Chapter 22: Cookies and Muffins

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Sapnap POV.

Dream was in another one of his meetings, discussing something with possible business partners most likely. I ignored whatever he was doing as I went to the kitchen. Bad had been in there a lot this morning and so I knew there would be something tasty to grab for myself and Karl to eat.

Sure enough, there were some muffins and cookies, both cooling on the countertop, with Bad nowhere to be found. I smirked slyly to myself as I grabbed a plate and piled it up with both of the baked goods that had been left undefended.

Plus, I figured I deserved it after Dream sent me to scare a couple of assholes who owed him money earlier, so I could use something to reward myself after that. And with Bad nowhere to be seen this is the best reward that I could possibly get since his food is to die for. Seriously, several times he has poisoned his food and tricked Dream’s rivals into eating it.

My mask was still on my face, mainly since I couldn’t be bothered taking it off and carrying it along with the plate of food. I walked down to the living room, which was where most of the people who lived here hung out. Hopefully Karl was in here for me to cuddle on the couch, however he wasn’t there.

I sighed, seeing Sam laying on the couch while texting on his phone. He glanced up as I walked in before turning his attention back to the device in his hands. “Do you know where Karl is? I was wanting to watch a movie with him.”

Sam looked back up at me and shrugged. “I haven’t seen him for an hour or so,” he informed me. “But last time I checked he was going to visit George.”
“Okay then. Thank you Sam.” I smiled from under my mask. He hummed in acknowledgement as I turned to leave.

I hurried through the hallways which were completely empty at this time of day, heading to George’s room. I was cautious now about the two of them being around each other, seeing as Karl now knows that George knews me from high school.

I figured that since I didn’t tell him too much about myself growing up that he’d go to George and try to find out for himself. Even though Karl knew that the only reason I didn’t tell him was because my earlier life had a lot to do with Dream and the blond didn’t like to talk about himself much.

What made me even more worried was when I reached George’s room and it was empty. I checked everywhere in the room for Karl, both because I felt like cuddling, and because I was worried George would tell him everything about me. They weren’t in the closet, or in the en-suite, or on the balcony, and I looked out into the garden and didn’t see them there either.

“God where are they?” I asked myself from under my breath, walking back out into the hallway without bothering to shut the door behind me. I did have one more idea though, there was always the chance that he was in his own room with George, and so I began heading down the hallway to another part of the mansion to check.

It was louder down this end of the building, since this is where a lot of us actually had our rooms. In fact, aside from Dream’s bedroom, and George’s (temporary) bedroom, every other bedroom was down here. So was a hang out room which I had had some say in the design of, featuring a bar, video games, and a cinema.

I swiftly walked past the doorway to Karl’s room, ignoring my group of friends who were currently all drunk and chatting excitedly to each other. Some of them called out to me, asking them to come and join them and grab a drink, or come and join a game of whatever they were playing. For now though, I ignored them.

Instead I got to Karl’s room and knocked on the door before hearing his familiar voice telling me to come in. I opened the door to see Karl and George both sitting on his bed, watching the TV mounted to the wall opposite. The brunette smiled at me and stood up to give me a hug, however, George just looked at me cautiously.

George’s expression worried me. I immediately wondered if Karl had told him something, but the brunette didn’t end up saying anything as I looked at him and so I turned my attention back to Karl. “Hello Sappy,” he cooed, calling me by a pet name version of my codename rather than my real name, reassuring me he didn’t tell George anything.

“Hello Karl,” I responded, brushing hair out of his face with my free hand. “I brought some cookies, and some muffins.” I told him as I offered out the plate.
The brunette smiled as he took the plate from me before raising an eyebrow. “Did Bad make these?” He questioned.

I just nodded, watching as he took the plate over and went to sit back on the bed with the other brunette sitting beside him, still watching me cautiously. “Are you going to eat those on the bed?” I decided to ask, since it was easier to focus on that then to focus on the fact of my old school friend giving me a look.

Karl just hummed a yes as he offered a cookie to George, which the Brit cautiously took as he broke eye contact with me. “Well won’t you get crumbs everywhere?” I continued onwards, raising an eyebrow. “That won’t be comfortable to sleep in.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Karl responded, glancing over at me before returning his attention to the food. “I’ll just sleep in your bed tonight.”
“You sleep in my bed anyway.” I pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him. “I don’t see what difference it would make to you.”

“Yeah, but I know that tonight you will let me sleep in your bed and you will sleep on the floor, Sappy Nappy~” I rolled my eyes at the name as Karl glanced at me playfully.
“How do you know I will do that Karl?” I replied once again.
He smirked at me and blatantly answered, “because you are a simp.”

I feigned offence, holding my hand over my heart dramatically which made Karl and George chuckle. “Clearly I’m not wanted then,” I huffed out, pretending to be annoyed and listening as Karl made an ‘aww’ noise. “I’ll be leaving you two to watch your movie.”

With that I turned and left, still chuckling at the interaction from under my mask as I decided to go and join some of my friends for some drinks. Unfortunately for me that didn’t happen though, seeing as the second I turned to walk down the hallway I saw Dream standing there, and he immediately motioned over to me.
1294 words

Does Sapnap really deserve the cookies and muffins?

Anyway, in case it hadn't been made obvious, I am still uploading chapters.

The other day when I considered pausing uploads I honestly didn't want to, it was just because I wanted to give you guys the option to have me write something else if you guys were uncomfortable with Dream after what he'd been accused of.

Although I was trying to remain neutral, I had noticed a couple things that didn't add up fairly quickly, and every so often I'd find more information to make me believe Dream more.

Anyway, summing this up.
Stories stay.
Don't believe the Dream accusations.

Have a nice day

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