Chapter 81: Apartments

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Wilbur POV.

“Are you two absolutely sure about this?” Philza questioned, sitting at his desk and looking up at the two of us while we stared down at this.
“Absolutely sure Captain,” I responded, and Techno nodded along with what I had said, showing that he was sure as well.

The police captain looked reluctant and sceptical and he sighed at us. “I’m not so sure if I want to risk it.” He admitted to the two of us. “We just lost sixty-five agents and officers in an explosion and twenty-four hours later you want me to let you send another group of officers and agents to a hotel in the middle of the city because you saw a guy in a dress.”

“But this has to be different.” I protested. “Please Phil, Dream has to be hiding out in that hotel, and we will be able to trap him there since it can be surrounded on all sides.”
“Wilbur, you have to understand that I am already getting heat from higher ups for allowing the agents and cops to head into that trap. I’m not sure they’ll allow this.”

“Phil, we are confident that this was George, and as far as we know George is staying with Dream which would mean that he is staying at the same place.” Techno explained.
“If I allow this and it goes wrong then I could lose my job. All three of us could” He murmured.

Both Techno and I sighed. We wanted to do this, and we were confident that if we did this we could finally arrest Dream and any other high ranking members of the L’manburg mafia. But we weren’t able to do anything if we didn’t Philza didn’t allow us too, plus we both felt really guilty about what had happened.

I let out a sigh as I sat down opposite Phil at the desk. “Please Phil,” I began. “You have to understand that this might be our only chance to find Dream before he disappears for who knows how long. From what we saw of George he was already changing his appearance and the same might be true for Dream. If we take too long he’ll be unrecognisable.”

The captain seemed sceptical still and so I glanced over at Techno, knowing that he was definitely Philza’s favourite. It was obvious the pinkette knew it too. “Look, we promise that if anything goes wrong that we’ll say it was all us. You won’t take the fall for this.” My partner promised, and feeling reassured by what Techno said, the blond nodded.

“Fine.” He decided, standing up so now he was towering over the two of us. “I will allow you to take some officers with you to the hotel. But, if something goes wrong and we have a pile of casualties, I will have both of your badges.”

“That seems fair.” I nodded, hurrying to the door so that he couldn’t change his mind. “And thank you sir for doing this for us. I know that it might feel like a long shot.”
“A lot of things to do with you both are long shots Wilbur, yet surprisingly, they often end up working themselves out in the end.”

As Techno and I stepped out of the room the police captain said one more thing. “I want you to be at the hotel and ready by 10pm, good luck to both of you.”

George POV.

I tried to ignore the fact that my hair was a mess and that my dress was wrinkled as I sat down at the dinner table. Alex had organised us a private function room at another restaurant and from the moment I sat down most of the group had been complimenting my outfit, aside from Clay who just watched me with a dopey smile on his face.

When he’d woken me up it was five minutes before we were expected to be down here for dinner, meaning that I didn’t have time to fix my hair, or iron out the wrinkles on the dress, or put concealer on the marks on my neck. It seemed as if the blond had intentionally waited that long so I came down here looking like a mess.

It was obvious that he wanted the group to have some sort of hint as to why we were so late, so I glared at him every chance I got. I only stopped when the food got put in front of us, with all of our small conversations falling quiet as the waiters serving our table were in the room since a lot of the topics were about illegal things that would get everyone in trouble.

After the staff had left again we began eating, and with the clinking of cutlery against plates and bowls while the group all ate their steak, or their pasta, or their salad, or whatever else had been ordered. Clay was the one who began talking first, asking the rest of the group if they’d heard any updates from members of the mafia or anything, which I wasn’t interested in.

Most meals when the group were discussing stuff (which recently had only been the two dinners), I’d just be drifting off in thought, mainly being happy that I was back with Clay and I’d admire him as he talked about business. Every so often he’d catch me staring at him and would stop to smile at me or give my hand a gentle loving squeeze.

Eventually I cleared my plate and decided to tune into what they were saying. “-you for organising a place for us to start moving all of our stuff too.” I heard Clay say to Alex, with me having missed the first couple of words in the sentence.

“You’re welcome. It’s based off an old apartment block near the outskirts of downtown, just before the bridge that takes you to the Pogtopia district.” The gambler responded.
“Sounds like a downgrade,” Sapnap complained. “I mean, we lived in a mansion surrounded by woodlands and now we are going to shitty apartments surrounded by more shitty apartments.”

“Actually it is surprisingly nice. They haven’t been lived in for a while, but they were originally built as downtown Summer homes for rich politicians and celebrities when they came here for business. During an earthquake another building in the city centre was destroyed and the government decided to move the apartments down there instead.”

“That doesn’t make it sound as bad,” Sapnap nodded, although he still seemed annoyed, and Quackity nodded slightly.
“Yeah, I brought it shortly after the apartments opened downtown, the building was all up and I just had to pay for the electricians which was all simple. I just needed something to use it for.”

“Thank goodness,” Bad hummed. “Quackity, you are a lifesaver. Dream should really be paying you something for this.”
“Don’t worry about it,” was the only response he received. “We’re all friends, plus… Dream’s paying me back with the view.” He smirked while glancing over at Karl.

In response to the comment Karl swatted his hand, attempting to brush off what had just been said as he took a long sip of water. The rest of the group watched the interaction while laughing before Clay spoke up again, asking Alex what the place was like.

Alex’s grin quickly widened as he began talking about all the features that the apartments had, including great dining suites, a large courtyard, soundproof walls, and several underground levels of parking which could easily be converted into armouries, training rooms, or anything else that they were needed for. I couldn’t help but think of how nice it seemed.

The conversation quickly moved from talking about this new apartment block to other subjects, such as how drug and illegal weapon deliveries were going. Apparently a lot of buyers were now reluctant after the news of the mansion being destroyed and Dream’s appearance partially revealed.

I grew bored and eventually tuned back out again, keeping my attention on the dessert menu
while just letting my mind wander again.
1384 words

Damn. A new apartment block that big Dream is definitely going to be wanting a sex dungeon...


Anyway, a new story tomorrow. How are people feeling for it? Are you guys looking forward to a prison AU?

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