Chapter 80: How are you feeling

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Ezra warning
Clay POV.
Smut warning

“George, am I allowed to do this?” I asked while kissing along the back of the small brunette’s neck. I was pinning him down on the bed while he laid on his stomach. One of my hands was resting on his hip, the other was gently holding the zipper of his dress so that I could take it off, if he gave me permission of course.

“Please,” he groaned in response. “I want you Clay… fuck.” A low moan fell from his lips as I sucked on a sensitive patch of skin where his collarbone met his neck.
I slowly unzipped the back of his dress before pulling the dress down, being gentle so as to not ruin the beautiful blue fabric.

The brunette shivered as the cold air hit his back, and I moved down to kiss along his back while caressing his sides. “You are so beautiful laying underneath me.” I whispered the compliment before biting at the small of his back, making him jolt slightly.

“God, I’d do anything to be able to fuck you senseless right now.” I muttered while continuously kissing around his waist, rolling George over so that I could look into his eyes, which were slightly glazed from the lust.

“Would you like that?” I questioned lowly, moving up to nuzzle into his neck. “Would you like me to fuck you so hard that you can’t walk and have to depend on me to take care of you?”
“Clay~” he whined. “I want that. Please God I fucking want that.”
“I want that too…” I responded, my hand trailing down to the waistband of his boxers.

“However we are meeting up for dinner with Sapnap, Karl, Bad, and Quackity. I don’t want them to question why you’re limping.” I listened to him whimper as I pulled down his boxers, exposing his hard on.
“No, want you now!” He begged, catching me off guard.

“Look at you, being so demanding. It makes me want to ravish you more.” I growled passionately at him, making him roll over so he was laying on his back. My warm breath brushed against his cock, making the poor brunette shiver eagerly. “Maybe I should call and tell them that you are sick and I’ll stay here to take care of you.”

As I spoke my hand traced over his hardened cock. It was adorable the way he whimpered and bucked his hips into the teasing motion. He’d already fallen apart so much from these small instances of affection, and couldn’t even respond to what I said earlier.

“Or maybe I should have you staying tied up here for me, waiting patiently until I return and then I can make your little problem go away.” I offered, although I would never dare tie up the beautiful brunette in front of me.
“Clay, stop messing around,” he pouted, and I pressed a small kiss onto his forehead.

“Fine, how about I give you a quick treat?” I asked them. “Then we can go to dinner and I’ll give you another one later.”
“Sounds perfect,” George hummed, his hands moving up to my hair.

With those words I kissed the brunette happily before pulling him over to the edge of the bed so that I was in between his legs. I took a couple of moments to kiss and bite his bare thighs. The hands which were tangled in my hair tugged it softly, trying to get me to move closer to his dick.

Being sensual I looked up at him while slowly beginning to kiss his cock, watching the brunette grip the sheets on my bed and try not to lose composure in front of me. I didn’t want to stop watching him, since I wanted to see each and every cute, fucked-out reaction that he had as I took his dick into my mouth.

A whimper fell from his lips as his arms shook, the one that was in my hair tugged me further down his shaft, making both of us groan out in pleasure. My tongue traced the underside of his hardened dick and all of the veins. “Feels so fucking good-” He moaned out, and I hummed around his dick, causing him to physically drool.

It felt great being able to make him react like this, his dishevelled state and all the hot noises he was making drove me insane, encouraging me to suck him harder and faster. His back arched and I could tell that the brunette was getting close as he writhed around on the covers as I continued pleasuring him.

I fell into a mindless pattern of sucking on the beautiful brunette’s dick while admiring him. Who could believe that just over three months ago I had given up on all hope of ever seeing my ex-boyfriend again. Now though, I was back with him again, sitting in between his legs and sucking him off in the suite of one of the nicest hotels in the country.

“Clay- fuck I’m close.” George moaned out, lifting his hips slightly and I pressed my hands into his hips, holding him down before he finally released into my mouth with a jolt.
He let out a string of incomprehensible sounds as his cum raced down my throat, the salty taste making me groan around his dick before gently suckling him through his orgasm.

Eventually the brunette let out a sigh as he collapsed back onto the bed, and I pulled off of his cock, climbing up onto the bed and setting myself down alongside George. I smiled softly down at his glazed over looks while I brushed my hand through his messed up hair.

Smut Over

“How are you feeling baby?” I questioned while cuddling into him, not caring about the fact that he was completely naked.
“Fucking amazing,” he replied, a dazed yet happy look present on his face. “I forgot how good you were with these kinds of things back in high school.”

“Aww, thanks sweetheart,” I smiled while kissing his forehead. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you know that right?”
“Where’s this coming from?” He asked back, pulling the blanket that had been folded up over the end of the bed over both of us. “I wanted to sleep a little before dinner.”

“I know you do Georgie, it’s just maybe us losing the mansion was a blessing in disguise.” I stated, glancing over at one of the windows in the bedroom which were too high off the ground for anyone to be able to see what we’d been up to. “I have only told a few people this, but after high school I was planning on cutting contact with my family so I didn’t end up running the mafia.”

“Then why didn’t you?” The brunette continued to question, tilting his head slightly in curiosity.
I considered telling him, but that would mean that I ended up telling him about how I was planning to spend my life with him back in high school and that I was planning to propose to him, and I didn’t want to tell him that right now.

Instead I just told him, “it isn’t important for now, okay. How about you have a nap and I’ll wake you up when it’s time to head down to dinner?” It was clear that George didn’t want that, that he instead wanted me to answer his question, however I didn’t say anything. I just continued to rub his back and shoulders and felt him relax before passing out in my arms.
1316 words

The story is almost over. Two days from now the first few chapters of King of the Cell will be coming out, and then a couple days after that this story will be finished.

Any predictions to the ending?

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