Chapter 77: Skirt

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George POV.

I immediately averted my gaze when I saw the two police officers sitting at a cafe with a coffee and a pastry each. The thought that they might recognise me made me want to just turn around and head back to the hotel, even though it would mean that we wouldn’t do what Karl wanted and get some new clothes.

“Are you okay?” Karl questioned, glancing at me. I didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds as I glanced over at the cops again who hadn’t seen me yet.
“Yeah,” I replied, not wanting to tip him off. Dream and the other members of the mafia didn’t know what cops I’d talked to, and I’m scared what would happen if they found out.

“Could we go to that store?” I asked, pointing at the first one that I noticed. Karl glanced over in that direction and raised an eyebrow at me.
“Are you sure that’s where you want to go?” He questioned back, and I nodded without considering why he was asking that.

Karl took my hand and led me in that direction, and I suddenly noticed why he was sceptical about us going shopping there. It was a shop for dresses and skirts, and part of me wanted to tell the brunette that I’d changed my mind, however I said nothing.

“I’ve always been interested in shopping in these kinds of stores, but I’ve not had the chance to go in here for a while.” My friend explained, before his eyes widened as he saw a purple skirt that caught his interest.
“This is my… uh… first time buying a skirt actually.” I muttered.

“Don’t worry George,” Karl reassured. “I know what kind of look would suit you so we can find the first couple for you to try on. I just need to know what colour you want to try on.”
“Blue would be nice.” I decided, glancing around at the different options.

As soon as I chose my colour, we walked into a direction of the light blue skirts, since the entire shop was separated by the different skirt colours. I’ve never really considered that there were this many types of skirts, and some of them looked quite nice. Suddenly one was pushed in my direction and I took it from Karl.

“This one looks nice.” Karl smiled fondly. “It goes down to below your knees, but it also compliments your eyes, even with the different coloured contacts.”
“I guess I could try it on.” As I took it I looked over both sides and it did look nice, and my hand brushed over the fabric which was beautifully soft.

Karl led me over to the changing rooms, and practically pushed me into one of them before telling me he’d be right back after grabbing some skirts for himself. I let out a shuddered breath as I looked over the skirt. My mind flashed back to what Karl said earlier about how I would look different, and it would avert attention off of my whole face.

A boy wearing a light blue skirt would definitely catch attention, and most people would be focusing on watching that instead of my face, even though it might also get me a few homophobic comments.

Slowly, I pulled my pants down, feeling cautious and watching myself cautiously in the mirror the entire time. I continued to make eye contact with my heavily blushing reflection as I pulled the skirt up, which was a little loose, but not enough to let it fall from my waist. I stood up, my hands hugging my chest as I looked at myself.

Just as Karl said, the skirt fell to just below my knees, and I pulled back on my ankle socks and sneakers to try them on. There were still a couple of inches of smooth skin which I had waxed as part of Karl’s make-over this morning (although I pointed out to him that I most commonly wore jeans and pants, he said that this was for when I was alone with Clay).

I even let out a small giggle as I spun around, admiring the way that it looked on all parts of my body and from all angles. This just went on to show that Karl was a genius when it came to fashion and make-up, exactly like Clay had said earlier. I decided to show the brunette as I stepped out of the changing room and began looking around for him.

My friend was standing nearby looking at a rack of extremely short skirts that would barely cover anything when I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked over at me and smiled. “You look great George!” He proclaimed eagerly. “It suits you.”
“Thanks,” I responded. “I didn’t think that it would suit me.”

“Well, think again. I have to get you some other things too. There are so many different colours and types that you could get.” He said happily as he began leading me around the store and grabbing other skirts in the same size. Karl told me about each type of skirt he grabbed, a-line skirts, knife pleated skirts, mini skirts, circle skirts, ruffled skirts, and a bunch of others.

“I never knew there was this much to skirts.” I huffed out tiredly as Karl pushed me back into the changing room again.
“Sapnap said that exact same thing when I brought him into one of these stores looking for skirts.” He responded with a chuckle at the memory. “Now hurry up and try them on.”

The brunette was celebrating silently while I took off the skirt I was wearing and pulled on another one. This time it was a tight black mini skirt which pressed against my thighs. “This one feels weird,” I stated as I glanced over my reflection. It practically hugged my legs, and I could see a slight bulge which made me blush shamefully.

“If it doesn’t feel comfortable then you can take it off.” The brunette reassured me, while I was beginning to think about what Clay would say if he saw me in this.
I nodded even though he couldn’t see, and took off the skirt before trying on another one.

Slowly I made my way through all the skirts that we’d grabbed and put the ones I liked in one pile, and the ones I hated in another. The final one I tried on wasn’t a skirt, it was actually a light blue strapless dress. I opened the door to show Karl and he matched my bubbly personality while taking a photo.

“That one looks stunning on you.” Karl complimented as he showed me the photo. “If you want I can take the tag off and you can wear it home.”
“Why would I want to do that?” I asked, blushing slightly.
“Think how Dream would react when he saw you in that.” The brunette hummed.

I couldn’t help but get flustered as I imagined the way that Clay would react, so flustered that I didn’t notice Karl scooping up all the skirts I liked in one arm, along with the pair of pants I had worn here. In the other arm he took the skirts I didn’t like and draped it over the return rack.

As I walked out of the store once we paid a shiver ran down my spine at the change of temperature. The two of us began heading back to the hotel and I didn’t even spare a glance at the cafe where the two policemen had been drinking and eating.
1275 words

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