Chapter 70: Evacuation

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Clay POV.

There was no way to explain how I felt as I grabbed the most important things from my bedroom to take with me. I mean, this place was a hellhole. I felt like I’ve been tied here, unable to leave all my life, but now I was finally able to. However, it is my home, and it was the only place I’ve ever been able to call home, and so it hurt to leave.

My briefcase full of files was sitting on the bed beside two open suitcases which I packed with belongings. My most important clothes (the shirts, jeans, hoodies, and shorts I wore the most along with a suit for important occasions) shoes, hair gel, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, were all packed into one suitcase, and the other contained my more personal belongings.
Those included my favourite books, video games, movies, photos, and some other more personal stuff.

It was obviously going to be hard to carry two suitcases and a briefcase all at the same time, but once I got down to George I’d have him carry one of these. Then when we got to the safety of whatever hotel Karl had booked for us, I’d need to have a talk with him about what had happened.

A sad sigh fell from my lips as I zipped the two suitcases up, knowing that this was my last chance in my room. My hand dove into my pocket and clasped the locket of myself and George. I hadn’t thought about it much over the past couple of weeks because I’d been focused on the real George.

I just took slow and deep breaths, holding the locket while looking over the pictures of a teenage me and George. For about four or five minutes I couldn’t help staring at it, tears rolling down my face from under the mask which I didn’t bother to wipe away.

Eventually I remembered the timer, which was probably down to about thirty minutes now. The explosion wasn’t big enough to destroy the whole mansion, but I still wasn’t going to take my chances of hanging around that long. I took one last look around my room before zipping up the suitcases and grabbing them, along with the briefcase.

I hurried down the steps back to the floor with my office and George’s room, before heading to the latter of those two rooms and opening the door without knocking. The brunette was sitting on the bed, his cheeks blotchy from the tears he had been crying almost twenty minutes ago. His eyes widened as he saw me enter the room and he shuffled backwards slightly.

“Have you packed your things like I asked?” That was the first, and pretty much the only thing that I said as I looked at him.
“I have,” he responded quietly, lowering his head so that he was not making eye contact with me.

“Good.” I tried to speak in a calm and gentle tone even though my brain was running at a hundred miles a minute and I still wanted to bombard him with questions as to why and how he had contacted the police. “Can you grab it for me please?” I asked, then watched as he slid off his bed and grabbed the suitcase before slowly approaching me.

“Thank you,” I hummed. “We need to go now, can you carry this for me?” I held out the briefcase of paperwork and files and watched as he took it from my hands. I made sure to thank him a lot, since if I was too harsh with him his brain would practically shut down and he’d be useless. As I thought this the poor Brit was still staring sadly downwards.

“Come on sweetheart,” I said. “We need to go.” I began walking to the door and glanced over my shoulder to see the brunette following after me, an awkward and wary look was on his face from the pet name, but the way that George was acting made it clear he felt as though he wasn’t allowed to enjoy it.

Several people were running through the halls, most of them carrying suitcases, backpacks, or just lifting things that they wanted to take with them. “What’s going on?” George asked the question quietly, standing close to me to avoid being hit by people hurrying past.
“We’re evacuating.” I responded.

I stepped into the elevator which several people were hurrying out of and pressed the button for the ground floor as he stood beside me. “If there is a police raid then there is enough evidence here to get all of these people arrested, in order to stop that from happening we’re getting everyone out of here and destroying the place.”

George knew that this was because of what he had done, and he looked over at me with a sad gaze. “I’m sorry,” he muttered for the hundredth time this morning, and I didn’t respond with anything relating to what he said.
“We’ll talk about this when we get to the hotel where we are staying.”

The brunette tailed after me as I stepped out of the elevator on the bottom floor and walked over to the garage. Karl was waiting for us there, leaning on one of the remaining cars with the back door open and a couple of suitcases inside of it. He noticed George but didn’t say anything as he instead addressed me.

“I booked us all into a five star hotel downtown called ‘The Starlight Resort’, it’s one of Quackity’s.” He stated as I began walking over to my car and opened the back to put George’s and my suitcases in. “And the directions are all in your GPS already.”

“Thank you Karl.” I responded with a smile. “And have you got the directions for Bad too?”
“Of course. His directions have been put in his car. I now just need to wait for Sapnap to get here and we can go.”
“We’ll see you later then.” I smiled as I climbed into the driver's seat.

George gave a small ‘goodbye’ as he sat down in the passenger seat and gazed out of the window as I drove out onto the driveway where there were a lot of cars parked. Different members in the mafia had brought them by the front door and were loading up all of the stuff that they could fit.

I examined them as I drove past, watching as a steady stream of people walked into and out of the front door. All of them were stepping around Sapnap, who was sitting and fiddling with some explosives. Everyone was cautious around him out of fear that if they bumped him they’d set off a chain reaction, and none of them wanted that.

When we were out of the mansion gates and driving down the road, the GPS flashed to life, beginning to give us directions such as ‘in two hundred feet, turn left at the traffic light’.
“I’ve never heard of the Starlight Resort.” George murmured after a five minute drive. “Is it new?”

“Kind of.” I answered with a shrug, while not taking my eyes off of the road. “Quackity purchased it a while after getting the casino. Karl made a call through to him and we were guaranteed whatever we need.” Neither of us said anything as the GPS gave the instructions of ‘at the roundabout take the third exit’.

I didn’t listen to what the GPS said and instead turned down the first exit, causing George to give me a look. “Why are we going this way?” He questioned with a raised brow.
“Because, if we go directly there then the cops know where we are. I am going to drive along a dozen streets or so and then we will switch out the car before heading to the resort. That way there is no chance of them following us.”

“That’s kind of smart.” The brunette hummed, a small smile growing on his face. “What’s the resort like?” He continued on.
“It’s massive, it takes up a whole city block and has about seven hundred rooms. There are several restaurants, casinos, movie theatres, indoor pools, shops… you name it.”

“And how long are we staying there?” George questions as I turned down a street that the GPS told me was incorrect.
“However long it takes for us to find a new place to stay.” I simply responded.
1425 words

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