Chapter 7: Working off

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Hello all.
Dream POV.

I had returned to my office and was now sitting huddled at my computer, just watching over and over again the security footage at the airport. The footage of George getting off of the plane with a woman and a small child. Part of me wondered if the child and woman were connected to George, and I felt jealous at that fact.

But I shouldn’t feel jealous. It had been years, and I shouldn’t have expected him to have stayed single all this time. I mean, he was entitled to a life, and to starting a family, even if I chose not to do that. I switched through the camera footage that was several hours old now, watching the scene play out again and again.

There was a knock on my door, causing me to look up. Before I said anything, Sapnap walked in and I was about to remind him of what I had told him earlier but he spoke first. “You took George?” He asked, watching me and seemingly trying to read my expression (which would be an impressive feat since I was wearing a mask).

“I did. His family owed us money, remember?” I didn’t want to talk about it with Sapnap. He knows what George means to me, and how desperate I was to get to see him again after all of these years.

“Yes he did.” Sapnap responded. “But when someone owes us money and they do not pay we kill them. We do not get them a bedroom to sleep in. And why is he asleep anyway? Did you do something to him?” He was still protective over our old friend, even if he tried to hide it. I felt the same way, although I did it better.

“You know very well that I can’t kill him Sapnap.” I spoke solemnly, removing my mask as I did to look him in the eye. “And anyway, I didn’t do anything to make him fall asleep. He had a panic attack and passed out.”

“He had a panic attack and you didn’t help him?” The ravenette repeated, giving me a pissed off look. “But you know how bad they get Dream! Why didn’t you help him? You know that he trusts you!” I cut him off before he could say anything else.

“George does not trust me, he trusts Clay. From the looks of things he doesn’t know who the hell I am, and he doesn’t know about his Dad’s debt either.” I informed him, recounting the encounter between myself and the brunette from about a half hour ago.
“Then why don’t you show him who you are?” My friend asked me. “If you did then-”

“If I did that then George would know I have been a part of a mafia my whole life. He’d figure out you eventually too. Do you really think he would still care about either of us if he knew what we did to people?” I asked, and for once my friend was silent. He just stared at me while I stared back at him. The only thing between the two of us was silence.

“George would still love you. You know that he would.” Sapnap tried to reason. I didn’t say anything to him for a couple of moments as I went to grab my mask from where it was sitting at my desk. I secured it back firmly over my face before looking back at him.
“It’s been seven years. How could we know anything about him?”

“Love Clay.” He said, seemingly trying to lighten the mood. “You love him, and you just know some things about the people you love.”
“You mean like how you know some things about Karl?” I questioned, causing his face to flush.

For a couple of moments I allowed myself to chuckle at him. Messing with my best friend was one of my only forms of pure entertainment outside of business. Sapnap knew that and allowed himself to start laughing along with me.

A couple of moments passed as the two of us just enjoyed each other's company through one of the purest ways imaginable, as though we were back in high school again. After a while though I fell silent, and Sapnap took the hint to do the same as I continued.

“I want you to stay away from George.” I spoke firmly. I just don’t want George to recognise him, because if he did then it would only be a matter of time before he recognises me. God knows I don’t want that to happen.
“Why?” Sapnap asked, clearly not realising my reasoning, so I had to explain it to him.

“Because if George finds out about you, then he will find out about me. I am going to have Karl in charge of looking after George though.” Sapnap scoffed, causing me to glare at him from under the mask.

“So let me get this straight.” Sapnap replied, clearly getting more agitated with every word that I said. “You took George because of a debt his father owed. You decided that he would be kept alive. You aren’t letting me near him. Now you are having Karl, my boyfriend, be his keeper? What the hell are you planning on doing with him anyway? Just keep him here like an object?”

“That is none of your business.” I stated firmly. “As your boss what I say goes, do you understand that?”
“And as the boss you are being a dick to your ex.” Sapnap retorted.

He continued though, asking. “If you don’t want to hurt or kill George, why not let him go? Why do you want to keep him here as though he belongs to you?”
“His family owed me money and he is going to be working it off on their behalf.” I told him.

“So what are you going to do? Eventually he will work it off and then what? Or are you going to add piles of debt so he has to stay longer?” The ravenette asked, clearly getting pissed at me, but the feeling was mutual.
“Maybe I will. But he should prefer it here. L’manburg isn’t safe, it would be better for him here.”

“What you are saying is you are robbing him of his own life because he is your ex, but that you also want to protect him at the same time? I don’t think…”  cut him off, walking over so I was standing inches away from his face.

“You don’t get a say in this Sapnap. I am the boss. You work for me. I want you to stay away from George because what happens with him from here on out is none of your concern. Also, I want you to cover your face. If you do see him I don’t want him to recognise who you are. If you go against my orders you know the consequences. Do you understand?”

By now he had figured there was no room for arguing. I wasn’t changing my opinion and he had to listen to me regardless of what he thought. He huffed before turning and walking out, leaving me alone again.
1252 words

Double upload today, also, two things.

1. Antiheroes/Heroes has finally reached a conclusion under my bio so you can check it out.

2. Dream's face reveal. He's not blond 😭 but I am probably going to refer to him as blond still out of habit.

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