Chapter 65: What happened next

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Hi. Your great and glorious lord of smut has returned!

I did what I do best and write smut. Also everyone here read my smut stories on my account EZRAisTHEBEST or I will go onto 4's account and delete everything.

Okay onto the part where Dream and George create Dream Jr and George Jr with there mega gayness and horniness.

Can be scary sometimes
George POV.
Smut warning

My hands gripped tighter in Clay’s hair as we fought for dominance with our tongues. The blond eventually gave up and allowed me control, although I am pretty sure it was only because it was still my birthday. So I pushed my tongue into his mouth, beginning to explore it, remembering and savouring every second.

The blond’s hands were on my waist, and gently pulled me onto his lap as we continued making out. His hands trailed over my body before eventually moving to the knot which secured the bathrobe. Clay pulled away from the kiss and took a couple of deep breaths before asking the question in a sensual tone.

“Do you mind if I take this off?” He asked, one hand holding the knot, and the other pressed against the small of my back while he waited for an answer. I nodded at him before feeling him move his hand off of my back and beginning to undo the knot relatively easily.

When the blond had finished untying the robe, his hands slipped under it and began tracing over my skin, making me shiver. Clay’s hands moved up to my shoulder, if he moved the robe from there it would expose me, since I wasn’t wearing anything underneath. The blond just looked over at me, waiting for a sign of confirmation.

I nodded at him, before pulling the blond closer and burying my nose in his hair. A content hum vibrated through my chest as I smelt his hair, it was the same shampoo that he had used back when we dated as teens, and I’d come to crave the scent over the course of our relationship.

As I found myself enjoying the most peculiar parts of my ex-boyfriend he’d slipped the robe off of my shoulders. I resisted the urge to blush as he pulled the bathrobe over to the side and admired my body, taking a second to look me up and down before beginning to press soft kisses to my chest, trailing down to the faint ab lines.

“George, oh my god you're so hot.” His voice was sounding so attractive, and it made my breath hitch before I pressed my body forward, closer to where he was kissing.
“Clay.” I whined. “Please, I want you.” My voice was a hushed whisper as I said that, barely audible enough for anyone to hear so it was lucky I was near his ear when I spoke.

He pulled away from me to glance over at the clock on the far wall by the fireplace. “It’s thirteen minutes to midnight.” I glanced down at him as he said that. “Maybe I could give you one last present for your birthday.” He teased me.

I let out an excited whimper before nuzzling into his hair some more. The blond’s hands rested on my upper back as he lowered me down onto the covers. Velvet sheets enveloped me as I was laid down gently. Clay looked over me with a warm smile, as though I was the most precious thing on the planet.

“Am I allowed to do this George?” Clay asked. “I want to make sure that you are absolutely comfortable with this.” I nodded, my eyes fluttering because the light behind his face made him glow. “Can I have words sweetheart. Just to make extra sure.”
“I’m okay with this.” I answered.

The blond pressed one short, appreciative kiss to my forehead before moving out of my line of sight and I heard his footsteps moving further away. In a state of confusion I sat up, looking around to find where the mafia boss had gone, before he reappeared into the room, coming from the door beside the TV and fireplace, the one that I hadn’t seen inside yet.

“You can lie back down darling,” he said as he approached me. “I just needed to grab something from in there.” I nodded weakly, trusting his words and also wanting to be able to rest against the comfortable sheets again. A moment after I’d gotten comfortable Clay was back at my side and gave another kiss to my forehead.

“What did you grab?” I asked quietly, attempting to sit back up and have a look, but his gentle hands held me there.
“It’s okay,” he reassured. “It’s just to make this more comfortable for you okay? I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

After getting me to settle back down his hands trailed down between my legs, nudging them apart softly. “This might feel a bit uncomfortable to start with.” He told me, as a loud ‘pop’ was heard from beside him. “It’s just so I don’t accidentally hurt you.”
“I know Clay.” I replied with an eye roll. “We’ve had this conversation before… many times.”

“How could I forget?” He chuckled, a few sharp breaths fell from his lips before I felt fingers pressing up against my rim. “Tell me if you want me to stop or slow down.” I nodded at him before lowering my head down fully and staring at the ceiling. I’ve been through this several times in the past, but I still tensed up as I waited in anticipation for something to happen.

Suddenly two fingers gently thrust into me, making me gasp from the suddenness, however it didn’t hurt in any way. At the most it just made my breathing hitch and my legs tense up. I could tell the blond’s eyes were on me, waiting to see my reaction, and when I nodded as a way of showing I was ready, he started to gently thrust his fingers in, scissoring and curling them both.

Very quickly after thrusting in the two fingers he added a third and a forth, after making sure I was alright between each one. My legs were pressing against his face which made him beam, seeing as he had always enjoyed having my legs (or any part of my body) wrapped around him.

“Clay~” I whined after a decent amount of time. “Hurry. Please. I need you.”
“Are you stretched enough?” The blond responded, wanting to make sure that I was okay before he did anything else. I nodded, before adding a small ‘yes… please’ since I knew that he would want verbal confirmation.

“How can I say no to the birthday boy?” He smiled in response, sitting up slightly. “Especially when you are asking so nicely.” After the words left his mouth he pulled his fingers out of me, and I whined while sitting up, even though I knew it had to be done. The blond just looked at me apologetically before I laid back reluctantly.

Several long moments passed with my heart rate feeling like it was quadrupling in speed every second that I waited, up until I felt something prodding against my hole again. “Clay?” I questioned in the most whiny tone possible.
“Are you sure that you want me to do this George?” He questioned one last time.

“Please Clay. I want you now. I want-” I begged, before being cut off as Clay quickly thrusted into me while simultaneously biting marks into my neck. Immediately I let out a moan as my muscles relaxed and he waited for me to get settled.
“Nod when you’re ready for me to move,” he instructed.

After a couple of moments I did exactly that, causing an instant reaction. Clay started gently, beginning by peppering soft kisses against my face, neck, and chest as he slowly bucked his hips into me.  Quickly though, he began to lose control of himself, it had been seven years since we’d been together, and seven years since we’d done anything physically.

The kisses became more desperate, mixed in with gentle bite marks that made my brain short-circuit, and his thrusts went deeper, making the knot in my stomach tighten. “God… Clay~” I moaned out louder, my voice quivering in the middle of my sentence as he found my prostate. “Feels~ feels~”  I trailed off as I couldn’t find a way to describe the pleasure.

He began directing his thrusts at the bundle of nerves which had thrown me off in the middle of my sentence, wanting to make me whimper out again. Each thrust had enough force to shake the grand double bed and made my eyes glaze over from the pleasure. Slowly my mind was becoming hazy as I felt myself getting closer to the edge.

The blond seemed to notice that, grabbing my erect cock which was dripping with precum and beginning to stroke it. I mewled out words that weren’t completely understandable as the knot continued to tighten in my stomach. I babbled out words, begging the blond to let me cum, and with a small nod I got his permission and released over both of our chests.
1546 words.

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