Chapter 28: Lightning thief and phone calls

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George POV.

“That fucking hurts,” I grumbled as the mafia boss tightly wrapped a bandage around my ankle. I glared up at him as he focused his attention on my injury. “You don’t have to do this,” I informed him. “My ankle is perfectly fine.”
“Your ankle is completely purple, on what continent is that fine?” He responded.

“Besides…” he continued after a moment of silence. “If you hadn’t thought it was a good idea to jump the wall then you wouldn’t have hurt yourself.” He finished with my ankle and took a moment to admire his work. “How does that feel?” He questioned, finally turning his attention over to me.

“It feels tight.” I answered with an annoyed huff. “You probably made it like that on purpose.”
“I did,” he nodded. “Compression is part of the way you treat an injured ankle, along with rest, elevation, and ice.” As he said the last thing he handed me an ice pack.

Reluctantly I took it, pressing the pack lightly against my injury and hissing lightly at the cold temperature. “Calm down, it’s just an ice pack.” Dream stated as he turned to go sit at his desk, since apparently he had to bandage my injury in his office instead of literally anywhere else in the building.

“Can I go back to my room now?” I asked him. “I don’t see why I have to be in here while you do a lot of boring paperwork.”
“Because you seem to get into trouble no matter where you go, at least now I can keep an eye on you.”

Of course, since he seems certain that I need a babysitter. But did the babysitter have to be him? Literally anybody else would be a better pick than him. “Karl could keep an eye on me,” I suggested hopefully.
“Last time Karl kept an eye on you, you jumped the wall and sprained your ankle.”

“Well there’s nothing to do in here. Am I just expected to stare out the window silently for hours on end?” At my complaint the blond stood up and walked over a bookshelf, not saying anything to me as his eyes scanned over all of the different titles before finally grabbing one.

He passed it to me and walked off, meanwhile I examined the cover of the book. “Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief.” I read out the title before glancing up at him. “Really?”
“Do you have a problem with it?” The mafia boss responded, staring me down from under the mask as he sat back in his chair.

“Nope, just been ages since I’ve seen this book.” I stated, opening the cover and examining the inside. “My ex used to be obsessed with these books, he read them all the time.” I smiled fondly at the mention of Clay, remembering all the times he’d find a new paragraph and read it out to me, or how he’d always beg me for a Percy Jackson movie marathon with him for his birthday.

However I glanced up and my face flushed when I saw Dream staring at me and I decided to look away, just opening to the first page to start reading as a form of distraction.
‘Chapter 1: I Accidentally Vaporise My Pre-Algebra Teacher’

‘Look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood.

If you’re reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.’

My brows furrowed slightly as I began to read, however immediately getting distracted again as I heard the mafia boss talking to someone. I glanced up, at first thinking I hadn’t noticed somebody else entered the room before realising that Dream was talking on the phone. Because I really couldn’t be bothered reading at the moment I began to eavesdrop

“Yes, standard size, blue would be nice.” I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell he was talking about and raised my eyebrow as he fell silent for a minute, listening to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Can you have it done by tomorrow morning?” Another pause before he continued. “Yeah, so it can be tried on. Thanks.”

The blond hung up and I couldn’t help but question what he was talking about. “Are you getting a suit or something?” I asked, before seeing him glance up at me and nod. “Is it for some sort of party that you are going to?”
“Nope.” He hummed. “It’s for you.”

That didn’t make sense for me to be going to one of his parties or meetings. So I couldn’t help but gawk at him. “For me? Why am I going to some sort of party?”
“Because the guy who was visiting earlier saw you and insisted.” He muttered, although it sounded more like a grumble.

“But I’m injured!” I objected, although I couldn’t care less about any injuries that I had. I was more worried about what would happen if I ended up going there. It could end up with one of those police raids which gets me arrested, or it could end up with a huge mafia shootout. Either way I didn’t want to end up in the middle of criminals.

“You didn’t seem to care if you were injured earlier.” Dream stated blatantly. “Besides I could get you a pair of crutches or something.”
“Crutches?” That sounded worse than going in while limping.

“Yes,” He hummed an answer, pulling out his phone and beginning to scroll on it as he talked. “I will get some for you to use tomorrow.”
“But I’ll be a target, everyone will see that I am weak and try to kill me or something.” I tried to come up with a good reason not to go, however Dream didn’t seem to care.

“Don’t worry George,” he reassured me. “Nobody would dare touch you while I am nearby. And, if you go without complaining I will cut off some of your debt.” That made me agree instantly, the quicker I could pay off my debt the quicker I could get my life back.

“Good.” He seemed to smile under his mask, before standing up and walking over to me. “Now, I need to make some important phone calls so I’ll take you back to your room.” The blond lifted me up bridal style and he allowed me to take the book with him as he carried me through to my room.
1204 words

What kind of chaos do you think a wild Gogy could cause at a party at Quackity's casino?
• Will someone flirt with him?
• Will he try to make a run for it?
• Will he get absolutely wasted and end up doing or saying something stupid?
• Will he find out some important information but get too wasted to remember?

Who honestly knows? (Besides me of course)
But feel free to make your guess and I might tell you if you are close.

(Spoiler though there will be two new characters) any guesses on who they might be?
Once again I might not be telling the truth.

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