Chapter 10: Garden

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George POV.

“Would you like to go outside for some fresh air?” The taller brunette asked me and I immediately nodded, a plan forming in my mind. If I was allowed outside I could try and see where I was, that means that I could try and make a break for it. Either this guy was too nice to be a part of the mafia, or too stupid. I wasn’t complaining though.

I stood up eagerly and followed after Karl, or at least he told me that was his name, I wasn’t sure if it was the truth or not. He led me out into the hallway, and I felt a shiver run through my spine at the coldness of this place. It was like an old Victorian manor, feeling cold and unwelcoming, although that did make sense seeing as this was the mafia.

Karl didn’t seem to mind the harsh feeling in the atmosphere, probably having become insensitive after being here for a while. He was walking with a smile on his face, one that seemed genuine. I couldn’t be certain though, instead letting my gaze shift back and forth, looking for a place I could hide if I decided to run off now.

My heartbeat was racing at this point, I managed to keep myself grounded though, focusing on thoughts of what would happen after this. I mean, after this whole ordeal was over, after I had run away and gotten to safety, I would be able to see Clay again.

He might have gotten married and had children. Or he might have waited, holding onto the hope that I’d someday come back. I didn’t care which of those had happened, I just needed to think of me being able to be with the blond. Even in my mind, the thought of his comfort could calm me down, stopping my breathing from picking up as I remembered how he’d hold me.

I hadn’t even realised that I’d been following Karl all the way down a staircase and out of a set of glass doors into a garden, and I was honestly stunned. He had said there was a garden, but I still didn’t believe it would look as nice as it did.

In all honesty, I had thought that since everyone living here was probably a part of the mafia, there wouldn’t be anyone looking after this place. However, instead of the unkempt long grass, dead flowers, and weed covered paths I was expecting, I found it to be quite the opposite. With lush long grass, bright flowers, and an overly warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Coming from beside me was a chuckle, and I glanced over to see Karl standing there grinning at me. “It isn’t what you’d expect, is it?” He asked, watching as I kept looking over at everything multiple times. “You probably thought it looked like a prison yard or something.”

He listened as I gave a hum as a sign of agreement before continuing. “A lot of us like to spend time out here actually, it is quite peaceful after some of the stuff we have had to witness.” Karl sent me a side glance at that, probably unsure of what my reaction would be. I was just more focused on the garden though.

Without waiting for him, I walked out onto the grass, loving the soft, spongy feeling beneath my bare feet, a sign from the recent rains. The sunlight felt nice, especially after being locked up in that basement for who knows how long before I ended up in that bedroom. But my eyes caught on a tall tree near the edge of the garden.

It was an Acer saccharinum, or more commonly known as a silverleaf maple, towering above a lot of the other trees providing shade around the area. The tree was probably over sixty feet tall, twice as tall as some of the other ones I could see, and the sight of the familiar plant brought a smile to my face.

This might seem stupid, but it was the same type of tree that grew around Clay and I’s special spot in the park. And the sense of familiarity made me happy. Karl seemed to just watch as I made my way over to it, since by the way I was looking at it, it didn’t seem like I was going to make a run for it.

I only noticed him approaching as I sat down, resting my back against the rough bark at the base of the trunk. “Mind if I join you?” He asked, now standing over me.”
“Go ahead,” I muttered in response, not really minding if I had company or not. Even though I didn’t trust him fully, I didn’t want to tell him no, mainly for my own safety.

About half an hour passed, every so often Karl would try and make conversation with me, and eventually I fell into it, deciding to answer some of his questions. Without even realising it I let my guard down for him, the two of us began passing jokes back and forth as though we were lifelong friends.

Dream POV.

It wasn’t my fault that I was watching out the window at what Karl was doing with George. And it wasn’t my fault that I was feeling cautious about him going outside. As much as I hated it, I felt protective over him. After all of these years of me not being able to see him, I didn’t want to lose him again.

“Hey Dream, I wanted to talk to you about a mission…” I glanced over my shoulder to see Bad walking in. He noticed how I was standing at the window and curiously asked if I was okay.
“I’m fine Bad, just thinking.” I responded, allowing my gaze to drift back over to the window.

“Are you sure?” He walked over to stand beside me, looking out the window, then he noticed who I was looking at. “Oh my goodness,” he muttered. “Is that really-”
“Yep,” I answered before he had the chance to finish.

“How did you find him?” He questioned, turning to look at me. Bad had been friends with George almost as long as I had. He had been especially upset after the brunette cut contact, but it was clear that he probably wouldn’t approve of how I managed to reacquaint myself with him after all of these years.

“Well, he came back to L’manburg,” I answered, without turning my attention from the window I knew that he was giving me a disappointed look. “His father owed us some money and so he is going to pay it back.”

“Are you saying you are going to force George to work off what his father owes him?” He continued to question me, going full on detective mode, like the time someone (cough, cough, Sapnap, cough, cough) ate all of his freshly baked muffins.
“No. I don’t plan on doing that,” I defended myself.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “Then what are you planning on doing?” Honestly it felt like I was talking to my parents, my gaze drifted over to see him with his arms crossed.
“I’ll tell him who I am eventually,” I informed him. “It’s just, I don’t know how he’ll react to knowing that I run a mafia. You know he would probably hate me.”

“Why don’t you try and be nice to him? Instead of having him work as a maid for a while, take him out on a date, or even just ask if he wants to watch a movie or something.” He suggested.
“And you think if the guy who kidnapped him, the leader of a mafia who his family owed money to, asked him on a date would be considered romantic?”

Bad’s disappointed look returned as I continued. “I don’t think this is some sort of fantasy world where he will fall in love with a cold blooded killer.”
“Then allow George to see Clay, instead of Dream.” Bad answered, before walking out of the door without stopping to let me say anything else.

Although I trusted Bad’s advice more than anyone else's, I didn’t know if that would work. After all, I had considered telling him who I was countless times, but predicted the outcome to not be something I was looking forward to.

However now I was all alone to think, trying to come up with an alternative solution on my own.
1423 words

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