Chapter 58: Birthday

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🎉🥳¡George's Birthday! 🥳🎉

Definitely not twenty-something days late
George POV.

My birthday felt different to how it usually did as I woke up in the chilly early morning. Maybe it was because usually I didn’t have any time to dwell on the fact that I would be a year older, or maybe it was because I had gotten to the point in time where I honestly couldn’t care less about my age.

Over the past couple of days I had fallen into a routine. At seven in the morning I’d be woken up by Dream, Sapnap, Karl, or some other member of the mafia and given instructions for whatever I needed to do. How they woke up and got ready at that time of the morning astounded me.

But nonetheless I would shower, change, and eat breakfast before doing whatever was asked of me. Wash the windows on the second floor. Polish all the cars in the garage. Vacuum the hallways on the ground floor. Dust the shelves in the library. All the jobs were relatively simple and I always got them done before lunch.

Then when I’d finish (which is generally after 1pm), I’d go to eat my lunch before Karl came looking for me. The brunette always wanted to go out and do something, it got to the point where I began suspecting he only wanted to hang out to keep me away from the house.

It made sense, after all he’d be constantly glancing at his watch whenever we went somewhere, and would take an abnormally long time to do something generally quite simple. He’d bring me to the zoo then spend twenty minutes watching each species there. Or he’d bring me clothes shopping and try on almost everything they had on offer at least once.

After having walked back and forth for hours doing whatever Karl had dragged me off to do, I would be exhausted when we got back to the house and usually would pass out by eight or nine o’clock. Then the next morning I’d wake up at 7am and the process would repeat itself.

But if felt a lot later than it usually did as I sat up on my bed. There wasn’t a clock in my room and I didn’t have a watch so I couldn’t be sure until I grabbed my phone from under my bed and looked at the time. Sure enough, it was almost nine, two hours later than usual. One hour might be understandable, but two meant that they intentionally let me sleep in.

I didn’t think about the reason why they’d let me do that. There was a chance that maybe they were letting me sleep in because of my birthday, but I felt like they wouldn’t care about it. Why would a mafia want me to relax on my birthday?

Karl is the only member of the mafia who I could name that would let me have a day off for my birthday, so I wanted to find him and thank him for talking Dream into letting me have the day off. But first, ‘I could finally have a day to sleep in’ I concluded as I laid back down, pulling the sheets over me and melting into the warmth.

For about an hour I laid comfortably on the bed. I’ve never really been a morning person, and when I was back in the UK my job allowed me to do that. I worked from home and so I was allowed to get up at any time, as long as I did my eight hours of work a day. My boss wouldn’t care if I slept until noon and logged on at 3pm, as long as I worked my eight hours

But since I got back to L’manburg and was taken by the mafia, I was kind of forced into the lifestyle of a morning person. I had to wake up annoyingly early to work, and passed out annoyingly early in the evening. It was easier to just adapt and become a morning person than to suffer every day because I woke up when I wasn’t ready.

I’d been sleeping on and off for a while, my body was no longer used to the privilege of sleeping in after weeks of early mornings full of hard labour. The sun was bright and I could hear birds chirping back and forth to each other outside in nearby trees, which were all getting more difficult to tune out as I attempted to sleep again..

Just as I felt that I had finally been able to start drifting back to sleep, I heard a light rapping at my door, but couldn’t be bothered answering for fear that I’d be dragged up to do more cleaning and housework. The noise stopped after a couple of seconds and I had hoped that whoever was there had left, but unfortunately for me that wasn’t the case.

The door opened slightly and I watched from the corner of my eye as Karl poked his head into the room. When he noticed that I was awake a smile grew on his face, and he happily ran into the room. “George!” He said in the most upbeat tone I had heard in a while.
“What?” I responded groggily, rolling over so I was facing away from him.

Karl didn’t seem to care about my lack of enthusiasm when it came to him as he jumped onto the bed beside me and hugged me from behind. “Happy birthday!” He said excitedly, making a small grin appear on my face, feeling grateful that somebody had wished me a happy birthday even if it was one of my kidnappers.

“Thanks,” I replied, rolling back over as he sat up and looked down at me. “Is that the reason why I got to sleep in? Because it was my birthday?”
“Yeah. We decided to give you the day off. But it’s almost lunchtime now, so we were starting to get worried that you’d died or something.” Karl explained.

“Not today.” I hummed as I stretched. “Am I allowed to sleep all day?”
“If you wanted to, I guess.” He responded. “But I wanted to take you out for a fun afternoon. I found a cool restaurant that I thought you’d enjoy. If you wanted to go, I had convinced Dream to organise a private function room for just the two of us.”

The fact that Karl had organised something for my birthday lifted my mood even more, and his smile widened as I went to climb out of the bed. “A restaurant sounds nice. How about I go and shower and then I can meet you downstairs.” I offered, and the taller brunette jumped at the suggestion; telling me he’d meet me in the downstairs living room.

He left before I climbed out of bed, and the thought of doing something fun today helped put me in a better mood as I went to the shower, a pale blue shirt and black jeans folded up neatly under my arms for me to change into.

I honestly wasn’t expecting anything to happen, and the thought of going out to lunch was good, so I hurried to shower before checking if Wilbur and Techno had sent me any messages. Then I headed downstairs to find Karl.
1336 words

Okay, and now for our top three stories for you to choose from. I am not going to put the blurbs in so go back to the previous part if you want a refresher, but the options are:

• 🐺 A Howl in the Night (a DNF, Werewolf AU)
• 🧜‍♂️Safety in the Seafoam (a DNF + Karlnap, mermaid AU)
• 🎬 Action (a DNF actor/movie star AU [rewrite])
Vote for your favourite of the three here:

Also, Ezra has uploaded another chapter for his smut book and made me mention it here. So go check it out.

Have a nice day everyone

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