Chapter 73: Raid

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Wilbur POV.

We’d had several people watching the mansion all morning, and as it reached around 11am cars began leaving in a hurry, all breaking off of the small convoy and driving in different directions. Techno and I watched quietly from our secluded spot, listing off basic descriptions of the cars as they passed so other officers could start tracking them.

The fact that this was even happening further proved the fact that George had been working with Dream, seeing as they fell for the fake raid and were all leaving. When it seemed like the mansion was empty I called a team of officers that were waiting on standby, planning on investigating the mansion if everybody was gone and arrest anyone who was still there.

A few minutes passed with us waiting where we were since we didn’t want to try doing anything without backup. Soon enough a convoy of cop cars and swat vans with their lights flashing and sirens blaring sped in, driving up both entrances of the circular drive in case any more cars were attempting to leave.

Techno and I still sat in the car as the pinkette grabbed out his radio to talk to one of the swat agents up near the front doors. “From what we can tell everyone is out,” he informed the swat agent. “There might be traps or alarms so be cautious. Do you want me and my partner up there with you?” He asked the question, already preparing to get out.

“No need,” the agent responded, loud enough for both of us to hear. “I’ve got thirty-six swat and twenty-eight police who will be able to sweep this building in about ten minutes. You both stay down there in your car in case there is anyone else who makes a break for it.”

Techno responded with a ‘copy that’ before lowering the radio. I was kind of annoyed that the two of us had done all the work scraping together information about the mafia and now had to sit in the car like a pair of kids as the swat team and a bunch officers all got to go in there and had the honour of being able to find any information inside.

I voiced my complaints to the man sitting next to me, who’s eyes had drifted over to the side window while we were waiting. “It’s just so unfair.” I complained after I finished my rant. “We should be going in there along with them, after all we did all the work.”

“Exactly, which means we deserve to be able to sit back for a few minutes and let other people get their hands dirty.” Techno responded. “And, because of what we’ve done we might even be promoted to sargents.”
“That’ll be fun,” I chuckled. “Bossing around all the officers, and we get paid so much more.”

Both of us had been told by Captain Philza that because of all of our hard work, the next time that we had a major breakthrough we’d get promoted. Having that breakthrough being us getting access to the mafia's home base, and photos of the mafia boss without his mask in less than twenty-four may even get us promoted twice… if that was allowed.

Still, I could be happy thinking that when I got back to the police station after the swat team and the other officers went through the house. As I turned to look back towards the house suddenly there was a loud explosion that made the car rock and forced the two of us to cover our ears.

Our ears rung as a blinding light filled our vision and all that I could focus on was my own breathing as I lost focus on everything around me. All that I could hope was that I lived through this.

Swat agent POV.

“I want all of you working in pairs, get the swat surrounding the building front and back, officers I want you taking the left and right side, and trap anyone still in the building in there.” There were nods from all the officers and swat agents that were geared up with protective armour, headgear, and guns.

I watched as all of the officers headed around the side of the house while making sure to keep out of the sight of the windows. As they moved into position I smiled at the remaining officers and agents waiting for my signal.

“Alright men, you know the drill.” I announced, “make sure every room is searched, grab any people you find, bag any evidence, and then we can all be back to our family’s by afternoon tea.” I watched each of them and could faintly see their grins at the thought of getting home to their families soon. I myself was even happy to go see my two year old daughter early.

“Do I have confirmation that everyone is in position?” I questioned onto my radio, before getting a couple responses from each group that I had sent off, all of them confirmed that they were in position and I told them to wait, I pulled my own headgear over my face before watching as two of my men moved up to the set of double doors on the steps.

“Move,” I said firmly. Then the doors were thrown open. As I rushed inside the building with the other’s there was a loud explosion. Less than a second later heat enveloped me and I fell to the ground, screaming in pain. I attempted to move, and couldn’t get far as the world went dark.

Techno POV.

Sirens came from the distance, as I opened my eyes faintly I could see flashing lights getting closer until they stopped moving nearby, then I could faintly hear movement over the ringing in my ears. The door of the car opened and arms wrapped under my shoulders, pulling me out.

As I was pulled out of the car I took several deep breaths and the smell of smoke filled my lungs. “Are you okay?” A firefighter asked as he helped me over to a seat.
“I’m fine.” I brushed him off. “Deal with Wilbur, he’s probably worse.” As I spoke I coughed, struggling to control it after I started.

My gaze drifted over to the mansion, seeing it up in flames and my eyes widened. “What happened?” I asked one of the medics who approached me, watching as firefighters attempted to control the blaze.

“There were explosives wired up in there,” the medic explained. “When the swat team went inside they tripped an explosive and there was a chain reaction, the whole place has collapsed.”
“Any survivors?” I questioned, “or any way that we could get anything inside the building?” My only response was a shake of the head from the medic.

“From what I can tell nobody.” He said after a minute with a solemn tone. He glanced over in the direction of the mansion and his eyes watered slightly. “I can’t believe that this has happened.” I didn’t know how to respond, and so I looked over at where Wilbur was being helped out of the car by a fireman.

I sighed, knowing that this wouldn’t be good to tell Phil.
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