Chapter 36: Asleep

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Bad POV.

Dream was beaming brightly when he came to find myself and Sapnap at the mall, carrying several bags with several different logos on them in his arms. Myself and the ravenette had decided to sit down and eat for lunch, attempting to call our friend a few times to see if he wanted to join us but he never picked up.

It took half an hour for him to actually turn up, which is why he was standing there right now looking like a kid on Christmas. “You look weird,” Sapnap said with a gruff voice, with his mouth full of food. “Did you do some drugs or something? Why are you smiling that much?”
“Just happy.” He hummed in response, causing Sapnap and I to exchange a confused glance.

“Are you ready to go then?” I questioned. “We have almost finished eating. The two of us would have finished ages ago but Sapnap insisted on dessert. But if you want we could order you something as well.”
“I’m ready.” Dream responded, still seeming bubbly. “I have my own lunch sorted.”

Sure enough, two of the bags that he was holding had the logo of an Italian restaurant that was in another part of the mall. Another thing that I noticed was that he had more than enough for one person, and the realisation made me happy as I knew there was only one explanation as to who the extra food could be for.

Both myself and the blond patiently waited for Sapnap and under our gazes he hurried to finish his meal. Once he’d eaten and we’d paid the two of us, we headed to the car. Sapnap begged his best friend to tell him what was in the bags but got no answer in response as we all climbed into the car.

a few hours later

“Is he coming?” Punz asked impatiently as he crossed his arms. Sapnap and I were sitting at the head of the table fidgeting awkwardly, wondering where he was just like everybody else in the group.
“He should be,” Sapnap just murmured in response.

“I’ll go check his office,” I decided, standing up and walking over to the door before anyone else could move and do or say anything. “He might have lost track of time doing paperwork.” In all honesty I knew it wouldn’t be the case. I had told him where he should go once he had gotten back and so that was where I was going to check.

There were a lot of quiet rooms in the mansion, but one of the ones I always used was a small cinema. I had set it up a couple of years ago as a favour for Sapnap since he wanted a romantic movie date with Karl. Dream had decided that he wanted to do something nice for George and so I showed them the room.

I knocked on the door lightly when I stopped outside, but when I got no answer I sighed and opened the door slightly to just peek in. The room was dark besides the bright light of the screen as a film played. I didn’t want to create too much light, so I pulled my phone out and turned on the torch before a soft smile appeared on my face.

The two of them were asleep with George’s head resting on Dream’s shoulder. The blond had his arm around the latters shoulder as they leaned into each other comfortably. Both of their faces appeared a pale blue in the light from the movie that was playing and they snored quietly, seemingly unaware that they were even touching each other.

Being careful not to wake the pair I grabbed the table of empty food containers and bags before moving it out of the way, then I turned my attention to the two sleeping muffin heads. They looked adorable, even though one of them was dozing while wearing a white smiling mask over his face. However I knew I needed to be a bad guy and wake them up.

First though, I did make sure to take a photo of the pair, mainly to show Sapnap later. Then I moved over to Dream and lightly shook his shoulder, trying not to disturb George as I did. The blond grumbled lightly and swatted my hand, but his eyes droopily opened when I continued and he glanced up at me, while shielding his face from the light with his hand.

“Whadda’ want?” He muttered quietly, still seemingly half asleep as he stared with half slurred words. “I’m tryna sleep.”
“It’s 4pm Dream.” I responded at the same volume he was using, while being cautious not to wake up the sleeping brunette.

“So? I can sleep at 4pm. There’s such a thing as an afternoon nap.” He rolled his head back over so it was resting on top of George’s, the mask covering the majority of his face but the fluffy brown hair brushing against his cheek and hair.
I sighed at his incompetence, “you have a meeting though Dream.” I reminded him.

“What?” He suddenly asked, raising his volume and sitting up. I hushed him, worried that he woke up George but thankfully the Brit was still a heavy sleeper.
“Your meeting started an hour ago. We’ve been waiting since then.” He stood up, not worrying about the fact he bumped George as he did, waking the brunette up.

“Why the fuck didn’t you wake me earlier?” He asked. My face scrunched up at the swear word, however I didn’t say anything as he seemed agitated. For a moment he glanced over at George, who was now rubbing his head after the blond banged into it. “Take George to his room,” he said in a more calm voice. “Then come to the meeting room.”

It seems that George wasn’t aware he had been lying on Dream, but he heard the mention of his own name which caused his gaze to snap up. “You’re going to a meeting?” He questioned, tilting his head in curiosity.
“Yeah. I’m sorry for waking you by the way.” The blond added.

Suddenly the brunette’s somewhat surprised and annoyed expression brightened. “Can I come with you?” He asked eagerly, then he added a quiet ‘please’.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Dream responded. “There is a lot of classified information that might be passed around in there.”

“Who am I going to tell?” George responded. “I’ll probably be here for months or years, and it’s not like I could tell anybody.”
For a couple of moments the blond considered it, then he nodded. “Sure. But you stay beside me the entire time.” George instantly agreed, before following the blond to the door.
1247 words

George going into one of Dream's meetings, that can't possibly go badly.

Also he is injured and still refuses to where crutches. When his ankle gets worse Dream might have to start carrying him around everywhere.

Poor George will have to get used to being in Dream's arms for probably half a day. And if his ankle is that bad he probably couldn't stand in the shower on his own, he might need Dream to help him. Or he might need company at night and end up sleeping in Dream's bed.

Who knows?

I do... it's me know knows.

Anyway happy Halloween everyone.
And George's birthday is tomorrow so maybe a double upload for then.

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