Chapter 16: Lives

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George POV.

My legs hurt, the scraped off skin meant that if literally anything brushed against it, a sharp pain would go shooting through my leg. Dream had carried me up to my room a couple of hours ago and I had been alone since then, feeling hungry and tired but not being able to fall asleep or have something to eat to help with the problem.

To keep myself entertained I wandered around the room, trying to find anything to do however everything was bare. There was nothing inside any of the drawers or on any of the shelves, and it was the same in the closet and the ensuite bathroom too.

Another thing was that the TV wasn’t working. The remote wasn’t anywhere I could find and the buttons on the side of the screen didn’t do anything either, probably had been deactivated by Dream or his hackers somehow.

There was a balcony too, which overlooked the garden Karl had taken me down to earlier (I still didn’t know if Karl was his real name or not). A large set of glass doors would lead me out to it, and I could even find a way to get down into the garden from there. But it wouldn’t work because the door wasn’t unlocked, it would only be too easy if it had been.

I had tried to find other ways to entertain myself once or twice, digging through my suitcase which had been up here when I arrived. My computer, phone, headphones, wallet, keys, and my chargers had all gone. The only thing that was any form of entertainment was the pack of cards my mother had given me, but I got bored of solitaire fairly quickly.

After that, my next form of entertainment began decorating the bedroom. Most of my stuff to decorate with was in boxes that had been sent to my apartment, however I did have a couple of photos of my friends and family which I thought to bring in my suitcase, and since I was staying here for who knows how long, it would be nice to have them.

On the small bedside table I allowed myself to put up some photos. There was one of my mother and father, another with the same thing however it also had me standing between them, and a couple more of other cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents from years ago. I didn’t personally want to bring those ones, they were my mothers idea.

The ones I put at the front though were of my friends, most of which had been taken years ago when I was a highschool student. Pictures of myself, Clay, and Nick, hanging out, along with some of our other friends such as Darryl.

The one that was front and centre though was of me and Clay on the day of our graduation. It was just before I told him that I was moving to the UK, luckily though you couldn’t see how upset I felt about it from my expression. I was beaming at the photo that my mother had taken.

Clay and I were just wearing casual clothes, since it was before we got changed. The two of us had wide smiles as the blond stood beside me with his arm around my waist and his chin resting on top of my hair which, according to him, was the softest thing in the world. His hands were resting on my chest and my hands were on top of them, holding them gently.

Nick had been the one to take the photo of the two of us, and in return Clay had taken a photo of the ravenette and a girl called Stephanie he had been seeing at the time. I didn’t really know the girl that well, the day the photo was taken was the first and last time I actually met her, and I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to her, and what happened to the relationship.

Part of me hoped that Nick had married her, from what I saw Stephanie was nice, and she already had a job with the local news station. But another part of me didn’t want him to get married to her. As selfish as it was, I hated the thought that one of my best friends got married without me being around.

And the fact that it was my fault that this was all happening also sucked because I was the one to cut off all contact after all. I might have been invited to his wedding if I hadn’t blocked the ravenette’s number. I might have been invited to Clay’s wedding too if he had gotten married, and Darryl’s too. If they had gotten married.

So that’s what I ended up doing to pass the time, setting myself down on my bed and wondering what my friends' lives were like. It hurt me to think of all the possibilities I could have missed out on, however it was the only thing that I could really do. And besides, thinking about what could have happened and what I might see when I eventually got out of here did make me smile.

Currently, I had come up with the idea that Nick had married that girl and they had a daughter, and that he worked at the news station with his wife. Darryl would be a doctor or a nurse at the very least, wanting to help as many people as he could, and he wouldn’t have children of his own; however, he would be a godfather to Nick’s daughter, and he would also own a dog or cat.

Clay had been the hardest one to come up with a life for, mainly because I didn’t want anything in his life to have changed. For example I had one idea that he had graduated and then became a teacher engaged to a woman who would work at the hospital (Darryl introduced him), and another one where he was a bartender, dating another man who worked at the same bar as him.

Neither of these felt right though and so eventually I just figured it was easier for me to give up and laid back on my bed. As much as I hated to admit it, I was hungry, and my legs were still sore from when the skin got scraped off after I pissed Dream off earlier. There was no first aid kit in the bedroom though, and I wasn’t in the mood to beg for either of those things.

So I figured the easiest thing for me to do to get through the hunger I felt was to just sleep through it, curling up on my side under the warm covers. My mind stayed focused on what my friends’ lives could be, since that fantasy was less grim than my reality.

If I behaved for the mafia while I paid off my parents debt though, and I didn’t complain or try to escape, maybe I could talk Dream into helping me track Clay, Nick, and Darryl down. If I could find where they lived then I could meet up with them again, and if I could meet up with them again, I could also meet up with Clay again.

There was just a small glimmer of hope inside of me, and I couldn’t help but smile as I curled up in a ball and tried to fall asleep.
1339 words

I want to say this now before it becomes too much of an issue. Sapnap, doesn't like to be referred to as Nick by people who are not his friends/family.

The only reason I will refer to him as Nick (and I won't go out of my way to do it all the time), is because George can't have any clue to connect Sapnap the mafia worker to his old friend.

Didn't know how else I could refer to Sapnap so just went with occasionally calling him that.

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