Chapter 44: An idea

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Karl POV.

Several seconds after George had gone I poked my head out into the hallway, watching him walk away. I knew that he must have thought of something that made him start acting that way so suddenly, and I was pretty sure it was something to do with his mother, since that was when he fell quiet.

I wanted to talk to him about it and make sure he was okay, however it seemed like he wanted some space and I didn’t know what to say to him either way. Bad could talk to him later, he was better at this sort of stuff then I was.

Still I began walking after George. Not so that I could get to his room, although his room was in that direction too, but to get to Dream’s office. The brunette was a decent way ahead of me at the moment and didn’t notice as I strolled casually behind him. Once he’d disappeared into his room I went to the door of Dream’s office and knocked several times.

“Come in,” I heard from the other side of the door, and I did as I was told, quietly opening the door and slipping inside before shutting it behind me.
Sapnap and Dream were both sitting at the latter’s desk, having been talking quietly to each other until I had stepped in.

“Karl,” Dream greeted, and I could feel his eyes staring intently in my direction. He didn’t know how to read me as well as Sapnap though, and my boyfriend asked, ‘are you alright Karl? You seem upset about something.’
“I’m fine. It’s George I’m worried about.”

As I said that both of the men seemed to perk up at the name, I could practically see Dream’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as he heard George’s name mentioned. “Why are you worried about George?” Sapnap asked once he had calmed himself. “Did something happen to him?”

“Yes?” I responded, not even completely sure of myself as my eyes stayed focused on Dream. “Or maybe not? I’m honestly not too sure.”
“How the Hell are you not sure?” Dream questioned, his protective personality directed towards the brunette engulfing the room.

“Look, we were just playing video games and talking then suddenly we got onto the topic of him moving back to L’manburg. Then he mentioned his mother before getting upset and leaving.” I recounted the events, however obviously making it a lot briefer.

“We had talked about it before, and about some of his old school friends or whatever but today he started getting quiet when we talked about his mother, and about one of his old school friends, Clay.” I could tell the two of them were exchanging a glance once I had finished but I decided not to question it.

Knowing that Sapnap had been friends with George through highschool made me think that maybe the ravenette just knew about who Clay was. The two of them continued to seemingly be in a silent conversation with each other as the blond lifted his mask slightly and began to sip on a glass of water that had been sitting beside him.

I continued verbalising my thoughts to the pair of men, almost going on an excited babble at my plan. “And I told George that I wouldn’t tell you guys this, but I was thinking that we should try and find this Clay guy to cheer him up slightly.” Dream suddenly choked on his water as I said that and began coughing lightly while hitting his chest after I finished.

Meanwhile Sapnap was just looking at him, but then turned to look at me. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” the ravenette stated, glancing at the blond with a quizzical expression as he did. “I mean, what if George gives him some kind of… er… signal that he has been kidnapped?”
“Well one of us could stay with him, make sure he doesn’t say or do anything.”

I was feeling very proud of my idea, however at the same time I was disappointed that my boyfriend didn’t think the same thing. Dream however was a different story, listening intently to my suggestion and it seemed as though he was considering it, which was a good thing, because it was his permission I needed to do this.

“Sapnap please consider it,” I continued to beg at my boyfriend, attempting to flutter my eyelids in an attempt to get him to give in. “You were friends with Clay in high school, right? Surely you know his phone number, or where he lives.”
“Karl, I still don’t think that it’s-”

“That’s a great idea Karl,” Dream cut off his best friend. “Sapnap can contact Clay and then George could meet him in town tomorrow. It’ll be great!” After saying that the ravenette agreed, although he still seemed cautious about it. Nobody said anything aside from myself quietly celebrating the chance to make George happy.

“I guess I’ll go to my room and call Clay then.” Sapnap murmured, turning to leave and brushing against my shoulder. Dream and I watched as he left before I smiled at the mafia boss.
“Thank you. It’ll be nice to make George happy, he’s been through a lot.”

Although the blond didn’t say anything it was clear he agreed, and I was still beaming at the thought of George being able to see a friend again as I left the office. Unexpectedly though, as soon as I turned to head to my room I saw Sapnap leaning against the wall and tenderly rubbing his forehead, seeming stressed.

“Are you okay Sapnap?” I asked him, resting a hand on his cheek as I did. “Was it something to do with what I said to Dream?”
“Yes Karl,” he responded, seeming slightly annoyed. “I don’t think you understand what will happen if George does meet Clay.”

“What are you talking about?” I continued to question, not understanding a single word that the ravenette was saying. He turned to look me in the eyes, and I looked back into his trying to read his expression.
“Okay Karl, so remember how I was friends with George in high school?” He questioned.

I nodded. “Remember, Dream went to the same high school as me and we were close friends, and he dated George. Clay also went to the same high school as me, we were close friends, and he dated George. Do you see the pattern?”
“Wait… so Clay and Dream are the same person?” I guessed.

“Exactly. And thanks to your suggestion he’s going to meet George. This can’t be good.” He muttered. “Now, I will have to figure out what we can do without exposing the fact that Dream is George’s ex.”
1140 words

This can't possibly go wrong...

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