Christmas Special Voting

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So here is the voting for the Christmas Special chapter, I'll write either one or two (depending on what you vote for), and upload them on Christmas Eve, and/or Christmas Day (but it might change slightly due to timezones)

1. Hunger Games Christmas Special

     Back when Clay and George had been living in the districts they'd heard about what Christmas was many times. George would spend weeks beforehand making brightly coloured lights in District 3, and Clay would spend days helping to catch extra fish to make feasts in District 4, all for the people living in the Capitol.

     Now they were free though, free from the districts where they'd been trapped, free from the dictatorship in the Capitol, and free from the torture of the games. Several months after escaping and taking refuge the pair can celebrate their first Christmas with each other.

2. Heroes/Antiheroes Christmas Special

     After setting up a new life, the heroes and villains had begun living together, in a small country home, hundreds of miles away from the city of L'manburg and the memories of what had happened there. But while most of the group was settled down as they reached the end of the year, the electrokinetic hero and the psychopathic killer who used to date were still not on good terms with each other.

     Will the spirit of Christmas (and their four superpowered best friends) be able to change the way that the two of them are acting around each other?

3. Gods Christmas Special

     George had been alive for over 2,000 years, and ever since Christmas was invented he fell in love with it. The only problem that he had was there was nobody for him to spend the holiday with.

     There was nobody for him to open presents with. Nobody to kiss under mistletoe. Nobody to cuddle up with in front of the fire.

     For the first time in his life though, he wasn't alone. He had two people to spend the holiday with, but when they were the Gods of Chaos and Order, so it was obviously going to be interesting.

4. Manipulation High Christmas Special

     George and Clay had been dating for a while now. After their rocky first(?) relationship, the new relationship was more stable, and more open. There were no magic books, no hidden secrets, and no manipulation to get their way.

     The pair decide to go on a trip for Christmas with their close friends Sapnap and Karl. Both of them love spending time together, but on Christmas morning there is a strange gift for Clay, and this present is almost otherworldly.

      The two of them will have to try and avoid letting this strange gift from ruining their first Christmas together.

5. Shot in Love and Crime Christmas Special

     (This is a prequel to the events of the story, when George and Clay were dating as teenagers, before George moved to the UK).

     It was meant to be a special Christmas for the two of them to spend with each other, but Clay's parents decide that this is the perfect time for him to be more involved in the mafia.

      Will Clay decide to spend Christmas with the love of his life, or making his parents happy (so they didn't kill the love of his life)? And what will happen to George once Clay's parents find out his choice.

Vote here for which of the following you want (either with names or 1-5) and I'll announce the winner later:

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