Chapter 83: Future

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Clay POV.

Bliss. Pure bliss was the only thing that I was feeling as I looked over at the brunette sleeping on the bed beside me. I couldn't help it, George was just so perfect, and I couldn't believe that after years of worrying that I'd lost him forever he was now my fiance. And even better, the two of us were going to be married.

I smiled over at him, watching how he curled up comfortably beside me, wearing my hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants. The hair was still damp from when we were in the hot tub a couple hours earlier. His hand was resting on top of the cover and I noticed the ring that was still on his finger.

Ever since I had shown George the ring, he had been insistent on wearing it. While making out in the hot tub on the balcony, while watching movies on the couch, while feasting on a platter of delicious desserts that we got to celebrate our engagement, and now while sleeping. I didn't know if it was good for him to wear it constantly, but I couldn't deny he looked gorgeous.

It was strange how life worked. One day you were dating the love of your life and planning on leaving the mafia your family has run for generations. Then you lose the love of your life when he breaks up with you. Then you kidnap him as your other persona. And then less than three days after he finds out who you are the two of you are engaged.

Now I was going to do what I had planned on doing years ago, I was going to leave the mafia with George and the two of us could start our own lives. We'd have a nice house, each have well paying jobs with good hours, and we'd adopt two kids. If George wanted that of course.

I decided that in the morning I'd look for houses to move to, probably out of L'manburg so we can stay away from the mafia, but not so far that we can never see Sapnap, Karl, Bad, and Quackity. Then I'd have to break the news to my friends and the rest of the mafia that I was leaving, and that Sapnap would be in charge.

Life would be perfect. There is no other way that I would be able to phrase it since that was the truth. If I hadn't found George again I'd probably die in some sort of mafia shootout, or overdosing on drugs, or some other crime related incident like my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so forth all had done.

God, I could only imagine how they were all rolling over in their graves. They weren't homophobic, but they'd want me to carry on the family's mafia legacy, and if I didn't do that because I was leaving the mafia to date a man, their heads would practically explode.

I chuckled to myself before scooching over in the bed so that I could lovingly brush a strand of hair out of George's face before gently kissing him on the forehead. I hoped that my family could see me doing this from Hell, see how happy I was as freedom from the mafia flashed before my eyes.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and I was overwhelmed by the sounds of shouting as the lights were flipped on. I struggled to adjust to the light as I glanced towards the doorway and saw a flood of police officers and swat agents surrounding the bed, yelling at me to put my hands up where they could be seen.

George was also being screamed at as he struggled to wake up, even getting threats thrown at him as he took a moment to wipe sleep from his eyes. Our arms were both grabbed and we were pulled from the bed, with me quickly being forced onto the ground and roughly handcuffed by the two swat officers manhandling me.

"We got him!" They began celebrating as I glared up at them. "We finally caught Dream!"
I then watched as a pair of men came into the room, one of whom I vaguely remembered from Quackity's party, the guy with pink hair who I had a drink with, walking straight towards me along with the brunette beside him.

"God, finally we have you, after you've been evading police for years you are under arrest!" The brunette spoke triumphantly as he pulled me up and began leading me out of my room and into the hallway where the elevators were.

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