Chapter 26: escaped

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Dream POV.

“So why exactly are you turning up unannounced to bother me Quackity?” I questioned, “surely if you had to do something that required my help you could have called in advance.”
“I know this is shocking, but we are old school friends, Dream. And I just need to have a little favour.”

“What would that be?” I responded, raising an eyebrow from under my mask.
Quackity smiled at my invite to an explanation before giving me one. “My casino is hosting a large party tomorrow evening, some of the richest people in the city will be there and I wanted to ask if you would be able to provide some of that rare alcohol and high quality drugs you get.”

“I think that I could organise that,” I eventually nodded. “What do I get in return though, that’s the only question.” I asked, knowing that he often offered up a range of different forms of payment, and feeling slightly curious as to what that would be today.

“How about you come to the party tomorrow evening?” The gambler offered. “I can get you VIP tickets, make sure you get the first choice of everything that we have on offer that evening.”
“That sounds interesting. I haven’t gotten to have a night out in a while. On the condition that my men do get to come too of course.” And he agreed with me, mimicking the words ‘of course’.

“Now, can we drink to celebrate?” He went on to ask, leaning back in his chair and moving the cigarette he had been smoking away from his lips as he puffed it out.
“Of course, let me just-” I paused as my phone started ringing, and took a moment to glance at the screen and see who was calling me.

Karl’s name flashed on the screen, and I knew that I had to answer because he was keeping an eye on George and knowing how George had been acting… well.
“I have to take this,” I said. “Excuse me for a minute.”

Quackity nodded in understanding and I stepped out of the room before answering. “Karl. Is everything okay, why are you calling?”
“George has escaped!” The brunette responded, panting lightly into the phone as I heard the sound of something rustling around him.

“Shit,” I murmured, immediately starting to swiftly pace through, wanting to get to wherever George had last been as soon as possible. “Where are you Karl?”
“In the backyard.” He answered. “George climbed a tree and then used that to get over the fence. I wasn’t paying attention to him, I’m sorry.”

“Apologise later,” I instructed. “Call the rest of the guys and get them to start looking and I’ll join you all doing that in a minute.” The brunette on the other line answered with a quick ‘yes Dream’ before I hung up and began heading towards the large garage connected to the main part of the mansion.

We kept a lot of cars in there; flash cars like my Lamborghini and Ferrari, old classics such as some Rolls Royce and Jaguars, and some undercover cars that we kept around just in case we needed them. Along with those, there were also other vehicles such as motorbikes, quad bikes, and jet skis.

I went with a dark green quad bike, deciding that when I caught George it would be safer to have him on a four wheeled vehicle than a two wheeled vehicle, since he could get quite violent when he was upset. I grabbed the key for the quad and revved the ignition before driving out of the garage, the small bike being able to zoom past the larger ones without bumping into them.

In mere seconds I had sped out of the driveway to the mansion and looped around so I drove to the back wall surrounding the mistake. Karl was standing there awkwardly, an expression of equal guilt and worry plain on his face. “Hey Dream,” he muttered quietly, stammering or tripping up on those two words multiple times as he fidgeted with his fingers without making eye contact.

“Have you informed the others of what has happened with George?” I asked, having gotten off the bike a few moments prior to this as I walked the last fifteen feet of distance between us.
“Yes I have,” he told me, nodding eagerly. “I called Sam, Sapnap, Punz, and a couple of the other guys. They should be all coming out to check now.”

“Good,” I hummed, glancing around at the trees in the area with my eyebrows furrowing when I saw they were all too closely packed together for me to safely drive the quad bike through. “I want you to take the quad bike,” I instructed, turning to the brunette. “Go up to the street and just drive back and forth to see if he’s walking anywhere near there.”

Without waiting a second to even think about what I asked of him he did as he was told, probably feeling bad for losing George in the first place. For a couple moments I watched silently as Karl mounted the bike before it sped off and he disappeared around a corner. Loud roaring from the engine quickly died down and so I turned my attention towards the tree line.

Slowly, I walked towards it, my gaze darting back and forth for any sign of where the brunette had gone. It seemed like there was nothing, and I was immediately filled with worry and dread regarding George’s safety, instead of being angry about the fact he jumped the fence, which just so happened to be twelve feet tall.

Just as I was about to give up and keep walking I noticed something. A footprint was pressed into the dirt, nearly unnoticeable. I chuckled softly as I walked down in that direction, before glancing further ahead. I could barely see the brunette in the distance.

He appeared to be limping, and I sighed before following after him. Since I was uninjured I managed to close the distance between us quickly and he didn’t notice that I was getting close to him.

Once I was about ten feet from the brunette I cleared my throat and he instantly tensed up before glancing over his shoulder and spotting me. George’s eyes quickly opened and he muttered a swear word under his breath before backing away from me, acting as though I was some sort of animal instead of a mafia boss.

Before he could get too far he stumbled over a root, falling backwards and landing on the rough dirt. Immediately I grabbed him, wincing slightly as I saw the scrapes he had over his legs and hands, and the brunette immediately began struggling. “Let me go!.” He yelled, attempting to kick me despite the awkward position he was being held in.

“Once you’ve paid off your debt, which so far you have not done.” I responded, before grabbing his hands as he attempted to hit me. I just rolled my eyes from under my mask as I began the ten minute walk back towards the mansion.
1207 words.

We still don't know what George will do I once he that's inside. Or do we?

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