Chapter 9: Toast

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The best breakfast, lunch, and dinner for lazy people 😁.

Also George's vlog of the Dream Team meeting up is cool
Karl POV.

Before I went to see the brunette Dream wanted me to keep an eye on, I headed to the kitchen to get him some food. I figured that he was probably hungry, but since I didn’t know what he liked so I just went for a couple of slices of jam on toast, along with a bottle of juice and water, if he didn’t like the toast or the drinks I’ll get him something else.

Then I had to balance the three things on a small tray as I went up a couple of floors in the elevator, heading to where Sapnap and I had set up the bedroom earlier. Nobody was around today either, since it was a weekend the majority of people were out doing their own thing.

Just as I rounded the corner to the bedroom, I saw Sam stepping out of the door. He seemed agitated, or pissed, and I raised an eyebrow in confusion as I walked over to him.  “Sam… what are you doing out here?” I questioned, causing him to turn and look at me with a surprised expression on his face.. “Didn’t Dream tell you to keep an eye on that guy in there?”

“Dream did.” Sam replied, still seeming annoyed. I knew that he always liked to handle big, nearly impossible tasks, and having to look after an unconscious boy was probably not something he enjoyed. “But he is having a freak out and it wasn’t my problem. You can deal with it now.”

Then he walked off, as though nothing was wrong. I muttered a couple harsh words directed at him, then nudged open the bedroom door, my gaze softening as I saw the brunette curled up on the bed sobbing.

Don’t get me wrong, I worked for the mafia, I was often one for brutal torture and stuff like that, but just seeing him in here, confused, scared, and crying made me feel pity. But my pity was replaced with worry, after watching for a couple of moments it dawned on me, the seriousness of what was going on.

I had never witnessed a panic attack, or had one myself, which is probably why it took so long for me to realise what it was. However I had heard about what it was like; the shortness of breath, the shaking, muscles tensing, crying, sobbing, trembling. All of which the brunette was doing right in front of me.

“Shit,” I muttered quietly as I tried to decide what I should do. He’d probably freak out more if I approached him, seeing as I was working with the mafia and he was kidnapped. He’d probably pass out if I left him. So what did that leave me to do?

After listening to him sob for a couple more moments I decided it would be best if I approached him, slowly though, so I don’t seem like much of a threat. I set the tray down on a table by the door, before walking slowly over to the bed. His tear filled gaze met mine, but he didn’t do anything.

I took the fact that he didn’t back away from me, or try to move away from me in any form, as a good one. Continuing the rest of the way I sat on the side of the bed I smiled softly at him, watching as he stared at me cautiously.

Honestly I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to help, but I moved closer to him and just started rubbing circles on his back, hoping that they were comforting him in some way. For a moment the boy tensed up, but slowly seemed to relax. His shaking slowed and his breathing levelled out.

“Are you okay?” I questioned, once he seemed fine again. Just to make him slightly more comfortable I had moved my hand again so it was no longer on his back. He seemed nervous to answer, but eventually just gave me a nod, which made me smile. “That’s good, now, are you feeling hungry?”

“Why do you care?” He murmured, although it sounded like a grumble. “You kidnapped me. You shouldn’t care if I’m hungry or not.”
My expression saddened at his words. “Well- uhh…” He probably wouldn’t listen to whatever I said, since after all he was right. I didn’t kidnap him, but I worked for the guy who did.

Eventually I huffed before giving a small smile. “I don't want to hurt you. All you have to do is work off your debt, then you get to go home.”
“So you kidnapped me to make me work off debt? Was it really that hard to hire a cleaner that you are forcing me to do that?” The brunette asked.

“I’m not exactly sure why the boss wanted to do this, or why to keep you alive, but you should consider yourself lucky. Nobody else gets this opportunity.”
“That makes me feel so much better. I am an exception when it comes to a mafia boss. I am so lucky.” He responded sarcastically.

I cleared my throat, deciding to change the conversation. “My name is Karl by the way,” I didn’t know whether or not it was the best idea that I told him my real name, however maybe having a friend here would help him. Even though he didn’t tell me if he was hungry or not I brought over the food for him, just in case he decided to eat.

Sapnap had told me his name was George, if I remembered correctly, but I wasn’t going to go calling him that until he told me his name himself. I didn’t want to appear creepy. So when I set the tray down beside him, George glanced at me cautiously, probably thinking I had spiked the toast and the drinks with drugs or something.

“It’s not drugged,” I told him, although I knew how believable that sounded. “If you don’t want to eat it though I am sure I could end up taking you down to the kitchen so you could make yourself something.” The Brit still seemed sceptical, however now he reluctantly grabbed one slice of toast and took a small bite of the corner, just to test it.

He seemed satisfied as he continued, and I took a step back while trying to avoid seeming creepy and staring at him while he was eating. To keep myself entertained I was on my phone, texting Sapnap mainly and talking about George, just wanting to know why the ravenette knew so much about him already.

When I finally looked over at the brunette again he had finished his food, so I walked back over to move the plates away and asked if he wanted to go outside for some fresh air. Dream might be pissed at me for taking him outside, but as long as I kept an eye on him then I was doing what the blond was telling me to do and he can’t get mad.

George nodded desperately, probably wanting out of the room he had a panic attack in about ten minutes prior. I gave him a grin as he stood up and I motioned for him to follow me. The two of us walked down the stairs, and into the sunlight of the afternoon.
1259 words

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