Chapter 64: Hot Tub

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George POV.

I let out a sigh of content as I settled in the warm water, instantly feeling my muscles relax as I made myself comfortable. Clay climbed in from the opposite side of the hot tub and settled down himself.

He watched me sitting happily in my calm state before taking the opportunity and sliding over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I smiled softly at him and readjusted myself to lean on the blond. The two of us snuggled together contently. “Why the hell couldn’t you have brought me here back in high school?” I asked. “I could have used a dip in this most days after dealing with those shitty teachers.”

“If you want I could give you a key to this room and you can use this hot tub whenever you want.” The blond offered as his head rested on top of mine.
“Or you could put a hot tub in my room.” I countered the offer. “A real big one that I can lie down comfortably in and watch tv from.”

“Fine, but I get to use it whenever I want. That way I can relax in the warm water while admiring you.” He teased playful before kissing the top of my head.
“Nevermind then.” I responded. “I don’t want to have to deal with your rampant horniness on a daily basis.”
“Hey, at least I wasn’t as bad as Nick and Alex were.” Clay protested.

Both of us began pressing light kisses against each other’s face, just soft and caring motions as the warm water enveloped up to our waist. Clay’s hand which wasn’t wrapped around me moved to rest on my thigh, overtop of the shorts that he had given me, and began drawing small patterns with gentle movements.

“Clay don’t, please” I whined out, watching as he smirked mischievously over at me. “Don’t do that. Please.” Even though I was begging him to stop, I couldn’t help but enjoy it, and I blushed at the thought that I was happy to have his hands on me after reuniting with him mere hours ago.

At my words, he stopped his movements that he had been making, his hand now ghosting over my thigh in the warm water. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked silently, as if he was worried that he had overstepped.

I thought it over for a moment. Without the caring movement on my leg it felt a lot colder, even though I was sitting in a warm hot tub. “I want you to keep going.” I eventually murmured, moving closer to him. “Please.”
“Of course.” Was his response in a sweet and caring tone.

He smiled, his hand pressing against my skin and beginning to trace patterns again. A grin appeared on his face by the way that I immediately began to react, melting into the touch and resting my face on the crook of his neck. I breathed quickly, trying to keep my blushing under control and attempting to avoid having any other part of my body reacting as enticing whines fell from my lips.

The way I was acting only tempted the blond more, inching his way further up my leg before waiting to watch my reaction. To keep myself from whimpering too loudly I began pressing gentle kisses against his jaw, making him let out small groans which made a sense of pride swell inside of me. As my confidence grew I began to bite and suck small marks on his neck.

The hand that had been on my thigh moved up to stroke the side of my face, tracing his finger gently under my jaw bone, and I whined at the loss of movement but attempted to continue pressing kisses against the side of his neck to avoid making too much noise. “George,” The blond hummed, continuing to trace under my neck. “Can you look over here?”

I did as he asked before feeling his lips pressing against mine, which I immediately pressed back into. Clay’s tongue pressed against my lips and I opened my mouth for him to explore, as his hands moved to wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him and deepening the kiss further.

My hands moved to rest on the side of the hot tub behind me, attempting to hold myself up, but the plastic mixed with my wet hands caused me to slip and fall back under the surface. The blond had been fast enough to let go of me before I accidentally pulled him under, and when I resurfaced he was laughing, which made me flush red with embarrassment.

“Shut up.” I grumbled as I climbed back to my spot, splashing him as he continued to laugh. In between chuckles, Clay’s hand moved to stop my water assault. I sighed and moved to climb out of the hot tub. “I’m going back to my room.” I complained, stepping out of the hot tub and walking back into the bedroom, really not caring about getting water everywhere.

“Hey! Wait! George, I'm sorry!” I heard the sound of the blond climbing out of the water, and a moment later a fluffy towel wrapped around my shoulders. He was standing awkwardly behind me, towel wrapped around his own waist and an apologetic expression as droplets of water from his torso puddled at the floor.

“I shouldn’t have laughed,” He led me to the bathroom to get more towels for us to dry off with. “I should’ve just helped you. We can go back in if you like, and you could push me under.”
“It’s fine.” I stated in response to his rambling. “It was a bit of an overreaction on my part, but I don’t want to get back in the water.”

“That’s okay.” He reassured me as he grabbed another towel and passed it over to me, which I immediately began to use to dry off my hair. “You can dry off, I’ll be outside to give you some privacy.” With that he quickly disappeared, which I somewhat respected him for doing.

I just felt exhausted after spending the better half of ten minutes making out in a hot tub with someone, although it felt like it wasn’t that long as everything played on repeat in my mind like a movie. After finishing with my hair, bringing it down from a sopping mess to being slightly damp, I set the first towel down, moving to use the towel the blond had wrapped around me next for my body.

Unfortunately for me I’d moved my change of clothes, meaning that I had nothing to wear after I’d peeled off the shorts that I’d been wearing. For a brief moment the thought of me calling out to the blond crossed my mind, but I immediately shut that idea down at the thought of how awkward it would be, and instead opted for a bathrobe hanging on a hook by the shower.

Seeing as Clay was the only one who lived in this room it was obviously his, I hoped that he wouldn’t mind if I borrowed it just to head down to my room. Still, my fingers shook slightly as I fumbled with the knot on the bathrobe and I wrapped it around my waist. I snuggled into the warmth of the robe and subtly took in Clay’s scent as I stepped out of the bathroom.

The blond was on the bed, scrolling on his phone and glanced up at me as I came in. He noticed what I was wearing but didn’t say anything, instead patting the bed beside him and motioning for me to move there, which I did without saying anything. He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to my left temple.

“God,” the mafia boss muttered. “It’s been twelve years since I first saw you, and you look just as perfect now as you did back then.”
“And twelve years ago I remember thinking how much of an arrogant prick you were.” I retorted with an eye roll, mainly wanting to knock off some of his cockiness.

“Oh c’mon, you love me.” He spoke softly, sensually, and I took it as an invitation to press my lips against his.
“I do.” I confirmed once I’d pulled away and seen his dopey smile.

“Can I at least give you one last gift for your birthday then?” He asked, and I couldn’t help but nod at him.
1413 words

And you can all guess what happened next

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