Chapter 39: decorations

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Dream POV.

“Is everyone ready?” I asked, glancing around at the group assembled on the driveway. It was early in the morning, and it was freezing. We could barely see each other because of how dark it was. Several SUVs were parked on the driveway, their headlights being the only light source, but just standing a few feet away from them made us disappear in the night.

They all gave yesses before heading off to the different SUVs surrounding us. All of them were in specific cars for specific reasons. I stood watching them from the steps of the mansion with Sapnap standing silently beside me. “Go to your car,” I instructed once everyone else was settled. The ravenette gave a curt nod before walking to one of the cars.

Standing beside me along with Sapnap, was one of my maids, her face was emotionless as she watched each of us quietly, since she’d witnessed this dozens of times before. I turned to her with a small smile, not that she could see with my mask. “We should be back before it gets dark,” I informed her, and she gave a nod of acknowledgement.

Before she could turn back inside I leaned closer to her. “Keep George occupied today,” I whispered quietly, so that nobody else could hear, not that there was anyone else around. “I don’t want something bad happening while I’m not here.”
“I will sir,” she reassured before disappearing into the mansion.

For a moment I paused, worried that something might happen to me. It was something I hadn’t worried about for ages, but now that George was back I felt scared that I could potentially die on this mission, even though it was a low risk one, just stealing gold. I forced the thought back in my mind as I turned to go to my car, which was going to be at the back of the convoy of cars.

George POV.
A few hours later

Sun hit my eyes, making me groan lightly and roll over. It felt as though I’d slept a lot longer than I usually did. Once I sat up I saw a tray of food sitting beside my bed. Curiously, I moved over and examined it. A stack of fluffy looking pancakes which were still warm. It took a moment of me glancing around the room before I began to eat it.

There was nobody around and so I just decided to eat, for a couple of minutes I decided to enjoy myself. I remembered that Dream had that mission thing today and that Officer Soot and Officer Blade were going to try and stop them. I hoped that they could, because then I’d be able to get my life started again.

The house that was set aside for me had probably been sold again because I obviously hadn’t paid my bills or even turned up yet, but I could get another one. And of course I’d have to call my mother because she is definitely worried sick about me. And then there’s the fact that after today I might get the chance to see Clay.

For now though, I was still stuck as a prisoner in this grand mansion, even though my time here was more bearable than I thought it would be. I’ll just sit here and enjoy the pancakes and hope that one of the two police officers ended up turning up, or calling me at the very least to let me know I was finally safe.

A few hours passed with me not having to do much, after I finished my food and showered I found a maid standing by my bed. “Good morning George,” she chirped excitedly, beaming at me as she did.
“Morning,” I replied, giving a wary look in response.

“I see that you have finished your breakfast,” she continued, glancing over at the tray that had been beside my bed when I woke up, then her attention returned to me. “Do you want anything else to eat?”
“No thank you, I’m good.”

“Good.” She cleared her throat as she walked over to the windows and pulled back the curtain, letting more light flood the room. “Dream wanted me to give you something to do, and since they are planning on celebrating tonight they want me to set up a nice dinner. You can be in charge of decorations.”

'Me?' I wondered, my eyes blown wide slightly. “You want me to help decorate for some sort of party?” I questioned. “Why me?”
“It is simple enough. We have some decorations and anything else you need we’ll be able to get as well.” The maid explained. “Unless you want to help out in the kitchen with dinner.”

“No thanks.” I felt like she should know that I won’t be the best decorator because of my colour blindness, however I felt like putting decorations up in a room would be easier than anything else that I’d have to do. “Where do you want me to decorate?”

The woman instructed me to follow before leading me down the hallways, to a large room down the far end of the floor. “This is their hangout.” She explained, letting out a deep breath as she did. “They’ll all be heading here to get drunk after their mission.” The maid then motioned to a closet near the corner of the room and told me the decorations were in there.

At her words I cautiously headed over and opened the door, feeling surprised to see a bunch of random decorations for every holiday you could name from Halloween to Christmas. Balloons, streamers, banners, lights, and anything else you could name were shoved in boxes. “This is a lot,” I said quietly. “I figured that a mafia wouldn’t have time for these sorts of parties.”

“Yeah, they are like a bunch of rowdy school children sometimes.” The maid tutted with a chuckle. I examined them for a moment before glancing back over to her as she continued talking. “I am going to head to the kitchen to work on the food, but I’ll be back in half an hour to check on you.”

I nodded in confirmation as she walked out and then glanced around the room. It wasn’t like any place I’d expect in a mafia, it was on the edge of the mansion with a large glass window which showed the driveway. There were shelves stocked with alcohol behind a bar table, and opposite that were comfortable looking couches, beanbags, and massage chairs, all facing a large tv.

That wasn’t all though, there were arcade cabinets and pool tables too. LED lights were strung around the room, not providing any light because the sun shining through the windows bathed everything in a white glow.

Honestly the whole place made me think of a teenage clubhouse. I allowed myself to admire it for a moment before pulling out a box of decorations to get started. Five minutes passed before I heard the sounds of tires screeching from outside.

I went to glance out the window and immediately fear ran through me as I stumbled back. I didn’t know what was going to happen, however I knew that this couldn’t be good.
1252 words

Oh no, what is going to happen to the beloved Georgie?
Is it Wilbur and Techno here to take him to safety or perhaps it is another mafia who wants to destroy the mansion and everyone in it?

Who knows?

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