Chapter 40: Intruders

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Sorry for the late upload everyone. Technical issues on my end.

Anyway, enjoy.
George POV.

Five minutes passed before I heard the sounds of tires screeching from outside. I went to glance out the window and immediately fear ran through me as I stumbled back. I didn’t know what was going to happen, however I knew that this couldn’t be good.

At the sight of the people getting out of the cars in the driveway my eyes widened. They were dressed in dark clothes and all carried guns with unfriendly looks on their faces. From through the halls of the mansion I heard the sound of things start to get broken, and the sounds of shouting as people got closer.

‘This couldn’t be good’ I whimpered silently as I ducked behind the bar counter, tucking myself in an empty crevice where a mini fridge probably used to be kept. Tears were pricking at the corner of my eyes as I tried to keep my breathing steady, that was until I heard the door to the room open.

“Wow,” someone whistled. “This room is nice. We should get the boss to spring for one of these back home.”
“Can you focus? We are here to trash up the place and kill anyone we can find. The boss has had a bone to pick with Dream for a while now, and since he fell for the fake tip… well…”

The second man to speak chuckled, causing my breath to hitch as I shrunk back further. “So,” the first man continued. “While we are here do you want a drink?”
“Focus,” the second man growled again. “Just grab some stuff or smash it. I couldn’t care less as long as this place looks like a warzone once we’re done.”

Nothing could be done as I curled there quietly, listening as the sound of things smashing, accompanied with the sound of laughter echoed through the room. It seemed as though they weren’t paying any attention to the bar, apart from the odd chair leg thrown in my direction.

“Are you feeling thirsty?” One of them asked, panting lightly as he did. “The bar seems stocked up. They must be planning to celebrate something.”
“Probably a pre-planned victory after they try to steal from us.” The other responded. “I’ll take a glass of whisky.”

“Why bother with the glass?” The first man said again as he began walking towards where I was hiding. “Let’s just take the whole bottle and go.” Just after those words appeared I saw footsteps in my field of vision, and crossed my fingers, hoping they wouldn’t notice me.

It felt like he was spending hours looking over all of the different bottles that he could choose from, even though it seemed he was just looking for whisky. My hand was over my mouth and I was shaking as my ringing ears blocked out the sound of the clinking glass bottles and conversation that was happening the whole time.

Finally, after what seemed like hours had passed, the man looking over the different bottles of alcohol made up his mind and left. He walked around the bar and I exhaled quietly, my shaking beginning to calm. The two men were chatting, and there was the sound of breaking furniture, however I didn’t think they’d come over here again.

I was attempting to distract myself from having another panic attack by silently muttering to myself. Nobody could hear anything that I was saying, it was more just me mouthing the words that Clay would always repeat to calm myself. Slowly I rocked myself back and forth while wrapping my arms around myself.

They had said something about the information Dream had being fake, surely he had to have noticed this by now. I hoped that he was back soon, and that Wilbur hadn’t actually managed to arrest him because if he had I knew that it wouldn’t be good for me, especially if these two assholes found me..

Unfortunately for me though, whatever luck I had quickly ran out as one of the men returned behind the bar before I noticed. “Hey, I think you missed something.” The man chuckled as he pulled me out by the shirt collar.
“No fucking way,” the other guy responded, walking over to look at me.

My breath began speeding up as the ravenette with blue eyes that was holding me looked over my features. The blonde with grey eyes and a tattoo over the right half of his face that had been standing slightly further back did the same from afar. “Isn’t this the guy on the news that got kidnapped from the airport a couple weeks ago?” The blond questioned.

“I think so.” The ravenette responded. “I didn’t think that he’d be here though. If he was here, Dream would’ve probably killed him already.”
“So what do you want to do with him?” The blond replied, his grey eyes shimmering mischievously.

“Well why don’t we take him?” The ravenette asked, making me shake even more. I didn’t want to be taken by them, Dream would definitely treat me nicer then they would, I can’t let myself go with them. I attempted to rip myself out of their grasp which proved ineffective because they were much stronger than me.

“He’s feistier than I expected.” The blond hummed again, his grey eyes contrasting against the black in moved around the bar counter and grabbing my arm, and pulling me over.
“The boss would be so impressed, imagine what he will say when we bring him a someone that Dream kidnapped.”

Neither of them could say anything else as the door was suddenly kicked open, the sound of gunfire filling my ears. Before I could process what was happening the blond who had been holding me pushed me away, sending me crashing into a pool table.

Tears pricked my eyes from the fear of being taken away mixed with the pain in my back and I sobbed, attempting to tuck myself back up as a panic attack began. All I could do was mutter to myself, whimpering all the while from the pain until the sounds of the bullets suddenly stopped. I didn’t care though as my hands desperately clutched my neck as I struggled to breathe.

People were talking incoherently before someone approached me, lifting me gently in their arms. Unlike the two other men, this person felt safe, and I buried my head into the crook of their neck as I sobbed. My eyes were shut tightly as I wondered where this person was taking me, and the feeling of dread boiled inside of me feeding into my panic.

Eventually I was pulled down by whoever was holding me. I was on a warm surface with one of the stranger’s arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close. “Calm down George,” they told me, “it’ll be okay, those men are gone. They aren’t going to hurt you.”

His other arm was rubbing my back as he began a gentle rocking motion, giving me some comfort as he rocked the two of us back and forth. My face was still in the crook of the man’s neck and I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope for a moment. The kind actions reminded me of what Clay used to do, so I melted into the contact.

Warm soft touches from whoever was holding me managed to make my fears and anxieties retreat into the back of my mind. I felt content and so I quickly found myself drifting off to sleep, hoping that the kind stranger was still there when I woke up.
1283 words

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