Chapter 41: Break in

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Starting off strong for our Wilbur and Techno extremists.
Wilbur POV.

“Are you sure that this is the way that they were coming?” Techno asked, adjusting himself in the driver's seat after having sat in one position for almost an hour. “I thought that you said they’d be here right now.”
“Well that’s what the files George sent me said.” I responded with gritted teeth.

We’d been waiting since dawn in a cruiser that was hidden by bushes. It was a secluded road which few people travelled down so we had assumed that it would be easy to spot them. Unless their route had changed in less than twelve hours they should be here by now.

“Did they know that we knew about their plans?” Techno questioned, and I furrowed my brows as I tried to come up with an answer. ‘Maybe’ was my one-worded response as I went back to looking on my phone, trying to see if there was any information that I had missed. However there was nothing different, nothing I had missed earlier.

I even checked to see if George had messaged me, and I got Techno to do the same, in case he had sent either of us a message with an update about them leaving later, or taking a different route, but there was nothing.

My eyes drifted over to the time. 11:28am. It was getting quite late, according to the schedule that had been among the pictures George sent us; they would be about an hour away from here by now. “We must have missed them,” I eventually concluded, since that was the only logical guess. “They must have taken a different route to what we thought.”

Techno agreed, since there weren’t many other reasons why the mafia wouldn’t be here unless they had known that we’d gotten the information somehow. I sighed as the pinkette started the car, glancing both ways to make sure nobody was coming as he did, then as we began driving I radioed headquarters, informing them that we hadn’t found anything.

After that I radioed the other cars that were parked further down the road, instructing them to return to the precinct, but also to radio if they found anything on the way. I got a couple responses before turning the radio off and turning to look out the window.

Dream POV.

“God I can’t believe we were given fake information. I swear I am going to fucking kill whoever gave us that information and hang his head on my wall.” I balled my fists tightly as I fumed.
“I know that this isn’t good, but there is no need to swear.” Bad responded.

The two of us were sitting in the car and speeding along the quiet streets. Around one hour after we left we realised the information didn’t add up and so we turned around, heading back to the mansion. Everyone was heading back to the mansion via different routes so we didn’t attract much attention.

Aside from myself and Bad in our car, the only other car travelling down this road was the one Sapnap, Punz, and Karl were in. We had gone the quickest route, so as we turned onto the driveway we knew nobody else would be here for a while.

Bad was still driving the car as I grumbled in the seat behind him, but both of our eyes widened as we saw several cars parked in the driveway, none of which we could identify. Immediately he slammed his feet on the brakes and we both jolted forward. Behind us Sapnap did the same thing to the car he was driving, stopping mere inches behind our car.

All of us scrambled to get out, taking in the sight of the unfamiliar cars matched with the silence of our surroundings. Aside from the cars, the only thing out of place was the front door, which was wide open. “Is someone meant to be here that we don’t know about?” Punz questioned, raising a brow. “A plumber or something?”

“Do those look like cars plumbers would drive Punz?" I responded. “Anyway, nobody is supposed to be here, besides a couple of cleaners and George.” As I mentioned the brunette’s name my face paled slightly. Immediately I came to the conclusion that George must have told someone about this, there was no other way, but George had no way of communicating with anyone.

Suddenly a loud crash echoed through the halls, and without a word to each other we all began sprinting inside. Furniture had been thrown around, and there were holes and dents in the wall where somebody must have punched.

“Split up,” I instructed immediately, getting a nod from everyone. “I want you to find everybody who is alive in this place, kill or knock out anyone who is not supposed to be here. Punz, Karl, take the ground floor and work your way up. Sapnap and I will go to the top floor and work our way down. Bad, call the others and get them back here as soon as possible.”

Once again all the group nodded and split up. Myself and the ravenette sprinted over to the stairs, not wanting to go on the elevator in case we were trapped. As we got onto another floor I heard loud laughing and furniture breaking. The two of us exchanged a glance before running in that direction, barely breaking a sweat as we did.

There were two men, a blond and a ravenette, standing in the middle of the room, holding George by the arm and the collar of his shirt, with the brunette shaking rapidly. His breathing was shaky and it was clear he was having a panic attack. In less than a second I had pulled my gun out and began shooting at the pair, being careful not to hit George as I did.

After the bullets started flying George dropped to the ground with a violent quiver running through his body, and very vocal sobs falling from his lips. The entire time my attention was darting between the assholes who had broken in, and the crying boy on the ground.

Eventually we managed to take them down, but I didn’t stop to celebrate our victory even for a moment. Instead I hurried over to George and lifted him up, with his head immediately leaning against my shoulder. “It’s okay,” I hummed quietly, trying to calm him down. “They’re dealt with, you can calm down now Georgie.”

The tone was soft, the exact same one I had used years ago when George had panic attacks as a teenager, and it seems that the brunette in my arms craved that familiarity too, leaning closer to me. I told Sapnap to deal with the two intruders as I took the nearly unconscious Brit to his bedroom and continued to calm him.

I settled on the bed with him curling up beside me and his head moved to rest on my chest, but there were still quiet, scared whimpers coming from him.  “Calm down George,” I spoke in a soft tone. “It’ll be okay, those men are gone. They aren’t going to hurt you.” As I spoke one of my arms wrapped around his waist, holding him closer to me as he nuzzled into my body's warmth.

It felt good to have him in my arms again, despite the situation. Our bodies fit perfectly beside each other, like puzzle pieces. As George drifted off into sleep I began rocking him gently, remembering that that could help calm him instantly, and all the while continuing to whisper reassurances that he’d be okay.
1273 words

1273, down to Rockefeller Street
Life is marchin' on do you feel that
1273, down to Rockefeller Street
Everything is more than surreal (than surreal)

Great song

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