Chapter 8: Bedroom

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George POV.

Fear washed over me as I slipped back into consciousness. For a moment I was calm, just trying to remember what had happened and then it suddenly came back to me. Me flying to L’manburg. Me getting kidnapped. The mafia boss in front of me, practically taunting me. And the fact I had a panic attack in front of him.

I groaned at the thought, staring up at the cream coloured ceiling and hating myself for the fact that I had a panic attack in front of a mafia boss. It showed him that I was weak, and then there was the problem of me passing out.

My eyes widened when I suddenly realised that I wasn’t where I had been when I had blacked out. That obviously meant he, or somebody else, had moved me. I sat up and looked around, worry clear in my face as my breathing began to pick up again, signalling that I was on the verge of another panic attack.

I was in a bedroom, a large fancy one at that, probably three times the size of my old bedroom at least, if not more. The bed was overly comfortable and it was furnished with a lot of other things too, all of which seemed too expensive for me to even dream about affording.

What did that mafia boss do to me after I passed out? I asked myself worriedly, trying not to allow myself to black out again, but that’s when I noticed I wasn’t the room. The guy with yellow (or possibly green) hair was sitting opposite me. The same one who had brought me here, and he was looking right at me.

His expression was unreadable, and I let out an audible gulp as I shuffled back on the bed to be as far from him as possible. When he saw me do that he chuckled, before grabbing his phone and calling someone. I watched cautiously, while simultaneously having to deal with the wave of panic and worry that was washing over me.

The whole time trying to only focus on something that would keep me calm. The thoughts of Clay and I at our special spot in the park, him holding me closely in his arms and telling me that everything would be alright. The way he’d rock the two of us back and forth, while my head rested on his chest as he told me to copy his breathing patterns.

Without even realising it, I had started doing it myself, rocking back and forth while muttering to myself about how everything would be okay. I didn’t even care what the strange man in the room thought about me. All that mattered to me at the moment was calming down enough to think rationally.

“It’ll be okay.” I told myself in a hushed voice, barely louder than a whisper, rocking back and forth as I did. “Don’t worry Georgie, everything will be okay, I promise. Nothing bad will happen to you.” I tried repeating what the blond would always tell me, tears pricking at my eyes as I remembered him, which only caused me to hold myself tighter.

“What the hell are you crying and muttering about?” The man with the yellow hair asked, and I just curled up tighter, trying to convince myself that everything was going to be alright, ignoring what he was saying. He clearly seemed annoyed but didn’t try to do anything to get me to stop panicking or to shut up. I kept my head down as my words were all that filled my ears.

Sam POV.

I sat in the corner of the room, with the brunette that Dream decided to keep alive, sleeping in the bed on the other side of the room. Several hours had passed, leaving me annoyed over the fact that I had to babysit him. For a couple of hours I had just sat playing on my phone, scrolling through twitter and checking messages that the other members of the mafia were sending.

When I wasn’t on my phone I was just looking over at the sleeping brunette, George, I remember his name being, and wondering why Dream decided to keep him alive. He hadn’t really told me anything about him, and Karl and Sapnap didn’t seem to know anything more than I did, leaving this entire thing up to my curiosity.

After a while, during which time I had turned my attention back to my phone, I heard the sound of quick paced, panicked breathing. My gaze lifted to see that George, who had been asleep the last time I checked, was awake and seemingly in the middle of a panic attack.

That wasn’t my problem though, I wasn’t told by Dream to deal with that and I honestly couldn’t be bothered. Instead I grabbed my phone, going onto contacts and calling the I had been told to do. The phone rang a couple of times, then suddenly he answered with a “are you calling me because he is awake Sam? Since I am busy if that isn’t the case.”

“He is awake,” I told the blond boredly. “I think he is in the middle of a panic attack so I will leave you to deal with that.” I could hear his breath hitch as I mentioned it, however he didn’t mention the panic attack at all when he responded, instead clearing his throat before saying that he’ll send Karl down to take over in looking after him.

Before hanging up he told me to wait for Karl to get there and then I could leave, and I didn’t respond since he had ended the call before I had the chance too. Reluctantly I knew I had to follow orders and slumped back in my seat.

The brunette’s freak out hadn’t lessened, and I was pissed, listening to him whispering things that I couldn’t hear, rocking himself back and forth, all the while tears staining his face. I huffed out in annoyance before asking, “What the hell are you crying and muttering about?”

To be honest I wasn’t even sure if he heard me, his reaction didn’t change so that could have been the case. However it only took seconds for his incoherent rambling to get annoying and so I decided to leave the room, because what trouble could a twenty four year old in the midst of a mental breakdown of some kind do if they have a few minutes unsupervised.

I stepped out of the room, feeling relieved as silence filled my ears once the door had been shut. The peacefulness didn’t last long however, since Karl turned up. “Sam… what are you doing out here?” He asked when he saw me. “Didn’t Dream tell you to keep an eye on that guy in there?”

As he spoke I looked him up and down. Not much to look at honestly, he was wearing casual clothing; a pair of black jeans, purple hoodie, a pair of sneakers, and his shirt which I couldn’t see. He was also holding a tray that just had some jam on toast on it, along with an unopened bottle of juice and an unopened bottle of water, both of which were the same size.

“Dream did.” I responded, “but he is having a freak out and it wasn’t my problem. You can deal with it now.” He gave me a disgruntled look but didn’t say anything. I began walking back to my room, since my phone was almost dead and I wanted to lie down because all the crying gave me a headache. It was honestly as if I was locked in the room with a sleep-deprived toddler.

‘Dick’ the tall brunette muttered under his breath, before I heard the sound of the door opening and closing. I rolled my eyes, not caring at the moment about how rude I was being, since I was just confused with why Dream was keeping the snivelling brunette alive.
1342 words

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