Chapter 51: Lies

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Techno POV.

“Anyway,” I continued, listening quietly to each little vocal cue George was giving in this conversation; each gasp, each breath, each gulp, each muddled-up attempt to make a comment. “The police have decided to finally take Dream down. We are planning a raid on his home on the second of November, so be ready before then.”

“The second of November?” He asked after a couple of seconds, his voice low and sounding disappointed. “But that’s the day after my birthday.”
“Is it?” I asked, a grin growing on my face as I had known that piece of information already, but my tone still made it sound like I was shocked by this bit of information.

On the other end of the call George made a little ‘mhm’ sound, with his tone of voice still sounding disappointed. My grin was still there as I moved the phone away from my ear so that George couldn’t hear what I was saying and grinned over at Wilbur.

The brunette officer was leaning against the edge of my desk in my private office, because being one of the best cops in the precinct earned you the luxury of privacy. He’d been listening to my end of the call, but because the call was bugged he’d be able to go play back the other end of the call and listen to George’s side of the conversation right after this.

“Just as you predicted,” I hummed, leaning back in my chair and pulling my phone even further from my ear. “He’s pointed out the fact that the ‘raid’ on his home is right after his birthday.”
“Told you he would.” The other officer responded. “Now keep going, we need to wrap this up.”

I nodded, moving the phone back up to my ear and putting on a sympathetic, softer voice than I had had earlier. “We didn’t realise this when we planned it. I am talking to Wilbur right now and we can move the date of the raid forward so that you can be home with your family before your twenty sixth-birthday.”

“No need.” He reassured me quickly, honestly surprising me by his suddenness. “You’ve already planned everything out. I can wait a few more days until I celebrate my birthday. It’s not like twenty-six is a big thing.” It was clear that the thought of him still being with the mafia for his birthday did make him upset.

“Okay,” I responded. “Well I have to go. We have a big drug bust that I am a part of.” I lied, since drug cases were not part of my job, I focused on bigger things ranging from government corruption through to gang related crimes. Sure, both did often involve drugs and drug related crimes (especially gangs), but it wasn’t my main focus.

I hung up on the brunette and set down my cell phone. It was just a basic phone that I’d be able to ditch at any point in time. There was always a chance that Dream’s mafia, or any other big mafia, had bugged the phone in my office, or my personal phone. This was both for the point of secrecy, and for George’s safety.

“So, did you get anything useful?” Wilbur asked, approaching me from where he had been a few feet away until he was standing right beside me, his chest being at level with my face.
“Not really,” I replied, glancing up so I was meeting with his face rather than his torso. “Only that he was upset about the fact our raid was right after his birthday, which I already told you.”

“Anything else?” My fellow officer went back to ask as I slid my chair back slightly, wanting some more personal space, which Wilbur often did disregard.
“Well when I offered to change the dates and move the raid forward he said that he was fine, and we had already organised it.”

The other officer began to pace back and forth around the small office in thought while I glanced out of the glass window which showed the bullpen. The uniformed officers were out there,  all of them chatting with each other, typing on their computer, or talking with civilians. Occasionally they glanced in our direction, but when they caught me looking at them they turned away.

“Well, no matter how George reacted this will hopefully prove what side of this he is on.” He hummed to himself, to which I nodded in agreement. After the incident where we tried to catch Dream and other members of his mafia on the road had failed, Wilbur and I tried to figure out what went wrong.

Something had happened between us telling George about the plan and the morning of the plan heading into action. The most likely thing was somebody having told Dream the plan so he could change it, but the only three people knew about the plan and only one of the three had access to Dream to tell him about the plan, and that was George.

Wilbur had concluded that he might have been paid off by Dream, the blond found out what he knew in return for maybe George losing a large portion of his debt, or maybe protection of some sort. It wasn’t the first time that something like this had happened, and this would be a good way to check if George was really passing on information to the mafia or not.

If we found signs of the mafia moving in the week that leads up to the 2nd of November, or more shipments of either men or weapons to the mansion, that would mean George had passed on the information to Dream. If they didn’t move then we weren't going to do the raid anyway and nobody would get hurt.

Surveillance had been set up at the house, two officers would watch each side of the building for four hours, then switch over with other offices. This happened six times a day and has been going on for just under a week.

The only interesting thing so far was Dream going to a mall, however it was one that he purchased years ago so it was understandable since he might be managing it from on site. In past years we had conducted an investigation when he first purchased and renovated the mall, mainly because it was strange of him to do.

For a couple of months of investigating the mall for any reasons why he would have invested any time and money into the building. We considered checking each individual business for anything shifty, such as money laundering, illegal casinos, or maybe smuggling stuff along with their deliveries of store supplies.

We came to the conclusion that he just wanted to use it as some way to earn more money. It was something that he had done in the past so it was believable. But it didn’t get us any closer to arresting Dream.

However both Wilbur and I hoped that that with George either helping us, or working against us, that this could provide some more useful information against Dream to get him arrested, or if we needed to, he would be a form of leverage against the mafia boss. The second option didn’t seem appealing to either me or Wilbur, but I sighed, knowing it was a risk we’d have to take.
1240 words

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