Chapter 46: High school friends

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The chapter you've been fucking waiting for...

(Unless you're one of those annoying Wilbur simps who want him to burst in, arrest Dream, and let George go because you are boring and don't care about mafia romance. In which case, it is not the chapter you've been waiting for).
Clay POV.

“This is definitely not a good idea,” Sapnap murmured as we stood on the second floor of the mall, looking over the railing. George was sitting outside of a burger restaurant glancing around at everyone walking past. Scattered around the place were some other people I was close to and knew my identity such as Quackity and Bad in case the brunette ran.

We were leaning against a white concrete pillar so that if George looked in our direction he wouldn’t see anything. Sapnap still had his mask on, so did Bad wherever he was, but I didn’t have mine on. Karl was standing inside the burger restaurant, waiting for me to make a move before he came back out.

“It’ll be fine Sapnap,” I reassured. “He’ll get to see me, we can talk and then once he’s feeling better I’ll say I have to go on with my day and it’s all over.”
“So you are getting his hopes of seeing his friend up, then leaving him to go back to the mafia as a low-life paying off a debt?” Sapnap questioned, and I didn’t answer him.

“Won’t he try and tell you what’s going on though? How will he act if you meet him, he tries to tell you that he was kidnapped by a mafia and you ignored him?” I thought for a moment as Sapnap kept bringing these points up. And to be fair, I agreed with what he was implying. If I ignored George and he brought up being kidnapped by a mafia he’d know something was up.

“Text Karl,” I decided, changing my mind quickly. “Tell him to head out there before I go down. I want him to give George some kind of message that we’ll know if he tries to tip anyone off.”
“I can do that,” Sapnap nodded as he pulled his phone out to text his boyfriend.

A couple of minutes passed of us just watching George, who switched between glancing around at passers by and lowering his head to look at the table. Finally we saw Karl walk out with a tray that had two burgers, two containers of fries, and two drinks.

I watched as they began to eat and talk to each other but then I turned away. “I think I’ll head down now.” I told the ravenette. “Keep an eye out from up here, okay?” Sapnap nodded at me and I ran my hands through my hair to neaten myself up before walking off.

George POV.

“I got the food,” Karl smiled as he sat down holding a tray in front of him. “I hope that you are okay with a chicken burger and coke, but I wasn’t too sure.”
“No, it’s okay. I like both of those things.” I responded as I took the food from him.

I grabbed a couple of fries and snacked on them without a word, all the while I noticed Karl glancing around. Without a word I did the same thing, glancing around to see if I could notice who exactly the brunette opposite me was looking for, but I quickly gave up when I saw nobody out of the ordinary..

My attention went back to the food for a couple minutes after I had given up, and I quickly finished off the fries while having a couple of sips of my coke in between. But just as I went to unwrap the chicken burger I saw someone in the corner of my eye walking towards our table, causing my eyes to widen.

Is that?

No, it can’t be.

But it was. It had to be. Those piercing yellow eyes, and that fluffy blond hair, and that bright sparkling smile. Karl saw my gaze drift over and he noticed the blond standing there before immediately looking away again. I didn’t care about what Karl was doing though, all I cared about was the fact that it was definitely him, no doubt about it.

His eyes caught mine and after a moment of shock a grin grew on his face as he began walking towards me. Surprisingly enough Karl didn’t seem to worry about the fact I was making eye contact with a stranger, but I didn’t care.

Soon enough the blond was standing over me, looking down with a curious look. “George?” He asked curiously, his voice sounding as though he was confident it was me, although at the same time there was a hint of caution.
I nodded in return before smiling at him. “Hi Clay,” I greeted.

Immediately his grin widened as I said his name. He lifted his hands to rub his face as he smiled. “Oh my god I can’t believe it!” He spoke enthusiastically, the same beautiful tone that I’ve remembered for years. “Hi, how are you? I thought you had moved back to the UK!”
“I had,” I nodded, “but I’ve moved back now.”

My gaze kept drifting over to Karl, worried that he’d be annoyed about me talking to someone, however instead the brunette seemed relaxed and calm, which was another thing I was going to question, but Clay spoke up first. “So, who is this?” He turned to glance at Karl who for a moment hesitated before offering his hand out to shake.

“I’m Karl, a friend of George’s. He’s talked about you a lot.” The pair of them side-eyed me, and I decided to distract myself by focusing on my burger in front of me and taking a large bite.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Karl.” Clay responded. “Do you mind if I speak privately with George for a bit? It’s just… well, it’s been ages since I’ve seen him.”

The answer to this was going to be obvious, I knew it. Karl wouldn’t dare let me out of arms reach for fear of me escaping. I sighed, and was about to break the news to the blond myself but Karl spoke first. “Sure, I have been meaning to do some shopping anyway, I could meet you by the fountain at 2:30 if that was good with you George?”

That answer was unexpected. I knew that if it was possible, my jaw would have dropped to the floor. Karl stood up before I could say anything and began gathering up our rubbish, despite the fact that he and I both still had half-eaten burgers. “That’ll be great,” Clay responded, not letting me say anything for myself (although I knew that he didn’t do that intentionally).

“It’s almost 1:30 so an hour would be good, wouldn’t it George?” Clay and Karl both glanced down at me and I just nodded, letting out a noise of ‘uh-huh’.
“Before you go though, George I have to tell you something.” Karl spoke as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of arm's reach.

The moment Clay was out of earshot Karl leaned closer to me. “I want to make this clear to you George,” he said lowly, and I could see Clay’s confused look as he watched us from back at the table. “We have ears everywhere. If you mention anything about the mafia, or about you being kidnapped to Clay, then Dream will not hesitate to kill him.”

My eyes widened at that, but Karl continued. “We have cameras at every entrance and exit to this mall too, if you are spotted leaving we will also kill Clay.” As he said this his face had a stone cold expression, making it clear he was serious about this. “Do you understand?” He asked at the end, and I muttered a small ‘yes’ causing him to immediately brighten up.

“Great!” He said in a tone scarily different to the one he just had. “I am going to go get some nail polish, since I need some new colours. I’ll see you in an hour Georgie!” And with that he left as though he hadn’t just threatened the life of my highschool best friend and boyfriend.

After a couple of seconds I turned to head back to Clay and quietly chuckled at him. “He’s quite a character.” I let out awkwardly, fidgeting with my hands slightly. “But, anyway. What would you like to do?”
1458 words

Okay nevermind. It wasn't really interesting cause Dream and George are both such pussies that they didn't kiss straight away and start having sex in the mall.


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