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Woo story if finally over, one week before Christmas.

Today is also the final day for double uploads for King of the Cell, which is kind of similar to this with a criminal Dream and a George that's also there. So feel free to check it out after reading this.

First times I've done this type of thing with the epilogue, might do it again if this one goes well and if it suits story of course. Could become a signature of my work.
Just write what happens to some of the characters (both major characters and minor characters) after the main part of the story.

Anyway, enjoy

In the months that followed after Dream got arrested a lot has happened. Files were found in the blond’s office at the hotel, they detailed the lives of a bunch of members of the mafia, along with business partners and people who have borrowed money, all of which are being tracked down by the police.

Every couple of days there’d be new announcements over who was arrested, and what their sentence was. One day it was Dream’s lawyers, getting a total of seven years each in prison for their involvement in covering up crimes over the years. The next week it might be a group of smugglers who brought weapons and drugs into the country, each receiving ten years for that.

The trials that had taken the longest though, were the ones that involved high ranking members of the mafia, including Sapnap (who’s real name was revealed to be Nick Armstrong), Karl Jacobs, BadBoyHalo (who’s real name was revealed to be Darryl Noveschosch), and Dream himself (who’s real name was revealed to be Clay Smith).

All of the trials were taking so long because the high ranking members were quite good at keeping their names out of the dirt. Because of this, it was taking lawyers and detectives months to figure out what they were involved with and responsible for.

Out of the highest ranking members, Dream was only one sentenced with him receiving a life sentence, with chance of parole after serving twenty years.

However there was one person yet to receive a sentence that was more difficult to place than everybody else. And that person was Dream’s fiance, George Davidson.

He had been kidnapped in L’manburg, but because of the fact that George and Dream were engaged it is speculated that the entire kidnapping story was faked for them to meet up. It did make more sense to police than the brunette coming to L’manburg, getting kidnapped, and getting engaged to his kidnapper in about three months.

The main issue was the fact that Dream and other members of the mafia were saying that George was forced to do everything that he did, including lying to the police on several occasions. Police however, do not believe most of this.

Whatever has and has not been proven over this court case, it didn’t matter because Clay Smith and George Davidson have received permission from the court to get married and have a honeymoon before being sentenced.

It is meant to be a small wedding (in terms of people invited) in an undisclosed location with police surveillance from outside the church, with rules being discussed about what the two were allowed in terms of guests, bachelor parties, and other things. The location of the honeymoon will also have police surveillance, however the exact details of that are also yet to be discussed.

In the most recent discussion about the event it was decided on the date, with the court allowing two weeks for the entirety of the wedding to happen (including last minute shopping, photoshoots, bachelor parties, the wedding itself, and the honeymoon). The weeks chosen were June 1st through to June 15th.

All ‘dirty’ money earned by Dream was taken by police, leaving over $780,000 dollars thus far (with more money being traced to Dream in offshore accounts every day). The L’manburg mafia is an organisation that has earnt billions, and 95% is dirty money, leaving at the very least an estimated 3.4 billion in an account for Dream.

The couple is currently planning on spending $400,000 dollars on a massive dream wedding and honeymoon before the two of them went to prison. Dream also announced he’s putting the rest of his money being found in an account for George when he’s released from prison, so that the brunette can live the rest of his life comfortably.

Currently Dream and George are searching for a place to have their honeymoon. George is wanting a week at a tropical island, meanwhile Dream is attempting to negotiate for the wedding and bachelor parties to happen before the 2nd, then have a twelve day luxury cruise around many different islands.

So far, no company they have looked into is willing to allow them to stay for their honeymoon because of Dream’s history. As per the L’manburg government's agreement in the wedding, they are attempting to negotiate with several companies to come to an agreement, however no money offered yet has been approved.

After the announcement of Dream and George’s wedding, two other prominent members of the mafia Sapnap and Karl Jacobs, have both made similar requests to Dream and George, asking for a wedding before the two of them are sent to prison. Although their request hasn’t been allowed yet, it is believed they will have the same rules that the other couple had.

Casino owner and notable businessman Quackity has been brought to trial for his connections with Dream. He has several connections with crime organisations throughout L’manburg but has managed to come away with only a fine of 5.4 million dollars. This fine created no impact however his reputation has been slightly damaged.

Quackity's donated money is meant to be circled back to the community, with different parts of the city spending their fraction of the money on something different. Places included are a youth centre, a retirement home, a community garden, and a sports centre. Quackity also announced the opening of another club following the closure of his main one, although it is estimated to not have the popularity he expects.

Other members of Dream’s mafia, including criminals with code names Sam, Punz, Foolish, and Eret, are still on the run. It is believed that the named group along with several others are attempting to get as much money out of the mafia’s accounts before police in order to reform the group. Without Dream as the leader however, it is suspected that this will create a power vacuum and fail.

Many of Dream’s connections have been tracked down by authorities, however one of the many still at large is a thief for hire referred to as Skeppy. From what information has been found it is shown that Skeppy has strong connections with BadBoyHalo, based on an unknown source of information it is believed that Skeppy is attempting to locate Bad and break him out.

The two cops that were the main investigators in the mafia, Officer Wilbur Soot, and Officer Techno Blade, have both been promoted to Sergeants after the arrests were made. Both of them, along with their Captain, Captain Philza Minecraft, have made many appearances on news and talk shows throughout L’manburg.

After the success of the three year long mission to take down the L’manburg mafia, Sergeant Techno Blade and Captain Philza Minecraft formed a task force to attempt to infiltrate other gangs, mafias, and crime rings worldwide. The gang is referred to as the Syndicate and current members include Officer Nihachu, Detective Connor EatsPants, and an undercover operative referred to by the code name ‘Ranboo’.

Sergeant Wilbur Soot began dating a woman called Sally O’Conner, a half Irish, half British songwriter, who shares a similar love of music to him. Five months after the pair started dating they announced they were expecting a son, due in October. Sergeant Wilbur Soot was also offered a role in the ‘Syndicate’ task force but turned it down to spend time with his girlfriend.
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And that is it for the story. I hope that you all have enjoyed, and if you have then feel free to check out some of my other work.

Have a nice day/night everyone.

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