Chapter 69: Leaving

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Dream POV.

“So the dealers have been hanging around here, correct?” Sapnap asked as he, Bad, and I all leaned over a map at my desk. It turns out that there had been some people claiming that they sold our drugs which were well known for their high quality on the street. We obviously had never even heard of these people, and decided to scare them into dropping their story.

“Yeah.” Bad nodded. “Punz has been staking out the area and that’s where most of their deals go down. Those muffin heads need to pay for lying.”
“And they will pay.” I responded with a hum. “Tomorrow morning I want people there all day, to try and purchase some drugs.”

“Wouldn’t they think that they're undercover cops if they turn up and start asking for some drugs?” Sapnap questioned, and I shook my head.
“These guys are idiots. They won’t suspect a thing.”

He gave a nod at my reassurance and I began pointing out spots on the map and giving instructions which Bad noted down on a piece of paper so that I could tell the rest of the group later. Sapnap was occasionally chiming in with comments, but it was mainly just me talking, that was until the door was thrown open.

“Clay!” George shouted out as he ran into the room and jumped into my arms without any context. All three of us in the room were in shock as he ran, but I wrapped my arms around his waist to stop him from falling back.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, being able to hear the stress in the brunette’s voice from when he just ran into the room. “Are you okay?”
Tears had been forming in his eyes and he began blinking them back, shaking his head as he began murmuring phrases of ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I messed up’ over and over again.

I couldn’t understand what he was talking about so I shushed him, beginning to sway him back and forth to attempt to calm him as I glanced up at Sapnap and Bad, along with Karl who was standing in the door frame after running after the brunette. One of my hands reached up and managed to pull my mask up, before mouthing a question to them, asking if they could leave.

Bad and Karl both nodded, turning to head out of the room however Sapnap stayed. ‘He knows you’re Clay now?’ He mouthed the question back at me and I nodded.
‘I’ll talk later, this isn’t the time’ he seemed annoyed at my response, wanting to get answers but reluctantly nodded.

‘You need to tell me what happened later’ the ravenette stated, before turning and walking out of the room, leaving me alone with the crying Brit in my arms. I gently directed him over to the window seat and got him sitting down, watching as he continued to mutter apologies that I still didn’t understand the meaning of.

“Hey~” I soothed, wanting to get him to calm down. “George, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? And what are you sorry for?” He let out small sniffles as he blinked up at me.
“I managed to tell some cops about this place. They are planning on raiding the mansion at some point today.” He subbed out, before burying his head in his hands. “I’m so sorry!”

I took a step back and blinked a couple of times, trying to process what exactly the brunette was saying. He had somehow managed to get in contact with somebody outside the mansion, and it wasn’t just anybody, it was a cop. Then he had told them about the situation and now they were doing a raid on the mansion at some point today.

George peaked between his fingers up at me, and even though I still had my mask on it was clear that he could tell that I was feeling a mix of shock, confusion, anger, and sadness at the reveal. “You hate me now, don’t you?” He choked out the question, bringing me back to the reality of the situation.

I didn’t answer him, instead grabbing my phone and calling Bad and Sapnap, telling them both to simply get back to my office before hanging up. George was still a sobbing mess and I sighed before addressing him. “Go back to your room George,” I instructed, trying not to sound too rude despite how I was feeling. “I want you to pack some of your stuff and then wait for me.”

The brunette seemed shocked and hurt as he stood up and practically stumbled his way out of the room. I took off my mask and dropped it onto the desk, feeling sweat gathering on my forehead which I quickly wiped away. I was panicking about what George had said, and what could happen because of what George said.

“Dream is everything alright?” I glanced up to see Sapnap and Bad walking over to me with Karl tailing after his boyfriend, I hadn’t noticed them entering the room.
“Yeah you sounded stressed on the phone. Did something happen with George?” Bad questioned, and I just nodded.

“I don’t know how but he managed to get in contact with some police officers and apparently they are planning on doing a raid today.”
“Today?” Sapnap questioned. “When did he tell them? Why?”

“I’m still not sure about that.” I answered. “When he came in here he was sobbing so badly that he could barely say anything other than ‘I’m sorry’.” I huffed as I slumped down in my chair. “I don’t know what to think.”
“So what are we going to do?” Karl questioned.

“We don’t know what time the raid is meant to happen.” I stated with a shake of my head. “We don’t know how many cops are coming. Or anything else.”
“So should I make the call to evacuate?” Bad asked. “Is that the best course of action so that we avoid getting arrested?”

I huffed, hating the idea of abandoning this place. This mansion had been in my family, and in the mafia for years. Almost all of my childhood memories were from around these halls, and it hurt to think that I might have to leave it. My body was tense and rigid as I got caught up in the fact that I’d have to leave here, and my three friends noticed.

“Dream?” Sapnap questioned, catching my attention. I glanced over to him, trying to keep myself composed. “Bad was wondering if we should make the call to evacuate.”
I nodded. “Tell everyone that they have half an hour to get their stuff and get out of here.”

Bad grabbed his phone to contact every member of the mafia. “Anything else you want me to add?” He raised an eyebrow as he asked.
“Tell them to go somewhere to stay hidden, have them stay with friends or family or at some motels, and that we’d contact them with any jobs, or once we find another place to stay.”

He left the room with a swift nod. I then turned my attention to Sapnap. “I want you to set up explosives at any possible entrance, and have them activated once we are gone.” I told him. “That way if any police do try to come in they, along with any evidence and DNA, is gone.”

“What about my stuff?” The ravenette questioned. “I’m not leaving ten thousand dollars worth of shit to be blown up.”
“We have billions of dollars in offshore accounts to replace anything that we need.” I reassured him. “Plus, Karl will grab what you need after I give him his job.”

Sapnap sighed in defeat before nodding and running out of the room and so I finally turned to Karl. “I want you to organise a hotel for you, me, Bad, Sapnap, and George to stay while we sort this mess out. Get two five star suites. Then go get anything of yours and Sapnap’s that you don’t want to go ablaze. Make sense?” Karl nodded as he pulled his phone out and left.

I knew that I had to do a lot as well. I grabbed a briefcase hidden at the back of the room and began piling it up with all of my files, weapons, and anything else important for this office, before setting up my own explosive in here. Unlike the ones Sapnap was planting this was on a timer, so anything in here would blow up in an fifty regardless of if police got in or not.

As I headed to the door so I could run upstairs and grab my stuff I secured my mask, silently saying goodbye to the room. I needed to quickly get my stuff, and then grab George and leave. Then I can think of any sappy feelings that I had for this hellhole.

I just can’t believe that George would do this.
1496 words

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