Chapter 30: Drinks

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New characters this chapter 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Do you think 13 shock face emojis are enough? Or do I need to add more.
Dream POV.

George had looked humiliated before we left the mansion, and as the car slowed to a stop in front of a brightly illuminated casino that feeling seemed to have multiplied. The moment the car slowed to a stop Karl and Sapnap hopped out, with both of them eager to lay back and relax with some hard drugs and booze.

I looked beside me and saw him fidgeting with his fingers. “George, come on. We can’t sit in here the entire evening.”
“But there are so many people here,” the brunette muttered awkwardly. “If they see me weak wouldn’t it be easy to be kidnapped or killed?”

“They won’t touch you as long as I am beside you, okay?” I reassured him, because God knows that I would never leave him alone in a place like this.
“You will be beside me the whole night though, right?” He asked cautiously.
“Of course.” I smiled. “Now, are you ready to go?”

Reluctantly the brunette nodded, and so I helped him out of the car, watching as he began hobbling on his crutches with my arm wrapped around his waist keeping him close. Several people glanced over at us as we walked in, however the moment that I turned to look in their directions they turned away.

George’s gaze was downcast the entire time and I directed him over to the bar, figuring that he would want a drink of some sort. He set the crutch down on the floor in front of the barstool and then sat on it while I stood beside him.

“What would you two like to drink?” A bartender questioned. He examined me with bright green eyes, framed by glasses and a white shirt along with a pair of suspenders. Some bright green slime was covering his shirt which I ignored
“Just something strong,” George murmured. “I don’t want to remember anything happening tonight.”

“Sounds fair enough,” the bartender nodded. “And what about you?” He continued when he turned his attention to me.
“I’ll just take the same.” I told him before giving a nod in response. He turned and went to make us some drinks when a man went to stand on the other side of the brunette.

“Bartender, can you get me a vodka.” He asked in a monotone voice, causing both of us to glance over at him.
“Of course,” the bartender nodded, not moving his gaze away from the drinks he was making.

He was dressed flashy in a suit with a red cape that matched his red eyes draped over his shoulders and long pink hair tied behind his back. George shifted awkwardly over to me, not wanting to be close to the other man who didn’t seem to notice what he was doing.

Our drinks were slid over to us, and George eagerly grabbed it and began downing it, barely pausing for any air. The only time he stopped was when the glass was finally empty and he placed it back down in front of him before glancing over at me. I hadn’t even touched my drink yet, and he blinked over at me with his big round eyes before casually asking if he could drink it.

“Are you sure?” I cautiously responded. “This stuff is quite strong, and you drank it like it was water.” The man with the pink hair was watching us, listening in on the conversation and with a smirk on his face which made it seem as though he was impressed by how quickly the brunette downed his drink.

“I’ll be fine, and you haven’t had any yet. Please-” As he said that I grabbed my glass and lifted my mask slightly, taking a sip as a sign of no.
For a couple moments the brunette pouted before changing his demeanour instantly and asking the bartender for another one.

“Don’t give him one,” I instructed between another sip, just as the man was about to grab George’s glass from him. “I don’t want him to get drunk too quickly.”
“Hey I’m better with alcohol then you give me credit for,” he responded. “It makes it so much easier to get good at it when the drinking age is eighteen, unlike here where it’s twenty one.”

I watched the pink haired man chuckle as George stared at me. At first I had considered the fact that the brunette was already drunk, even though he’d only drunk about 300mL, but there was a look of sobriety in his eyes which made it clear he was in control.

“You can have another drink later George,” I reassured the brunette as I emptied my glass. “Why don’t we go and talk to some people, or go and dance?” He huffed lightly at the two suggestions, since I had ruined his plan to get shit-faced drunk and be able to forget this entire evening.

“I guess we could go find Sapnap and Karl,” he muttered, and I smiled under my mask, even though it hurt me to see how sad he appeared, but this was to look after him.
“But can I go to the bathroom first?” He continued on, glancing over at the brightly lit sign for the bathroom which was opposite us.

“Go ahead,” I nodded, knowing that he was at least smart enough to avoid trying to escape in this place. He gave a weary smile as he slid off of the stool and grabbed his crutch before hobbling off. People glanced at him as he walked with his head low, but then they noticed me watching them and turned away.

“Is he your date?” The man with the pink hair asked once he was gone. I glanced over with an eyebrow raised, not that he could see, as I silently questioned what he was talking about. “Sorry for intruding on your privacy or anything, just I’m aware of you and your work and have never seen you have a partner or anything.”

“He is not my date.” I responded. “The two of us just know each other, and he was invited so we came here together.”
He hummed in acknowledgement before asking for another drink from the bartender, then he turned back to me. “You could have fooled me. You seem quite protective of him.”

“Well of course,” I smiled from under my mask. “He is injured and I don’t want him to get hurt by any of these assholes, especially since I know some of the shit these people would be into.”
“Some of these guys are truly horrifying.” The man agreed, brushing a strand of his pink hair out of his face as he went to take a sip of his new drink.

“Dream!” A loud voice suddenly pulled us out of the conversation, causing both me and the pink haired male to turn and look in the direction.
“Hello Quackity,” I smiled in response, feeling glad because he wanted to see me, and now that he knows I've been here I could leave whenever I wanted.

“Are you enjoying the party so far?” He asked me, and I gave a nod in response, answering with a small nod and a couple words about how it’s been fun so far. “Good,” he beamed brightly at me. “And where is George? Is he enjoying the party also?”

“Oh he just went to the bathroom, he’ll be back in a couple of moments.” I informed Quackity, my gaze drifting back over in that direction he had left.
“Then I’ll wait to talk to him, if you don’t mind.” The casino owner stated as he sat down in the empty stool beside me, the one that George hadn’t been sitting in.
1337 words

Oh nevermind, the characters are boring and probably forgettable. Don't know why I added them

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