Chapter 35: Italian

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George POV.

I’d put the phone on charge, using the outlet right beside my bed. I had it plugged in and had the phone itself hidden under the bed, with the covers pulled over where the plug was to hide it from anyone who casually walked in.

While I was waiting for Dream, I had been sitting on the end of the bed, holding my foot which hurt a lot since I hadn’t used crutches when standing up earlier. Now I couldn’t use my crutches or Dream would know I had been lying about my foot being okay, and that might make him think I was hiding something else as well which would lead him to my phone.

Those thoughts made the urge to call Officer Soot or Officer Blade much more tempting, however I also wanted to stay and help take these guys down. If I did want a chance to see Clay again after all I’d have to.

Because if I didn’t stay then Dream and his mafia would continue to run free, or at least Dream would because the officers told me that he distanced himself from most of the crimes. If he wasn’t in jail then he’d probably go after me for getting away, which means I would have to leave the country.

So if I want to see Clay then I have to stay with Dream. Stay with Dream while I am working as a fucking housemaid and limping around on an injured ankle. I huffed quietly to myself before standing up, grabbing my crutches at the same time to support my weight. I then glanced at the crutches and put them down, knowing that I couldn’t use it.

A knock appeared on the door, with me limping over to answer it. The blond was standing on the other door, with a couple of bags in his hands. “Hey Dream.” I greeted quietly, stepping sideways so that he could come into the room while wincing slightly at the pain running through my ankle.

“I decided that maybe you need some new clothes,” he stated without looking in my direction as he put all but two of the bags on a desk pushed up against the wall. At his words I leaned over to see what he had gotten, and surprisingly a lot of stuff looked like things that I would wear back in highschool, but I guess that he just didn’t know what to get me.

“Thank you,” I couldn’t help but respond. Then I noticed he was holding two more bags which he caught me glancing at.
“I told you that I’d be bringing you some food.” He stated, handing me one of the bags. “I hope that you like Italian.”

At his words I glanced in the bag, seeing multiple containers of food inside, plus there was whatever was in the second bag of food that Dream was holding. “It’s one of my favourites,” I admitted with a nod before motioning to the two containers. “Why are there two? I can’t eat both of them.”

“One of them is for me,” he responded, making my eyes widen.
“You like eating Italian food too?” I pictured Dream as the kind of guy who prefered steak.
“It’s not my favourite, but I can manage.” He shrugged as he took one of the two containers out of the bag.

The container he grabbed had marker scribbled on the lid, which the blond seemed to glance over before doing anything. They were just letters and symbols reading ‘spgt+mb’ which I guess could be a way of signifying that the food was spaghetti and meatballs. Dream caught me looking and told me that it was something he was used to eating when he was younger.

After hearing that I turned my attention to my own container, which read ‘spgt cbna’. “What’s this one then?” I questioned, because I knew the first word was spaghetti but I didn’t know what the other one was.
“Spaghetti alla Carbonara,” the mafia boss recited. “Seemed like something you’d like.”

At the mention of the name I did get some memory of it, I think that I’d tried it once when I went to an Italian restaurant for Clay’s birthday once. Dream took note of the smile on my face and seemed to take it as me enjoying the food.

Then he motioned to the bag he was carrying. “I also got us both some Focaccia bread, and some Canestrelli cookies for dessert.” All of that felt like a lot, and I can’t imagine that all of the food was cheap. I expected him to just give me whatever bread or cookies he wanted me to have before leaving, however he turned and left without telling me anything.

Once the blond was in the doorway he didn’t move any further. “Are you coming?” He asked me, and I pointed at myself as he asked the question, wondering why he would want me to follow him. “Of course you stupid. I figured you were bored, so do you want to come watch a movie while you eat?”

The offer of a movie sounded like heaven, and I eagerly nodded at the opportunity. For the past few days the only entertainment I had was the one night Karl let me watch movies with him, one book, and the music on my phone. Being able to watch a movie and eat something nice was a foreign feeling.

“Sure,” I grinned, feeling too eager to be able to experience this, even if it was with a mafia boss. He motioned for me to follow him before beginning to walk down one of the long hallways of the mansion.

There was silence between us as we walked, until he eventually opened a door in a secluded part of the mansion which was an indoor cinema. He walked into the cinema and pulled over a table which was at the corner of the room over to the middle, directly in front of some of the seats.

Dream motioned for me to sit next to him and I reluctantly did, setting my food on the table and settling down next to him. “What do you want to watch?” He asked as he piled his food onto the table from the bag, and passed me a knife and fork.
“I’m fine with anything.” I replied, not wanting to say or do anything to upset him.

I tried not to look at him as he put a movie on, however I couldn’t help but glance at the blond’s face as he lifted his mask slightly to eat. Then I diverted my attention to the food and the film. The food made me smile because it reminded me of the dinner I had had with Clay, and if I thought hard enough I could imagine that it was him beside me instead of the mafia boss.
1254 words

It's too bad that Clay isn't there with George, and that it is only some scary mafia boss.

But isn't it strange that this mafia boss lives in the same city and country Clay lived in, buys George nice clothes and nice food, gives George a large bedroom, refuses to kill him, wants to see him in a maid dress, and thinks about him naked in the shower.

Almost like Dream and Clay both know George.

Must mean that Clay is Sapnap, and that Dream is trying to set them up on a date.
Only logical explanation.

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