Chapter 75: The News

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George POV.

It was late in the evening, and I found myself unable to sleep. The TV in the bedroom was on, however it was on mute as the bright lights illuminated my room. For the past hour or so I had been staring blankly at the screen, feeling empty and not really paying attention to anything happening.

To give myself something to do I’d had a cold shower, I’d considered hopping in the hot tub, and I wanted to order room service, however they stopped serving at 10pm, and wouldn’t start again until 7am. There were other ways I tried to distract myself, but none of them seemed to work as I began staring at the wall with tears pricking in my eyes.

Without knowing what I was doing I climbed out of bed, walking through the room and out into the main room of the hotel suite. It was hard to believe that twenty-four hours ago I was in Clay’s room cuddling and making love with him after years of being apart. But I had ruined it because I’d been giving information to the police.

A small sob fell from my lips and I curled up again, this time on the couch. Another round of tears flowed down my cheeks. Suddenly though, I fell silent as a door opened, and I glanced up to see the blond walking into the room. His eyes widened and he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug without any words.

Feeling Clay’s warm and caring touch made me calm down slightly. I leaned closer to him as he pulled me onto his lap. “I’m sorry for how I was yelling at you earlier,” he said as he held me close. “I understand why you were mad, and I want to make it up to you.”
“How?” I responded, glancing up at him.

“However you like.” The mafia boss responded. “We could go somewhere nice for lunch, or I could take you shopping, or we could go on a nice holiday just the two of us. Whatever you feel like, sweetheart.”

I smiled at the nickname, nuzzling against his neck. “Thank you,” I responded quietly. “But I just want to sleep right now. I couldn’t do it in my room and I got tired of watching movies.”
“Yeah,” Clay agreed. “I couldn’t sleep either. I was trying to do work in my office but I couldn’t focus on anything. I heard you moving around and wanted to know if you were okay.”

There were a couple of moments of peaceful silence before he continued. “Want to spend the night in my room? There is plenty of space on the bed for the both of us.”
“Yeah,” I smiled back at him. “That sounds nice.”

Our lips connected with each other in a gentle passion. We separated for a moment as we stood up before he wrapped his arms around my waist and we continued a gentle make-out session while he led me to his room. I moaned gently as he pushed me down onto the bed and crawled up beside me.

The next morning

I smiled as I felt warm hands massaging my back, and my eyes fluttered open to see Clay sitting up, with my head resting on his lap. “Morning.” He greeted when he saw me awake and admiring him. His voice was gruff from waking up and his phone was in his hand as he scrolled through it boredly.

“How are you feeling this morning?” The blond questioned, continuing his slow sensual movements over my body. “Are you feeling better?”
I let out an ‘mhm’ noise, not wanting to say anything as I enjoyed his company.

Neither of us said anything for a couple of minutes, with me just enjoying his warmth while he scrolled through his phone. Eventually I asked him what time it was, seeing as it had felt like we’d been laying together for hours, not that I minded. “It’s just past eight,” he answered, checking the time on his phone. “We could see if any restaurants looked nice and eat there.”

I shook my head. “I’m comfortable,” I responded. It was nice and warm in the bed, being able to cuddle with him and I didn’t want to leave for anything.
“How about room service? We could look over the menu and see if there is anything you wanted.” The blond offered.

“Whatever you want,” I answered. “As long as we can cuddle while we wait.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way baby,” Clay hummed as he pulled me closer. I pressed a kiss against his cheek before grabbing the TV remote, wondering if I could find a movie while we waited for food.

The blond grabbed the menu as I flicked through channels, before stopping when I saw a news report showing the mansion. I turned up the volume and began listening to the report, which quickly caught Clay’s attention too.

“...the sixty-five police officers and swat agents that were caught in the explosion have all passed away after the final officer, Joseph Matthews, a twenty-six year old police officer, passed away in the early hours of this morning.” The news reporter read out, seeming close to tears.

“This happened after an explosion erupted at a mansion owned and occupied by the L’manburg mafia. No members of the mafia were at the mansion at the time. There is no information on how the mafia became aware of the raid, however we have new information on the mafia boss that was revealed to the public by police captain Philza Minecraft this morning.”

“Wait what?” The blond questioned, grabbing his phone and dialling something in before putting it up to his ear. Somebody answered and must have said something before Clay growled out a response to them. ”Sapnap I don’t fucking care if you are cuddling with Karl, or that it’s early, you need to get the news on channel seven, now.”

There was a moment of silence and then he spoke again. ”Yeah, yeah, tell Karl that I am sorry that I ruined your morning. Just check it out, and make sure Bad checks it out too.” He hung up and placed his phone beside the bed as he went to look back at the screen where there had been an ad break, but it was just going back to the program.

The reporter recapped the last couple sentences about how there was new information on the man who ran the L’manburg mafia, and then she cut to a shot from outside one of the police stations where the police captain stood in front of a podium. It was a speech that he’d given yesterday afternoon, based on the bright sun which wouldn't be there at this time in the morning.

“It is with great sadness that I make the formal announcement of the death of forty-seven of the swat agents and police officers that attempted a raid on the mafia mansion.” The police captain announced, before pausing for a moment as several camera flashes lit up the front of the station as photographers probably were wanting to fill out their front page.

After a couple of moments he continued. “On a more positive note, for the first time since the surfacing of the mafia boss Dream we have a report on what he looks like without the mask.” My eyes widened at what he said, and the blond did the same as he leaned closer to the screen slightly.

“We are still attempting to identify the photo taken,” a brunette officer who I recognised as Wilbur began to explain after he had stepped up to the platform. “He is a blond caucasian male with green eyes, and in his early to mid twenties.” I glanced over at Clay as he glared at the TV and saw that the description was completely accurate.

“Along with his known associates the person he is most likely hanging around with is a British brunette and kidnap victim George Davidson. Another caucasian male in his early to mid twenties. It is believed that George Davidson has been working with Dream for the past couple of months.”

I looked back over at Clay as he grabbed his phone again. After it rang a couple of times someone answered. “You saw the news?” Clay questioned, and after a moment he continued. “I know. Now Karl, can you do me and George a favour and get some hair dye, contacts, and anything else you need. The two of us need to turn invisible.”
1442 words

So yesterday I asked whether or not people wanted me to do a special Christmas chapter for my stories, and quite a few of you did. So on the next chapter over you can vote on which story (or stories cause I might do two) you'd want to see a bonus Christmas chapter for.

Warning though, the blurbs for five different stories will be there, and there will (obviously) be spoilers for Huber Games, God's, Heroes/Antiheroes, Manipulation High, and this story, Shot in Love and Crime.

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