appear on the face of my old friend. “Four truckloads of drugs every month. That’s how popular this place is to druggies.” He paused to sip a drink before continuing. "And when they are high they drink more, gamble more, and pay more to the strippers who work here. Either way, more money for us,” He hummed.

“You take advantage of people when they are drunk and high and wanting sex?” I questioned as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. “That’s cruel.”
“It’s business Georgie,” he hummed as he puffed out some smoke in my direction which made me cough lightly.

I glanced over at Dream, although I knew he would probably agree with my old school friend as well. “The majority of these guys are all assholes too.” The blond stated, probably trying to reassure me as he began listing them off. “Low level thugs, men cheating on their wives, people who have gambled all their life savings away on the small chance of getting rich.”

His words did nothing to comfort me at all, but I didn’t say because I knew that they would just keep attempting to reassure me that these people deserved it. Without listening to reason I stood up, muttering to Alex about how it was nice to see him again before turning and limping off.

Footsteps quickly followed behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder to see that Dream was now standing next to me, and for a moment I hoped that he had come to apologise about what he said, and apologise for taking advantage of people. But I was wrong, apparently he just wanted to make sure I didn’t try and escape or anything.

As I walked closer to the centre of the building I heard music getting louder, and between gaps of people saw a band on a small elevated platform directly in front of a dance floor. My curiosity got the better of me as the music was accompanied with loud laughter and I moved between the crowd without Dream to see Karl and Sapnap on the dance floor, laughing like idiots.

Both of them were attempting to do fancy spins and complex lifts with each other, but failed miserably every time they tried which made them break into more hysterics. They were each receiving a couple weird looks but neither seemed to mind.

From the corner of my eye I saw Dream was beside me again, and I huffed quietly as I leaned onto my crutch slightly. “It looks fun.” I murmured, watching the pair. Sapnap was, just like Dream, still wearing his mask, and Karl had his arms around his neck and gazed lovingly into his eyes.

It reminded me of myself and Clay at all the school dances we’d use to attend. Neither of us knew what we were doing, and neither of us cared about the looks we’d get from other people, all that mattered was that we were having fun with each other.

“It does look fun.” He agreed as he examined me. “Would you like to go join them?”
“You mean dancing? With you?” I felt nervous but tried to hide that as I looked up at him.
“If you wanted to dance,” the blond stated. “The two of us could.”

“Maybe not.” I decided, not liking the idea of dancing with a mafia boss, however I didn’t say that out loud because I didn’t want to piss him off. “My foot is still injured and dancing probably won’t make it any better.” He seemed to understand what I was saying with a nod, however he also seemed to understand why I actually didn’t want to dance.

That caused a thick tension between the two of us as we heard the song finish up and watched Karl and Sapnap pull away from each other. The ravenette was facing away from us as he pulled his mask down and connected his lips with Karl before just as quickly pulling his mask back up again, not giving anyone the chance to see his face.

It was only a couple of moments of the interaction but moments after they pulled apart the next song started playing. Both of them whispered something to each other before eagerly running off. I sighed as I watched them both, seeing them so happy made me feel guilty about Clay and what we could have had.

I didn’t let Dream see my face as I felt the urge to cry. “I’m going to get myself another drink.” I told him before walking off again.
1562 words

Here is a clue for how the story will end, since people have been asking me, but you will have to decode it because I'm not making this easy for you:


I know people on some devices won't be able to see it, but to those who can see it what do you think those 15 emojis mean?

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