Chapter 25: Over the wall

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George POV.

“Can we go outside, please?” I questioned, after having spent about an hour inside in my bedroom with nothing to do I craved for some fresh air. Karl had been watching over me for who knows what reason and I’ll have to admit that made me feel annoyed, especially since he was entertaining himself on his phone while I was stuck with a book I’d read before.

The brunette glanced up at me and then glanced outside. “Sure,” he decided after a couple moments of contemplating, “we could go outside.”
I smiled, grabbing his arms and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you! Thank you!” I said overenthusiastically, since I figured that if I went outside I could make a break for it.

We rushed outside, with me practically pulling Karl by the arm like an excited child might do when they see something they’re interested in. The taller brunette was a bit more wary though, glancing around to see if anybody was nearby, since there were strangers still hanging around.

Once we got outside I took a moment to admire the flowers, at least the ones that I could see the colours of which were mainly the blue and purple ones. Karl smirked from behind me, walking up and looking over my shoulder. “They are pretty aren’t they?” He questioned, and I just hummed a yes.

“So what do you want to do?” He continued on, glancing around at the large expanse of greenery which made up the back yard. I did the same, taking in everything including the wall which surrounded the perimeter of the garden.

As I examined it from afar I tried to figure out how high it would probably be. There were tall trees around the outskirts of the garden near the wall, and vines growing up the walls. Maybe I could climb up one of them to get out. Or there had to be some sort of back exit to this place, a door or gate somewhere that I could slip out of.

“George?” I heard Karl question, causing me to glance over at him.
“Yeah? What were you saying? I got distracted by the view.” I lied quickly, however it seemed that he believed what I said.
“That’s fine. I was just wondering what you wanted to do.” He repeated.

I glanced around cautiously, as though I really was considering what there could be to entertain myself out there, but eventually I just decided, “we could sit down in the sun. There is some nice weather today.”

“That could be fun!” Karl said eagerly, not seeming at all suspicious of what I had just suggested, and so I headed over to one of the large silverleaf maple trees and leaned against the trunk. The sun was shining at a particular angle so that our legs would be warming in the light, however our faces would be in shade.

Karl sat beside me, pulling out his phone again and just beginning to text someone, and since I was waiting for the brunette to lower his guard I just watched for a few minutes. “Who are you texting?” I asked him, feeling myself get curious at what he was doing.
The brunette shrugged. “Just Sapnap, I am telling him we are outside just in case.”

“Makes sense.” I nodded before going back to relaxing. While I was relaxing with my eyes darting around to see who else was there in case I made a break for it. There were only a couple of gardeners tending to plants. None of them were close enough to cut me off or stop me.

Five minutes passed of me just taking in my surroundings, until I glanced over at the taller brunette who was now gushing at his screen, which I took as a good sign. I stood up slowly, acting as though my legs just hurt from sitting in a certain position. Karl didn’t even seem to register what I was saying as I took slow steps backwards.

Once I felt I was far enough away I turned and began sprinting towards the wall, my eyes still darting back and forth looking for the best way up. I eventually decided on a tree which seemed easy to climb and got close to the wall. My fingers clawed around loose pieces of bark and I hoisted myself up.

By now Karl had noticed what I was doing and stood up, pocketing his phone as he yelled out for me. “George!” He called out. “What are you doing?” I ignored him, continuing to pull myself up further as quickly as I could. “Get back here George!”

With every moment I pulled myself higher and higher until I was at least twelve feet above the ground. My heart raced, with me basically hearing it thumping in my head. Trying not to fall, I wrapped my arms around the branch, attempting to try and steady myself before I was going to attempt to reach over to the wall and pull myself onto it.

“George,” Karl repeated, standing at the base of the tree and looking up at me. “Come down, please. I don’t want to have to call Dream. Dream will be pissed if something happens.” I ignored what he was saying again, taking a long sigh before grabbing the vine near the top of the wall. “Be careful George. Dream won’t like it if you get hurt.”

God I hated that. All of this was about Dream. ‘Dream won’t like it.’ ‘Dream will be pissed.' That is all that he could care about, and I didn’t like that, so without listening to another word out of Karl’s mouth I grabbed a thick vine and pulled myself up, until I was sitting on top of the wall. I could hear Karl mutter a swear word.

I didn’t hesitate at all, now peering over at what was on the other side, unfortunately though it was only an endless expanse of trees spreading out for what was probably miles. The brunette was still yelling at me but I ignored him, taking a shaky breath before jumping down the other side of the wall.

As I landed, I landed on my ankle, causing me to let out a yell in agony. I honestly don’t know what I was expecting, after all the wall was probably twelve feet, and outside the wall was a slope. I covered my mouth with one of my hands to suppress the whimpers of pain running through me.

That didn’t stop me though, I knew that if I didn’t get moving I’d be caught by Dream or Karl or somebody else in the mafia pretty soon, and so I forced myself up and began limping down into the treeline, hoping that I could find somewhere to hide where they won’t find me, but before I could get too far someone cleared their throat from behind me.

I spun around to be face to face with Dream and immediately muttered a swear word before backing up slowly to get away from him. With my unsteady ankle I tripped relatively easily, meaning I had no way to defend myself when he lifted me up in his arms.
1227 words

George is in trouble again. Wonder what Dream is going to do to deal with him this time.

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