Chapter 47: Catch up

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Clay and George again.

Will they hug, kiss, make out, plan a date, fuck, or get married this time?

Who knows?
Clay POV.

George and I sat at an ice cream parlour, a giant sundae in front of each of us. He had spent just over half of an hour just staring at me, taking in every aspect of me that he possibly could, and I didn’t care. All that I cared about was being able to see him again, at least see him in a way that didn’t make him hate me.

“So how have you been?” I asked, wanting to have a normal conversation with him because God knows I couldn’t do that as Dream. “It’s been ages since I’ve talked to you.” If you call last night ages.
“Well, I moved back here, obviously.” He began with an awkward chuckle.

I smiled back at him, silently hoping that he didn’t mention the mafia because then we’d have to deal with him. “How long ago did you move back?” I asked.
For a moment he hesitated before responding. “About two months ago.” Then he paused for another moment before diverting the conversation. “So how’s life been with you?”

“After University I got a job, I still see Nick, Darryl, and Alex all the time.” I didn’t want to tell him too much information, because that was how I’d end up getting caught in a lie.
“So what is your job?”. As he spoke he lightly kicked his legs back and forth, occasionally brushing his foot against mine which was able to cut off my train of thought each time.

“I’m a coder,” I quickly answered, which was a logical career after all I studied coding and computer science at University, just like George did. “I work for a well paying company, making video games.” George loved video games, I remembered that much, and I saw a small smile appear on his face as I said that.

“That’s so cool.” He smiled, making me grin in response as the brunette’s happiness seemed contagious. It was just so cute to see him smile, cause I had barely seen him like that back at the mansion.

“And what are you doing George? Did you get a career to do with coding as well?” I questioned, although I had a peek through his file after realising who he was and already knew the answer.
“I did have one back in the UK.” He answered, before pausing to have another spoonful of his sundae, humming as hot chocolate fudge contrasted against the ice cream in his mouth.

“But now that I’m back in L’manburg I’m in between jobs.” George froze after the words left his mouth and I just watched him silently relaxing after a couple of seconds. I wondered what thoughts were going through his mind but then decided to focus on what he had said.

“What do you mean you are between jobs? Are you looking for work?” I was just deciding to probe, seeing if he would give any information out about the mafia, so far though he seemed perfect. In more ways than one.

It took him several seconds to come up with an explanation, but eventually George simply stated. “I’m still just settling back in at the moment. I am helping out as a cleaner as I try to find a proper job.” A small grin grew on my face as he said that, and I decided that I’d give him some kind of treat for dinner after he didn’t give away anything.

“Do you want to keep walking around? There’s like thirty minutes until we have to meet your friend at the fountain?” I suggested, seeing George had devoured his entire ice cream, and I had done the same to mine.
“Sure.” He replied. “But we can’t buy anything, I don’t have any money.”

“No need to worry.” I informed him. “I’ll pay for you. Anything that you want, my treat.” I beamed at him and watched as his face lit up in response. Warm sparks flew through my body when I offered my hand out and he took it, allowing me to lead him out of the ice cream parlour and downstairs to the arcade where we used to spend every weekend as a kid.

“It’s been over seven years and I bet that I am still better than you at all of those games,” I teased playfully, sticking my tongue out childishly at George.
“As if,” George smugly replied. “I could beat you at any of those games, just you watch.” His claim made me chuckle as I let go of his hand.

“Then how about I beat you there and prove it,” I smirked, already running off before he could say anything else. I didn’t even care about the looks I was getting, this was probably going to be the last time I was out in public without my mask for a while, so I might as well enjoy myself.

For a while as the afternoon droned on, it felt like the two of us were teenagers again, back when we were dating and didn’t have to deal with all of the stress of the mafia. The two of us each just take turns at different arcade games, constantly trying to trump each other's high scores and then collecting all our winnings into one big pile. I wished this would never end.

Sapnap POV.

“God, it’s been ages since I’ve seen him looking that fucking happy,” I grinned down at my best friend from where I still stood leaning against the second floor balcony, barely having moved in an hour. I was able to see through the large windows at the front of the arcade as George and Clay took turns playing a piano game, one which George just so happened to be better at.

“Language Sapnap,” Bad responded as he stood next to me, also staring down at the pair. It was kind of creepy in all honesty to watch them, but we couldn’t help it. They were just so cute together.

“This reminds me of when we had to help get those two muffin heads together back in highschool,” Bad hummed, “it was so funny how neither of them could see that they liked each other.” I agreed, smiling as I watched Clay grab George’s arm over to the prize counter, taking a couple of moments to point out different things that they wanted to win.

“I’m going to go find Karl,” I decided after watching them for a couple of minutes. “I’ll meet you back here at 2:30 though.” Bad nodded, watching as I turned and walked off, I just wanted George and Dream to be able to have some time alone without me watching over them.
1172 words

Damn, so they are still both chicken, and is Sapnap a good best friend even though his friends are likely to fuck and third wheel him?

Ezra is getting kinda anxious.

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