Chapter 27: Blinded

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How's everyone's days/nights going?
George POV.

Neither of us said anything as he walked through a door in the wall that I hadn’t noticed which led into the backyard. The thought of how he would react the second that we got inside was not present in my mind at all. The only thing that I could think about was the throbbing pain in my ankle, and the uncomfortable tingle from where the skin was scraped hands and legs.

Sapnap was standing by the backdoor of the mansion, he opened it when Dream and I were close and didn’t say anything to either of us. He kept his head low, probably knowing how angry the blond was, since I could sense the same rage radiating off of him.

He started heading down one of the halls I hadn’t seen yet (although there were quite a lot of halls we hadn’t seen yet). Him doing that confused me, since there was a staircase right by the door and I figured he’d have taken me to my room and berated me for running off there.

Just as I was about to question where we were going, the mafia boss forced my head against his chest, causing me to immediately force my hands against his chest to push myself back off of him. “Dream, what the hell?” I asked, immediately angry. I could tell as he instantly just tried to force my head back against my chest.

“You are in trouble so you don’t get to complain,” he stated blankly, and I scoffed at the shitty explanation that he had given.
“Why are you trying to get me to rest my head on your chest like some sort of pervert!?” It was more of a demand for an answer than a normal question.

“I was having a meeting with somebody about an upcoming event and thanks to you I had to cut it short.” The blond explained, turning a corner and heading down another hallway.
“Such a shame,” I murmured sarcastically. “I stopped you from making a deal which probably involves prostitutes, drugs, weapons, or booze.”

“Be quiet, you still don’t get to complain after the escape stunt that you just pulled.” I grumbled under my breath, but he didn’t seem to care as he pushed my head back against his chest and pulled some cloth out of his pocket. “You are not allowed to see or hear who I am making deals with so I’m putting this on you and covering your ears, understand?”

“No!?” I said, sounding appalled. “Do you expect me to just go deaf and blind into your meeting with who knows what and sit on your lap like a dog the entire time?”
The blond chuckled lowly. “Maybe if you hadn’t run off you’d still be sitting in the sun with Karl, or you’d be watching a movie in your room or something.”

“So because you think I should be humiliated I have to just go along happily?” I scowled, before yelping as he managed to force the blindfold over my face.
“Realx, you act like you’re going to be like this for hours, but I was wrapping up the meeting when you ran, you’ll only be like this for five minutes tops, then we’ll patch up your ankle.”

I sighed at this embarrassing situation that I found myself in, now starting to regret trying to escape at this point in time at least. But I knew that Dream would probably use this as a time of punishment and so I just rested my head against his chest, with one ear pressed against it and the other being covered by one of Dream’s hands so I couldn’t hear anything.

My face had a red hue as the blond started walking again, and since I couldn’t see or hear anything I just began focusing on his breathing. Dream was carrying me effortlessly, and after walking for a few minutes he stopped, and I heard the rumble in his chest as he started talking to somebody else.

Dream POV.

I held George close to my chest, feeling somewhat happy because I honestly expected him to struggle against me a lot more than he actually did. Quackity was still in the meeting room where I had last seen him, and as I stepped inside he put his phone away (he had probably been playing on it to pass the time).

“Took you long enough Dream, I was starting to think that you had-” he paused when he looked up and saw George in my arms. He was probably shocked because Quackity knew about the brunette moving to the UK at the end of high school and was probably wondering why he was back.

“Sorry I took so long,” I smiled from under my mask. “I had to stop an escape attempt.” Quackity wasn’t even looking at me and I wasn’t even sure if he had heard what I said.
“Why do you have George in your arms?” He questioned.
“It’s a long story,” I simply sighed as the answer, not wanting to explain the situation.

“Does this mean you two are back together again?” Quackity questioned, before realising something and taking a step back. “Wait a minute… why is he wearing a blindfold? Is this some kind of public humiliation kink or something? Or a pet kink?”

“No it’s nothing like that,” I said in a defeated manner.
“Then what is it like?” The casino owner questioned, raising an eyebrow as he did.
“George doesn’t know who I am yet and I think he will hate me if I do tell him.” I explained.

“Oh,” Quackity said quietly before giving a nod in understanding. “I guess that does make sense, but why is he with you if you two aren’t together again?”
“Still a long story.” I repeated, subconsciously pulling George closer and causing him to gasp before leaning closer to me.

Honestly, seeing him blindfolded like this was adorable. Occasionally it seemed like he was straining his ears for any clue as to who I was talking to, but then hjs personality would completely one-eighty. In an instant he'd press himself closer into me than he had before, mainly because he seemed worried about who else could be in the room along with us.

“Okay then.” The gambler huffed, knowing that he wasn’t going to get anywhere with me, but I noticed how his eyes softened as he looked at the brunette in my arms, since I knew that they had been good friends as kids. There were a couple of minutes of silence between the two of us before he spoke up again.

“Dream, I’ve decided that I want you to bring George with you to my party tomorrow night.” He stated, smiling as he crossed his arms.
“No way,” I replied instantly, shutting the idea down. “Those parties are dangerous Quackity, how many fights and deaths have happened at one of your parties? He could get hurt!”

“Then you stay next to him and protect him,” he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I am one of your biggest buyers Dream, if you want me to keep purchasing from you then bring your boyfriend to my party. I just want to see you there for five minutes at the most.”
I knew he wouldn’t let me say no and so I sighed in defeat. “Fine, I’ll bring George.”

“Great!” He beamed, walking past me and into the hallway. “Well, I’ll leave you and your boyfriend to do whatever it is you want to do, and I’ll see you both tomorrow. Just make sure that you wear protection!” Before I could yell anything back at him he went sprinting down the hall childishly, and I rolled my eyes at him.

Once he was gone I uncovered George’s ears and pulled the blindfold off of him. For a couple of seconds he blinked up at me, trying to get used to the light. “Sorry that took so long,” I apologised as I began carrying him upstairs to the bedroom. “Now, I will fix your ankle and then the two of us need to have a little chat.”

George gulped slightly as I continued to carry him upstairs to check out the ankle that had swollen to now be almost double its original size.
1546 words

Dream's gonna have a 'chat' with George, and George has been invited to a party at the casino by just sitting there and looking pretty.

Also, someone who's convinced Dream is a groomer (like their name was literally Dreamisagoomer or something like that) messaged me on conversations saying 'fuck Dream, fuck you'.
This person has also messaged several other Dream fans or anyone in general who has read/written any Dream related fanfictions.

That message is all they've said to anyone (at least 6 others accounts I know of have received these messages). They have one follower and I'm pretty sure it's an alt seeing as their account was made four days ago and that's when they messaged me.

Just wanted you guys to be aware about this person and that they are kind of pathetic. So no need to worry 🤷‍♂️

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