Chapter 20: Wake up

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George POV.

The food from last night that Karl had given me was enough to fill me up for a while. It had made it easier to fall asleep, and I had slept for what felt like days. The whole night I had been sleeping comfortably, dreaming about what would happen if and when I got out here and was able to find Clay again.

I had been thinking of too many things that could have happened to him. Most of my dreams had been about being able to get back together with him. Wondering what sort of life the two of us might have together, if he was still single of course.

Sunlight was streaming into the room, bathing it in a soft glow which I immediately felt comfortable in. I rolled over under the warm covers, nuzzling back into the pillows and planning on going to sleep before I heard a loud chuckle.

That caused my eyes to snap open and for me to sit up straight, before looking over and seeing Dream standing ominously in the corner laughing at me. My face flushed red as I looked over at him and pulled the blankets further up over me, seeing as I had been sleeping without a shirt and so he could see my chest.

“Morning.” He greeted, walking over to me, holding a bowl of something which I didn’t focus on as I had more annoying things to focus on. “Did you have a good sleep George?”
“I slept fine.” I responded, still covering the upper half of my body as much as possible. “How long have you been here?”

“Just a couple of minutes,” the mafia leader said with a shrug, although I wasn’t too sure if I should believe it. “Now, eat this because you have work to do today.” He passed me the bowl and I glanced down to see what he had grabbed me, getting disappointed at the fact that it was a bowl of plain porridge.

He seemed to enjoy my reaction and I could tell that he was smirking at me from under his stupid mask. “I have a meeting this afternoon, and I want the meeting room cleaned completely before that. Then I want you to clean the dining room since they will be staying for dinner.” The blond explained, and I just glared at him.

“So I am your maid now?” I wondered, putting the bowl of porridge beside my bed without bothering to take a bite of it.
“Yes, if you want to pay your parents' debt back.” Dream nodded. “Unless you’d rather stay here with me forever.” I scoffed, knowing that he was joking but not understanding why he’d do that.

“Hard pass staying in this hell whole.” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, but also hoping that Dream wouldn’t hear me. It seems that he did though, although he didn’t say anything, just standing silently. I didn’t even know where he was looking, which crept me out a lot, but I didn’t say anything.

“Is there seriously nothing else that I could do, anything other than cleaning?” I questioned, lowering my hands which were clutching the sheets slightly, even though that meant he could see slightly more of my chest.
“No,” he responded almost instantly, seemingly losing his composure which surprised me.

“No?” I repeated, feeling confused as to why he was so quick to shut me down, but then I got slightly more annoyed. “Why do I have to be your maid? Couldn’t I do something else?”
“What else could you do?” Dream asked, tilting his head curiously. “Do you have any other jobs in mind?”

“Maybe I could be a chef.” I suggested with a shrug. “I know how to cook.” The blond hummed at what I said. “Or I could help take care of the garden.” Dream let out another hum of consideration as I continued. “Or I could be your assistant.” I finished listening, before looking up at Dream hopefully.

He shook his head at the end though. “I think that you should stay as a maid, George. It would be better and safer for everyone involved, in my opinion.”
“What? Why?” I asked, getting irritated. “Why are any of those jobs bad? Plus who gives a shit about your opinion”

Dream decided not to say anything about the last comment that I had given him. “Because…” He started his explanation. “...Being a cook lets you get access to food you could poison, along with sharp objects. Gardening also gets you sharp objects, and you can get outside a lot which gives you a chance to escape.”

The explanations were already getting boring, and I crossed my arms and huffed as I listened to what the mafia leader was saying. Then I decided to ask about the third job. “How about the assistant job?” I asked, although I already knew the answer.
“You will learn too many mafia secrets.” He responded. “Plus it is unsafe.”

“Why do you care about me being safe?” I questioned. “You kidnapped me and the only reason you want me is to pay off my Dad’s stupid debt, which I still don’t believe is one hundred percent real by the way.” It was clear the blond was rolling his eyes under the mask but I continued.

“Being completely honest. If I was you, and you were me, I probably would have just killed you already. It would be easier, seeing as how many times you’d try to escape. Plus, if I was you I wouldn’t let someone go because it could mean all the mafia secrets get out.” I wasn’t even really thinking about what I was saying, but then Dream’s chuckle cut me off.

“Oh Georgie,” he said in an exasperated way, and my face turned red at the pet name. “You really think that you’ll escape from here? You’ve already tried and it hasn’t worked before. And I know that you wouldn’t dare tell anyone. Would you, darling?”
“D-darling?” I responded, stammering slightly.

“Mhm. Now go get in the shower, I need you to be out and ready in fifteen minutes so that you can start cleaning the meeting room. I’ll have somebody to escort you there.” Dream seemed to smirk under the mask before turning and leaving, making me sit alone in my bed with my chest still exposed, wondering what the hell I was meant to do.
1384 words

I do want to say something about the stuff happening on Twitter to do with Dream.


So for people who do not know, Dream has been accused of grooming people from as far back as 2020. From what I have seen on Tiktok and Twitter, a lot of the evidence from the accusers is shaky at best and there are a few holes in their stories. Plus what screenshots they have provided (of conversations that have been confirmed by Dream) do not show Dream actually sending anything inappropriate.

I do also know that one of the accusers had made several other accusations directed towards BadBoyHalo and Sapnap, both of which have been proven false. One of the other accusers is also currently dating a Dream-anti who has been an extremist in the past.

Also I believe the time this has come out (just after Dream was trending from his face reveal) was strange seeing as his popularity was starting to go back up.

As someone who has been both SA and falsely accused I am trying to remain neutral until more evidence comes out, but was wanting to know what you all would like me to do.

So for now I have three option for what to do:
  1.   Continue this story until evidence comes out that proves Dream did what he was accused of.
  2.   Stop writing on Wattpad for a while until this blows over.
  3.   Put this story on hold until evidence comes out, and release a story based around another ship (such as Karlnap or Skephalo). (This one will take a while, seeing as both this story and the next one are DNF mainly, so it might take me a couple days to get a story set up)

Let me know what you guys want me to do.

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