Chapter 67: Morning after

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George POV

The feeling of a soft, light, pressure making its way over me woke me up. Something warm and fluffy being draped over my shoulders. It caused me to take a deep breath before slowly opening my eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the light of the bedroom.

Standing above me was Clay, smiling down at me as he let go of the blanket that he’d been pulling over me. “Morning sweetheart.” He hummed as he bent down to press a kiss onto my forehead, making me look up at him bashfully.
“What are you doing up?” I asked him, noting that he’d already showered and dressed.

“I have to go downstairs and do some work with Sapnap and Bad.” The blond responded with an exasperated sounding sigh. “I was hoping that I’d be back before you woke up, seeing as you are such a heavy sleeper.”

“Do you have to go though? I wanted to cuddle.” It sounded like a pathetic whine as it came out, and made Clay chuckle sadly.
“The work is important, though it shouldn’t take more than an hour, but once I am back you and I can cuddle for the rest of the day if you want.”

The thought of being up to cuddle Clay for the rest of the day sounded nice, and I smiled fondly at the idea while he ran his fingers through my hair. “Sounds nice,” I hummed eventually, and Clay gave a small agreement in his soothing tone, saying ‘it does sound nice’, and clearly wanting to spend the afternoon with me cuddled up in the hot tub, or watching movies.

“Want me to call someone to bring you some breakfast?” the mafia boss asked as he took a step away from me and towards the door. I gave an eager nod as a yes before he went on to ask what I wanted.
“Can I get anything?” I asked curiously.

“Of course darling.” Clay responded with a loving coo. “Whatever you feel like. Some flash five course breakfast meals, or even just some hotcakes and hash browns from McDonalds. I’ll get you whatever you ask for.” The thought of the range of different options made my mouth water, and it was clear that Clay noticed that by the way he laughed.

“Does that sound good?” He asked with a laugh, watching as I nodded, suddenly getting more self conscious about how I was acting.
“I’m not sure.” I muttered. “Could I get one of those everything breakfasts that we used to get at the restaurant by the boardwalk back in high school? If you remember the place of course.”

“Of course I remember.” The blond nodded as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed up what I ordered, then he asked me if I wanted anything else, like a drink, and when I answered him he added it to the list too. Overall it took about a minute before he sent the message and pocketed his phone.

“Done.” He beamed down at me, proud that he was able to get me something. “It’ll be here in about forty minutes, and one of my guys will hand deliver it up here for you.” I nodded as he spoke. “But you might want to put on some clothes before he arrives,” the blond then added, a small smirk visible on his face as I remembered that I hadn’t gotten changed after last night.

I pulled the blankets up further to my chin after Clay mentioned it, and realised that I had noticed him taking several good looks at me throughout the five minute interaction that we’ve had this morning. As my face flushed red I noticed that he had pulled his mask on, once again hiding his beautiful features from the world to just become ‘Dream: the mafia boss’.

“See you in an hour sweetheart.” He cooed, his voice now sounding slightly different since there was a mask in the way. “I’ll get Karl to bring up some of your clothes from your room.” I gave him a quiet ‘thanks’ and ‘see you’ as he stepped out before closing the door.

Solely because I didn’t want Karl to see my naked body I pulled myself from the bed, wincing at the pain in my lower back and legs as I did, and hating the coldness of the room in contrast to the warm fluffy blankets. I cursed the blond for being the one to do this to me as I hobbled into the closet and grabbed the first things that I saw before pulling them on.

They weren’t anything too flash or fancy, just a black hoodie mixed with a pair of dark blue shorts, and I pulled the drawstring of the shorts to tighten them until they were pressed against my waist. Once I was confident that Karl would not see me naked, I limped back to the bed and laid myself back down, feeling comfortable the moment the strain on my legs was gone.

Not even a minute after I pulled the blanket over myself there was a knock on the door, accompanied by Karl’s familiar voice calling out my name. “You can come in!” I shouted, not wanting to move from the comfort of my bed, and the moment the words left my mouth, the double doors were thrown open.

“Morning George!” Karl called out excitedly as he entered, before his eyes widened as he looked around the room. “Oh my Honk, I can’t believe that this is what Dream’s room looks like.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “Good morning to you too,” I responded, not that he was focusing on me at the moment.

“Dream told me to bring you some clothes.” The brunette stated when he finally looked over at me. A grin was on his face, and the way that he looked at me made it clear that he knew what had happened. “So, how was last night?” He smirked lightly, glancing over my appearance.
“Last night was fine. Why are you asking?”

“You are in Dream’s bed.” Karl hummed, answering my question. “And you are wearing Dream’s clothes.”
“That doesn’t mean anything.” I responded.
“And do the hickeys not mean anything as well?” He asked, in a blunt tone.

I nearly choked on my own saliva as he said that, not having noticed the state of my neck, but Karl laughed at my reaction as he moved to sit on the side of the bed. “Don’t worry, I’m not judging. Sapnap can make a mess as well whenever we do anything together.” Hearing him say that in such a deadpanned way put me on edge.

“If you want, while you get changed out of Dream’s clothes and into your own, I have some concealer that could cover them.”
“How do you know what skin tone I have?” I wondered, since in my limited knowledge of make-up it was obvious that concealers came in different shades.

“Sapnap doesn’t really know much about make-up, and since he couldn’t tell what type of concealer I used he brought like thirty different shades.” Karl laughed. “I am certain that something there will suit you. I’ll be back in five minutes.” Without waiting for me to answer he ran out of the room, leaving me alone.
1261 words.

Another story that I had a hand in writing called Rich Romance had it's final chapter uploaded just now, so be sure to check it out if you are interested.

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