Chapter 24: Business partners

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George POV.

“Oh Georgie,” I managed to make out those words as I slowly woke up, feeling well refreshed after spending most of last night watching movies with Karl in his room. The voice said something else which I couldn’t focus on, however I was cautious not to move, mainly because I was still in a mafia and didn’t want to piss off whoever was there.

That’s when I started being able to focus on the words. All I knew was it was Dream, I could recognise the voice clearly. “I will see you once you wake up, my darling.”

The name made me tense up, him calling me his darling felt unnatural. Fear boiled up inside of me at the thought of him thinking of me like that. I didn’t want a mafia boss to fall in love with me. If he fell in love with me then I’d be kept here.

His footsteps grew quieter as he left the room, and the second the door had shut I sat up. I don’t want to end up with him and be trapped here for the rest of my miserable life as some kind of prisoner husband. So I came up with a plan to get out of this place, but it might take a while to get into action.

I eventually convinced myself to get up and shower, before changing into the last clean pair of clothes that I had in my suitcase. As I pulled on my pink shirt, which is honestly one of my least favourites out of the outfits I had, I couldn’t help but regret that my escape attempt took place on the day I was going to get free clothes.

‘Although I can’t really complain now, can I?’ I asked myself as I opened the door of my bedroom and stepped into the chilly mansion hallways. Even with the promise of free clothes I ended up trying to escape and got caught. It would definitely happen again if I got the chance, even if it limited my wardrobe.

Nobody was around, which didn’t bother me at all as I headed in the direction that I thought would lead me to the kitchen so I could have something to eat. Now that I actually think about it, I haven’t had much to eat, and what little food Dream did allow me to have was usually mushy flavourless food, like a lima bean soup and porridge.

That was something that confused me. From what I assumed by Dream’s whispers he seemed to fall in love with me, for whatever strange psychotic reason that I didn’t know. Yet, if he loves me, then why does he feed me all this disgusting crap, and make me clean up his home when he has maids to do it, and why limit my clothing options.

If I was in love with someone that I kidnapped (not that I’d ever kidnap somebody because that’s wrong), I would try and win them over. Make them love me with countless gifts, breath-taking experiences, and passion-filled nights. Treating them like a servant wouldn’t do me any favours because who would honestly fall in love with someone who treated them like shit.

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn’t even realise that I had reached the elevator until I heard the light dinging noise, signalling it reached my floor. The doors slid open before I could react and I saw Karl standing there. A grin appeared on my face as I saw him but he seemed cautious, he grabbed me and began leading me back towards my room..

“Uhh… Good morning…” I greeted cautiously, unsure of why he was acting like this. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes,” Karl answered quickly, fidgeting with his hands as he talked. “Another business partner of Dream’s is downstairs right now, and Dream doesn’t want you anywhere near it.”

“Any idea why he doesn’t want me there? Can’t he just pretend I’m a servant of his or something, cause that’s how he’s treating me right now.” I huffed out, clearly still annoyed by the tangent of thoughts I went on moments prior.

“I don’t know why he doesn’t want you down there,” Karl responded quickly, although it was a clear lie. “All that I do know is that Dream does not want you down there, and who are we to question him because after all he is my boss.” The brunette chuckled awkwardly at that as he lightly shoved me into my room before stepping in after me.

Karl POV.

“Thank you for breakfast Karl,” Sapnap purred as I set a plate down in front of him. I just rolled my eyes in response, ruffling his hair playfully as I sat beside him.
“You’re welcome. Call it making us even after delivering me those delicious cookies last night.” I smiled back at him.

He began digging into his food before talking with his mouthful. “Y’know,” he began as he munched on the french toast sitting in front of him. “There was another way that you could have paid me back Karl.”
I knew he was teasing, but played along as I leaned in to kiss him.

This seemed to excite the ravenette who began to lean back towards me so he could connect our lips. But I froze inches apart from him and leaned back with a shrug. “Maybe later,” I shrugged. “This food is getting cold and I am feeling hungry.”

“You suck,” Sapnap pretended to pout, however he almost instantly began eating his food again, only occasionally sending me a dirty look.
“Only in the bedroom,” I teased, before giggling to myself.

We were eating in one of the kitchens in the mansion, one that overlooked the circular front driveway. A lot of light streamed into the room and we allowed ourselves to joke with each other as we ate. “Okay, okay,” I chuckled as Sapnap cracked another joke at me. “Well at least if I do that then-” I cut myself off as I saw a car roll into the driveway, a car I recognised.

“Shit,” I murmured, and the ravenette glanced over to see the car as well, muttering the exact same thing that I did. Immediately the two of us stood up and ran out of the room, sprinting off through the hallways and splitting up, needing to find Dream as soon as possible.

We yelled out for him, and eventually ran into him, now panting after having to sprint around tight corners. “Karl? Sapnap? What the hell is all that yelling and screaming about?”
I took a couple seconds to regain my breath before telling him. “Quackity’s here.” I told him. “He just pulled into the driveway.”

“Damn it, why’s he here?” The blond questioned, running his forehead as if in thought.
"Maybe it was like last time? When Karl and I decided to go out to dinner with him and then stuff happened after that." He smirked when he said the phrase 'stuff happened' which made me role my eyes, easily hiding the blush at the memories of the events.

Dream was also clearly rolling his eyes at his best friend from under the mask. After a few moments where we both showed disappointment in my boyfriend, the blond sighed before looking into my eyes. “I want you to find George and make sure he stays away. I don’t want him to see, hear, or even think about who Quackity is, do you understand?”

I wordlessly nodded back to him, taking in his instructions and running off to find the brunette.
1314 words

Oh my God, new character unlocked.

Also, what do you think went on between Karl and Sapnap and Quackity? Whatever it is it seems kinda sus

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