Chapter 31: Bathroom

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People have made guesses for what would happen to George at the casino, with ideas ranging from 'someone flirting with him and making Dream mad' to 'him trying to run away and making Dream mad'.

Long story short people just thought Dream would be mad.

Let's see what actually happens shall we.
George POV.

“You can have another drink later George,” the mafia boss reassured me as he took another sip of his drink which was still at least half full. I grumbled at him quietly, since he clearly knew that I wanted to get drunk enough to forget about anything that happens tonight.  “Why don’t we go and talk to some people, or go and dance?”

I grumbled at the two suggestions, seeing as neither of these seemed that amusing, but I knew that if Dream said I wasn’t getting drinks then I wouldn’t be getting a drink. I eventually agreed. “I guess we could go find Sapnap and Karl,” I muttered, and Dream seemed fine with that idea, but then I asked a question. “But can I go to the bathroom first?”

There was a bathroom right beside the bar, lit by a neon sign. Dream turned his head slightly to glance over at itand I thought for a moment that he’d be harsh enough to say no. I was surprised though when he told me to ‘go ahead’, and I thanked him before doing exactly that.

I grabbed my crutch and began limping over to the bathroom. A couple of people sent me glances which I didn’t care to look at. Then I opened the door to the male restroom and went to a stall.

The room was quiet. I awkwardly did my business while my mind wandered elsewhere. Part of me wanted to make a break for it at the party, but I was already injured and so it would be hard to get too far before Dream noticed, and although I hate to admit it, I think I’d rather be with the blond than some other criminal.

So, for now I would be fine at this party with Dream, even though I despised the idea of being at this place entirely. But it was going to only be for a few hours at least, meaning that I’d pretend to be enjoying myself with the mafia boss, get drunk so I forget this evening, and then sleep through the entire weekend.

As I came to that conclusion and made my way over to the sink to wash my hands another person walked in, dressed in a suit which was light grey and white. I questioned the odd choice of colour internally, but I didn’t say anything mainly because I didn’t want to get beaten up. I just focused on washing my hands as he came and stood at the sink directly beside mine.

“Hey.” He greeted, making me instantly feel awkward because who the hell starts up a conversation in a casino bathroom. I didn’t say anything and continued to concentrate on my hands, planning on pointlessly running them under the water and scrubbing them with endless layers of soap until the man got bored and left.

“Can you hear me?” The man questioned. “I was talking to you.” This began getting even more awkward, and I decided to throw out the plan of standing here until he got bored. Instead I turned the water off and grabbed one of the paper towels available to dry my hands, planning on just grabbing it and sprinting back to Dream before he could do anything.

“Are you Dream’s date this evening?” He asked again, and I suddenly turned to respond to him without even thinking about what I was doing.
“I am not Dream’s date.” I told him instantly. “He knows a guy who insisted I should come and so we came here together.”

“Strange.” The man murmured to himself, taking a step towards me and making me back away from him in response. “Dream doesn’t usually bring people to these kinds of events with him. In fact, I have never seen him hang around with anyone other than people who work for him, and people he’s planning on doing business with.”

“Well I kind of work for him.” I answered, fidgeting with my fingers without breaking eye contact with him. “My family owes him money and so I have to work off the debt.”
“So that’s why you are here. Do you want to get out of it though?” He continued on.
“What do you mean?” I responded.

He chuckled before grabbing me and pulling me close to him. “I have been working for the government and we’ve tried to get Dream out of the fucking picture for years. If you were to help I would be able to do something in return. I could help you get a nice apartment and get your life back on track.”

“And how do you know that I am trustworthy?” I responded, pushing myself back for a little more room. “How do you know that Dream hasn’t offered me the same thing?”
He smirked as he reached into his pocket, before pulling out a photo of me which made my breath hitch.

“Your name is George Henry Davidson. Aged twenty-five. You moved here five days ago from the UK and your mother hadn’t heard from you even though you told her you’d call when you landed.” He explained. “One day after you left she called L’manburg police. We checked airport footage and found a man working for Dream’s mafia had taken you.”

A relatively small sense of ease appeared inside of me as he explained what he knew about me and my disappearance. I knew that it would mean I’d get to leave, since he knew about who had kidnapped me, but why hadn’t he told me that yet? It felt like there was something deeper.

“If you don’t mind I was wondering if I could ask you for a favour.” He continued, and as he spoke he glanced around to check if anybody was around to overhear the conversation.
“That depends on what the favour is.” I replied, moving slightly closer to him because I knew that it wouldn’t be good for other people to listen to this.

“Dream is very clever at keeping his name out of the dirt.” They informed me. “I work for the police and although we know that Dream is involved in this kind of stuff, he is very good at keeping his own hands clean.”
“So what do you want me to do?” I responded. “I doubt I could find proof that you can’t find.”

“Here.” He offered out a phone which confused me even more. “Hide it in your pocket. If and when you get the chance, take photos of what he’s doing, and of who he’s with. The entire city believes he is just some businessman. If I can take information to the court then a warrant for his arrest will be issued.”

“But I want to get out of here.” I whispered quietly. “I want to go to find my friends, that’s the entire reason why I came back to L’manburg.”
“You came here to find your friends?” The undercover officer questioned, and I nodded. “If you can help me with this I could pull some records and help you find your friends.”

That was good. All I have to do is spend a couple months around Dream taking photos when he isn't looking, and then this officer would help me find Clay, and my other friends. I nodded and went to answer when the door to the bathroom suddenly opened.

A man with pink here came into the room, he was dressed neatly and had a gruff expression on his face and I immediately turned my attention to the sink, pretending that I was washing my hands instead of having a conversation. He was the same guy who was sitting next to me and Dream at the bar a couple minutes ago.

“Has he said yes?” The pinkette asked, looking at the undercover officer who was still standing beside me with a wide smirk.
“Not yet.” Was the response that was given. They turned to look at me expectantly and that was when it registered in my brain that this was another undercover officer.

I nodded at both of them. “I can do that.” At my words both of them smiled and the one who had been here first reached forward to shake my hand eagerly.
“Thank you George. This can do so much to help the people of this city.” The first officer said as he handed me the phone for the photos, and a charger as well.

“If you feel scared and want to get out at any point the phone has both of our numbers and we will be able to get you out. Don’t call anybody else okay, just us. And I can see any of the photos you take” I examined the phone as he talked, noting that it didn’t have a password yet and so I quickly added one, just a simple four digit code.

“You should probably get back to Dream now.” The pinkette said in a monotone voice, and I nodded in response thinking that he might be starting to get suspicious.
“Before you do go, George.” The other man said. “Just so you know. I’m Officer Soot, and this is Officer Blade.” I nodded at both of them at the introduction before returning outside to Dream.
1619 words

Was this what people were expecting to happen? Or was this a pleasant (or perhaps an unpleasant) surprise.

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