Chapter 34: Help

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Dream POV.

“Sapnap, Bad” I called across the room, seeing the ravenette having been playing a game of pool with Punz, and the brunette having been reading a book in front of the bar.. “I need to talk to you both.” All of the other people in the room who had been hanging out turned to ‘ooh’ at them, as though they were eight year olds getting sent to the principal's office.

Bad wordlessly put the book down, however Sapnap looked annoyed as he put the pool cue down before walking over to me. “Yes Dream?” My best friend asked as he stood beside me in the doorframe. Everyone was watching us as we stood there and so I turned to walk down the corridor, with both of them following after me.

“This better be something important,” Sapnap huffed once they managed to catch up with me. “I was kicking Punz’s ass.”
“Language Sapnap.” Bad growled lowly, before turning to look at me. “What’s the problem Clay?” He continued.

“This is about George,” I informed the pair as I stepped into the elevator which was thankfully on this floor and motioned for them to do the same.
“So not as important as me winning?” Sapnap guessed, to which we both gave him a look.

“What?” He asked as I pressed the button to head down to the ground floor, because he had known me long enough to practically sense my emotions from through the mask. “I was looking forward to beating him, because I’d get bragging rights, and because Karl would probably give me a victory kiss.”

“So you only want to win so you can make out with your boyfriend?” Bad replied questioningly, in an innocent tone.
“I consider it a reward, thank you very much.” The ravenette claimed smugly. “Now. Why do you need our help with George?”

“Something just seems off with him,” I stated as the doors opened and I began walking towards the garage, with my best friend continuing to follow me.
“Do you care to elaborate?” He pressed as I got the keys to my more casual, less expensive cars, motioning for Sapnap and Bad to get in it with me.

Bad volunteered to go in the back because Sapnap would be stubborn if he wasn’t allowed the passenger seat. Once we all had settled in, I opened the garage door with a remote before beginning to drive, planning on heading to the mall.

For a few moments I didn’t say anything, wanting to come up with a mental list of all the things that I needed to tell both of them, seeing as a lot has happened. As I did, the two of them glanced at me, waiting patiently for me to answer him.

“Well in the last couple of days he’s been acting weird, since the party in fact.” I stated, not moving my eyes off the road as I drove.
“George hasn’t really been a party animal though.” Sapnap reminded me.

“He’ll drink a little but he wouldn’t ever go out partying or clubbing like we did when we were in high school. He’d rather stay home studying”
“Where did you get the ‘we’ from Sapnap?” Bad asked, sending a glare forward at Sapnap. “I would always be studying at home with George too. Neither of us like to party”

I looked from one of them to the other, feeling surprised they thought that I didn’t know that. I mean, I’ve known George just as long as they did, and I was dating him too. The time I’d known George he’d never once gone out to a party or anything like myself and Sapnap did. Whenever we went partying he’d always stay home with Bad, preferring to do homework rather than party.

“Yeah, I know he doesn’t party, but this was afterwards. I think this bit has something to do with him finding out about Quackity being our old school friend.”
“So then what was going on with him?” The ravenette questioned. I didn’t answer that question but went on to list another thing.

“He also is still injured, but this morning when I saw him he wasn’t using the crutches.” I recounted the more recent event in my mind. “It was clear that he was hurt but he just brushed it off, saying that he checked his injury in the shower and that now he was fine.” I didn’t tell him about how I was then distracted by the thought of George in the shower.

“And I’m assuming that you didn’t confront him because you were distracted by how George said he was in the shower,” Sapnap guessed, basically reading my mind. I glared playfully at him which once again he recognised from under the mask and he muttered an ‘I knew it,’ to himself.

“Sapnap eww that’s gross.” Bad whined, slapping the ravenette on the shoulder once he had noticed the smirk on his face. “Dream is more appropriate than that. He wouldn’t lose his train of thought when he hears about George in the shower.” I decided not to correct Bad at that point, allowing him to believe that I was not thinking about my attractive ex naked in the shower.

“I’m just worried about him.” I confessed, almost feeling tears prick at my eyes as I attempted to focus on the set of traffic lights I’d stopped at, waiting for them to turn green. “He’s clearly struggling and I just want to help him, but he is trying to hide his injury so I can’t.” There was a laugh coming from my friends which made me glare again, this time less playfully however.

“You really expect him to trust you?” Bad asked, the bluntness surprising me because it came from him of all people. “You kidnapped him. You are keeping him hostage. You are making him work to pay off his father’s debt even though we all know you are going to keep adding more debt so he never leaves. You dragged him off to a party he didn’t want to go to the other night.”

A small, distraught, huff fell from my lips under my mask at the reminder of what has happened in the past few weeks. “I know that I did all that. What is your point?”
“My point is that he has no reason to trust you Clay. Why would he tell you anything when you are the guy who put his father into debt and took him from the airport.” Bad stated.

I didn’t answer, just focusing on the road as I turned into the carpark of my mall, the same one that Sapnap and Karl had come with George to the other day. Speaking of Sapnap, he noticed my mood and spoke up. “Bad’s right. Why would he trust you when he knows you could kill him at any second?”

“Because I won’t kill him.” I responded. “You know I won’t kill him.”
“Yeah, we know that. But he doesn’t.” Bad hummed. “He knows that Clay is his kind, loving, high school boyfriend who would never even think to harm him. He knows that Dream is his ruthless, unfeeling, kidnapper who is known to be unpredictable and dangerous.”

Our conversation continued as I parked the car and stepped out, locking the car the instant they had stepped out and shut their doors. “What do you both suggest then?” I questioned, seeing as they probably had an opinion, or two or three.

“Do something nice for him.” Bad told me. “There are plenty of gifts in this mall, plus we've all been coming here since we were kids. It would be nice to get him something associated with this place.”

“Or you could take him to visit one of these places.” Sapnap added on. “Like the arcade we’d go to every Sunday when we were twelve, or the restaurant you two went to on your first date, or the toy shop where he brought you that cat plushie you sleep with to this day.”
“I do not.” I immediately defended. “Besides, that’s not the point.”

My two friends chuckled before both telling me that since I knew George better than them I should figure it out. I sighed as they walked off, and then went to look at the signs of some of the shops, trying to decide what to do for the brunette.
1487 words

I forgot to ask yesterday, but did you all think my emoji code was useful?

This clue is the most important though: 🥄🍶🍆🍑😏
Really tells you something. And most of you came to the same conclusion as to what it meant.

But it actually meant that Dream (cause he smirks a the time), will drink a spoon of milk that is full of vegetables (eggplant) and fruit (peach)

Anyone who thinks afterwards it's disgusting what you all think.

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