Chapter 63: Master bedroom

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Art done by kawaiicowcat on my discord server, if you want the chance to have your art shown in one of my stories then join my server via the Discord server link in my bio.
George POV.

It had been only half an hour since Clay had taken off the mask and he was looking as beautiful as ever. I still couldn’t believe that he kidnapped me and was too scared to take his mask off. I wanted to keep looking at him every second, feeling like I was dreaming and I’d wake up at any point and none of this would have actually happened.

We were in the blond’s nice car, driving back towards the mansion. His hand was on my leg, rubbing small circles on my upper leg and thigh, with me humming contently in response. My gaze was out the window and my breathing was slow and calm. In the reflection, I could see the blond glancing over at me periodically, grinning the entire time.

Once the car turned into the driveway of the mansion I glanced up, a lot of the windows on the different floors were glowing and I noticed people moving around inside. Other times when I had returned to this place I would be on edge, at least slightly, but now that I knew Clay was with me, I felt a lot safer.

At the mention of the blond in my mind again I looked over to him, only to see that he’d pulled the white smiley face mask over his face again. “What’s that for?” I asked as the car engine turned off in the garage.
“I don’t want any of them to see my face,” he responded, which I guess made sense.

We both stepped out before Clay offered his hand out to me, which I took. The two of us walked into the hallway, which was quiet at this time of night seeing as most people were hanging out in their own rooms.

The mafia boss led me up the stairs, on a route that I wasn’t familiar with because I never really went this way before I realised that this wasn’t where my room was and I stopped him. “Dream, why are we here? My room is back that way.”

He shook his head with a small chuckle. “I’m not letting you stay in your room just after I got you back.” He hummed at me while starting to walk again. “You are just coming up to my room for the evening.” I blushed as he said that, unable to stop myself from thinking about what we could do in his room, but I stopped myself. I’ve known it was him for an hour, stop being horny.

The walk was quick, and eventually we reached a set of double doors which I hadn’t seen before. Dream pulled a golden key from his pocket and slid it into the keyhole, unlocking the door with a loud click before repocketing the key again. He opened the door for me to enter and I was immediately shocked and impressed at what I saw.

The bedroom was twice the size of mine at the very least, maybe even bigger. The ceiling was higher than any of the other ones in the house and the walls were paved in black tiles, all of which created faded reflections as light from the overhead chandelier bounced off of it. The floor was also black tile, however it had fluffy white rugs to contrast against the floor and walls.

It seemed that the bedroom was broken up into three small sections. There was a large bed in one section, with two doors against the wall beside it, with the bed being big enough for at least a dozen people to lay comfortably on. Several potted plants were on either side of the bed, contrasting the black (and occasional white) of the room with a touch of yellow (green).

Opposite the bed was a large flatscreen tv, with a large couch, making up the second section of the bedroom, which was a living room type area. There was another door which was beside a large bookshelf which had to have at least fifty different books on it. An empty fireplace was also there, but it looks like it hadn’t been used in a while.

But the thing that caught my attention was the large sunroom, separated from the main part of the bedroom by a thin curtain which still allowed a lot of light through. There were a couple of comfortable couches and bean bags scattered around, but the main focus was a giant hot tub in the middle of the room.

I couldn’t help but laugh at how flash it was, seeing as when I’d known Clay back in high school he didn’t really care about anything fancy. A pair of arms wrapped snugly around my waist and I felt warm breath against the back of my neck, making me shiver excitedly. “What are you thinking about?” The blond asked.

“Just admiring your room.” I responded as I turned to look over at him again. He had taken off his mask again and I subtly admired his features. “I never took you for someone to live in such an upscale and fancy way.”
“Yeah.” The blond responded. “I never really liked this room.”

“What? Why? This place is great!” I spun around with a loud laugh as I took in the room again, and the blond joined me as he chuckled. I paused as I turned back to him. “Why did you never bring me here when we were in high school?”

“My parents didn’t like you.” He explained blatantly. “They didn’t want me hanging out with anyone outside the mafia because they believed that anybody could be an undercover cop. I always told them that they were being stupid.”
“So they didn’t like Nick, Darryl, and Alex either?” I guessed.

“They started liking Alex when he started buying drugs off of them.” Clay responded with a wide grin on his face which made me laugh as well. “Now do you want to go for a swim?” He motioned over to the hot tub. “I could warm it up.” His voice was low and sensual, making me roll my eyes. “It’ll be a nice birthday evening, just the two of us.”

“I don’t have anything to change into.” I responded. “And I don’t want to swim in the clothes that I’m wearing.” The evening was quickly getting colder and a warm hot tub sounded tempting, but I knew that it wouldn’t be good.
“Don’t worry, I have clothes you could borrow.” He promised.

Then he moved closer so his lips were tracing against my ear. “Or we could get into the hot tub without wearing anything.” He hummed, making a blush build up on my face.
“I’ll borrow some of your clothes if that’s okay.” I muttered as I tried to control myself. The blond wordlessly nodded before walking over to one of the doors beside his bed.

It opened to reveal a large walk-in wardrobe. From what I saw, there was enough clothes in there to dress an army, yet Clay was surprisingly quick to grab what he needed and get back out. It was just a pair of shorts which would most likely be a little big on me, but anything was better than nothing.

“You can wear those,” he stated as I looked over what he had given me. “Do you want me to give you a shirt as well?” I shook my head, I didn’t usually swim with a shirt on, plus I didn’t want to make the blond go back in there. After I answered he motioned to the other door beside the bed. “That’s a bathroom. You can get changed in there.”

I smiled and muttered a small thank you before disappearing to change.
1328 words

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