Chapter 38: Messages

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George POV.

“Because I was late getting here I won’t make you stay much longer, besides I think that covers everything.” Dream hummed, and I glanced over at everybody in turn as they all nodded in agreement. “Good.” The blond smiled. “Tomorrow, be ready to go at 4am. We want to strike these assholes before they are ready.”

“Make sure you all have plenty of rest before tomorrow.” Bad chirped as he stood up. “I don’t want any of you half asleep, if you are I won’t let you guys come.”
“So take the rest of the night off.” Dream instructed. “Feel free to go out, just make sure you are back and have enough rest, as Bad said.”

Once again there was a nod as everyone stood up, some of them grabbing the papers that had been handed to them at the meeting. I was the only one who hadn’t been handed anything and so I watched boredly as they left, and Dream did the same, except he seemed less bored.

After the rest of the group was gone, Dream stood up, and my gaze immediately caught on a stack of papers. They were a copy of what everyone else had been given and I was tempted to grab it, although I knew that I couldn’t while he was standing there beside me. “Come on,” he said as he began walking to the door, immediately giving me an opportunity.

“I have some stuff to do in my office, but after that we can go back to watching the movie in the other room if you want.” Dream stated as he continued, and while his back was turned I grabbed the pieces of paper and hid them down my shirt.
“Sure,” I replied as I got used to the uncomfortable feeling. “I’m right behind you.”

The two of us walked in the direction of his office, and of my room. Once we reached his office he opened the door, and gave me a smile. “I’ll come get you to finish that movie in an hour, okay?” He questioned.”
“I’ll see you then,” I responded as I continued walking.

As I continued to my room I heard the sound of the office door closing, which encouraged me to speed up. When I got to my room I collapsed on the bed with a sigh, before reaching into my shirt and pulling out the papers that I had grabbed.

For a moment I stopped to smooth them over, seeing as they had gotten a couple of crinkles during the short walk from the meeting room to here. As I looked over the papers I smiled to myself, seeing information about an upcoming bank heist, some black market deals coming into and out of the country, and some names of people who owed them money.

A sense of pride washed through me as I read over everything, I knew that the two policemen would be proud. I laid all the pages out on my bed and took photos of each one individually, before taking some time to scroll through them all.

After admiring the photos and checking to make sure that you could read everything from the screen I sent a text to Officer Soot. in the message I told him that I found some papers from Dream which had plans for stealing, black market deals, plans for kidnapping, and a bunch of other crimes.

Both of the officers had access to anything on my phone, they could see any message I sent, photo I took, and every search I made, so I didn’t need to worry about sending the two dozen photos to the pair of them. Then I sat my phone down on my bed and gathered up the papers, stuffing them underneath the mattress where nobody would find them.

Not even a minute after I settled back into my seat I got a text in response. I sat up slightly and opened it, reading his ecstatic response.

Wilbur Soot

I’ll look through the photos now

Ur welcome

I didn’t know what else to give besides the simple response, then I waited patiently for a response. It was clear he was looking over some of the photos I sent. After about five minutes he responded again.

Ur welcome

That’s a lot of info…
I’ll message Techno and we can organise a standard traffic checkpoint to catch the mafia.
Then nobody will know we found the papers

After reading that I sent out a text, asking who Techno was. I got a response immediately with Wilbur explaining that that was Officer Blade’s first name, which does make sense. Then he continued on.

Do you want to go now George?
I could help get you out of that place.

What would happen to you taking down Dream and the mafia?
Would you be able to do it without me?

Yea. It just will take longer.
But these papers give us more information than we’ve gotten in month
At least relating to Dream.

If it would help then I can stay.
You cops will still help me get my life back, right?

I’ll tell Techno the plan then.

And with that our conversation was over. I turned my phone off and put it on charge, in its usual spot where it would be out of sight of the doors and anybody who came through them. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, who would have thought that it would be so tense to just text someone.

My hands were sweaty from the tension, and I wiped them along my shirt as I stood up, walking over to the window. Right now I wanted some fresh air, so I opened it up and my fingers tightened around the window sill as I leaned out.

Down below in the garden I could see the forms of Karl, Sapnap, and a couple other people hanging around. A lot of them seemed like they were chuckling softly at the scene unfolding as Sapnap offered out a flower to Karl who happily took it. Part of me felt upset that I was up here and not down there.

As I inhaled deeply I heard a knock on the door, and it opened before I said anything. I turned slowly to see Dream was standing there. “Hey,” he greeted. “I finished my work early if you want to finish that movie.”
“That’ll be great.” I responded, moving over to meet him in the doorway.

I smiled softly at him and hoped that he couldn’t tell something was wrong as we headed back to the small home theatre we were in before.
1153 words

This mission that Dream's mafia has won't go wrong at all. There is no way that something bad will happen during this. Especially not with George being a thief and a snitch

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