Chapter 2: Taxi

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Dream POV.

“Boss, we have news.” I groaned at the interruption, having been spending the past couple hours enjoying the silence of an otherwise uneventful day (first one in a while actually).
“Firstly Sapnap, don’t call me boss. Secondly, what news do you have?” I raised an eyebrow as my attention was taken off of the book I was reading.

“One of the people who you had me tracking the card of. He purchased a plane ticket to L’manburg.” A smile appeared on my face at that information, even though it wasn’t much. A large part of my business was doing deals, ranging from things that included drugs, weapons, money, and even people.

When they don’t pay back on time, I get my men to often try and… persuade them to speed up the payment process. Some people aren’t brave enough to take the strain of owing money to the mafia though. Instead, they run, and sometimes they get away.

In the unfortunate event that that does happen, I can’t always follow them easily. However, I do have quite notable hackers that can keep track of what the people who owe me money (and their friends, and families) are buying. A plane ticket was always a good sign, since it meant that we could get paid back the money we were owed.

“Good.” He couldn’t see my expression with my mask on, but it was clear that he knew I was absolutely gleaming with joy. The thought of something fun to do would definitely spice up my unentertaining day. “I know that you know what to do. Have Sam pick them up at the airport, grab them as they’re leaving, tail them, whatever. And bring them here.”

“Of course.” the ravenette responded. “You and I have been best friends for years. Trust me. I know what I am doing. The flight they are on will land in about six hours.”
“Call me when it lands.” I instructed, getting a nod as the only sign of acknowledgement before Sapnap walked out.

Sam POV.

“The plane has landed,” I announced into my earpiece, watching as the plane I had been waiting for zoomed past the window as it came to land on the runway.
A crackle came from my ear before Sapnap responded, telling me to keep an eye out for the target.

I’d seen a picture of who I was looking for. A male aged around twenty four or twenty five years old, with brown hair, and about five foot eight. The photo of him had been taken from a security camera at the airport he had boarded the plane at. My eyes scanned over every person who stepped off of the plane until I eventually spotted him.

He was talking with a woman who had a tired looking child with her, my eyes followed after the pair as they walked towards the luggage claim. They were both oblivious to the fact I was watching him, and once they were about fifty feet ahead of me, I stood up and followed after the brunette, watching as he grabbed his suitcase off of the luggage carousel.

For a couple of minutes passed, with me following behind, seeming inconspicuous. The brunette didn’t notice me at all as he walked to the taxi terminal. When I saw the group of men trying to offer rides in their taxis, claiming they could offer the best quality rides. My smile widened as I slipped among them.

A couple of minutes passed as the other drivers around all pestered him, saying things along the lines of ‘our service offers high quality rides at the lowest of prices’ or some bullshit along those lines. I waited quietly as they continued their rambling while the brunette just seemed confused.

Most of the taxi drivers had given up with the boy to pester another person and this was what I decided to use to my advantage. I cleared my throat as I walked up to him and smiled. “Excuse me sir, I was wondering if you need a ride. My taxi service isn’t the best, but it is a good enough quality at a good enough price, and we usually make good time too.” 

There was a moment of caution before he gave a nod, his hand clutching onto the handle of his suitcase tightly. “Yeah. I could use a ride. Which taxi is yours?”
My smile widened. “It is down the end of the row. Near the domestic flights terminal. I can walk you there now if there is nothing else you need.”

“No, everything I need is in my suitcase or my bag.” I watched him smile as he turned to follow me. God, whoever this kid was, he was an idiot. Surely he knew that he was related to a man who was thousands of dollars in debt. If he was, why would he willingly come back here where the mafia he owes money to lives?

Without saying anything I began leading him towards the less crowded half of the car park, with him following stupidly behind me, like an ignorant newborn duckling. “So,” I began with a smile, one that showed kindness and friendliness. “What’s your name? And why did you decide to come to L’manburg?”

“Oh, my name is George.” He greeted, showing how completely trusting of strangers he seemed to be. “I used to live in L’manburg when I was a kid, but I decided to move back now because I used to love this place. We moved so suddenly too.”

“That is a shame,” I responded, glancing around slightly to see if anybody was around. “I am glad that you moved back though, so what are you planning on doing?”
“Well I did spend a lot of time coding growing up. Maybe I could find a job doing that. So what about you? Did you always want to be a taxi driver?”

‘This kid is so chatty’ I thought as I looked around, and saw that nobody was nearby. ”Oh, my father was a taxi driver, it seemed like fun so I wanted to do the same.” My response seemed to have him convinced as my gaze lifted and I couldn’t see any cameras around. A smile appeared on my face as I stopped walking.

“Uhh… is this your car?” George asked, looking at the one closest to us and only now starting to piece together I wasn’t who I said I was. He began backing away slowly, suitcase still clutched tightly in his hand as he did so. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I ran at him, the boy tried to dodge my advance but I wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him down to the floor.

The brunette immediately started screaming his lungs out, until I forced a rug doused in chloroform over his mouth. For a couple of minutes George continued to struggle until he started looking faint and was knocked out cold.

I smiled as I lifted up the unconscious British boy and carried him over to where my car was, throwing him in the trunk and locking it shut before going back to grab his suitcase and backpack as well.

“Sapnap,” I said happily as I took my time starting the car. “I have him. His name is George and he isn’t exactly the smartest. I’ll have him to you in half an hour.”
1244 words

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