Chapter 4: Debt

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George POV.

A loud ‘ding’ echoed through the room after I had been sitting in silence for who knows how long, and that immediately made me worried. Was the person who kidnapped me here? Were they going to kill me now? Or torture me for some reason?

I honestly was on the brink of a panic attack, something I had had a lot as a kid and had never quite gotten under control. My shaking was rapid but as I listened to the sound of people walking around and starting to talk to each other I forced myself not to draw too much attention to myself.

“Sam. I assume they are here?” Someone said, clearly a man and he sounded scary, my fists balled up tightly as they started sweating and I bit my lip as I listened to him..
“Of course,” this ‘Sam’ person responded, and from the sound of their voice they were a man as well, although from the way he sounded it seemed the first person was in charge.

“Good job,” The first man said again. “You can leave now.” That didn’t make me feel good. The idea of being on my own with whoever this guy was didn’t seem too thrilling, but then again staying with multiple people would also not sound too good. Thankfully though, for now I didn’t hear any footsteps. At least I think I was feeling thankful for that?

“But sir,” the ‘Sam’ person began. “Don’t you want to know about him first? I brought you their file, all the information and money his family owes.” Money? These guys have to have the wrong person, right? My family wouldn’t be owing anyone money. Especially not some people who would kidnap others to get money back.

“No need.” The first guy once again spoke. “You are excused to leave Sam.” My breathing picked up slightly as I heard the sound of footsteps, before the elevator door dinging again as it began heading upstairs.

Even with the bag on my head I knew the strange man was now looking at me, he was probably enjoying seeing me tied up and blinded, completely unable to do anything. Footsteps began approaching me, until someone put their hand on my shoulder and I jumped slightly. “Now now,” he began in a low voice. “Don’t need to freak out before the fun has even started.”

Then before I could react the bag that had been on my head was ripped off, leaving me looking straight into the face… er mask… of whoever had taken me. My breathing began speeding up as I looked at him, and I knew I was on the brink of a panic attack while he was staring at me.

To try and calm myself down I thought of what always helped me get my panic attacks under control. Who always helped me get my panic attacks under control. It was a memory of my birthday when I was sixteen. Clay had brought me to a park that was near the outskirts of the city. It was often quiet and I had always considered it our special spot.

He always knew how to deal with my panic attacks. He’d hold me close to his chest and just whisper to me that everything would be okay, and remind me to try and copy his breathing patterns. Then once I’d calmed down the two of us would just spend time together. We’d watch a movie, or play a game, or get something to eat, or even just cuddle up on the couch together.

Thinking about that was enough for now. Remembering the way that the blond used to hold me safely in his arms. I tried to focus on only that as I looked up into the face of the masked man who was staring down at me, waiting to say or do something, although I wasn’t sure what that meant.

Part of me wanted to speak up. If I was going to be killed I’d rather it be now instead of after having been tied up sitting in a basement in a staredown with a creepy guy for an hour. Not to mention his creepy smiling mask was definitely unnerving, his eyes could be looking anywhere and I wouldn’t know.

Eventually I decided to just talk. After taking a moment to collect my voice, and balling my hands into even tighter fists, I quietly asked him. “Why am I here? What do you want?” My voice was barely louder than a whisper and I wouldn’t be surprised if he hadn’t, but I wasn’t planning on repeating myself again.

Unfortunately for me he did end up hearing what I said, it was clear he did when he leaned slightly closer to me and told me to ‘Say that again.’ Now I really didn’t want to. I could hear amusement in his voice. Whoever he was, he was enjoying seeing me like this. Seeing me scared and desperate.

And I didn’t want him to see that, so I looked him in the eye and repeated myself. “Why am I here? And what do you want?” He chuckled at my question, before leaning even closer to me. If I could see his face I was certain we’d be at eye level with each other.

“You are here because your family owes me money. I am tired of waiting for cash. So I decided to take something that is of equal value to your family as the money they owed… You.”
“What?” I responded. “That’s impossible. There is no way my family would owe money to somebody like-”

“Somebody like me?” The man let out a loud sigh. “They always say that. ‘My family is too kind to do that’ or ‘but my girlfriend would never owe money to the mafia’ or ‘but my son is too smart to get involved with that type of stuff’. They always want to believe their friends and family would never do anything wrong.”

“But that’s the truth.” I growled in response, not caring if I was putting my life at risk since I wanted to defend my family. “My parents would never do that!”
“If that’s what you think. But don’t tell me you thought nothing of the fact you had to leave the country so suddenly when you were younger. Barely any time to say goodbye to your friends.”

My breath hitched at the memories, but the man continued. “Were your parents ever particularly secretive around you? Or did they discourage you from talking to too many people? Or once you did move did they discourage even thinking about moving back? Anything along the lines of that?”

As he spoke I couldn’t help but panic, feeling my breathing speed up. My body tensed and I was unable to focus. The masked man seemed to notice, and just as I was close to blacking out he leaned close to me. “Since I am feeling generous though George. I think I might allow you to pay off your family’s debt. But it seems we’ll have to wait until you wake up again.”

My eyes widened slightly before my panic attack got the better of me and I found myself blacking out.
1241 words

Welcome to day two. I didn't say this yesterday, but the amazing cover art was done by straightWhatsThat.

Today is another triple upload, and it'll be a double upload tomorrow

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