Chapter 45: Lunch

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George POV.

Someone was shaking me excitedly, waking me up way earlier than I would have liked. The actions reminded me of when my younger cousins were staying with my family for Christmas a couple of years ago. When they woke me up at an ungodly hour so they could open presents and eat a gingerbread house.

But this obviously wasn’t either of my younger cousins, however it was definitely someone just as excitable as my cousins. Karl was standing at the edge of my bed with his arms on my shoulders, beaming down at me, which was definitely a strange sight first thing in the morning.

“What?” I groaned out the question quietly. “I want to sleep. It’s sooooo early.” I dragged out the word ‘so’ as I rolled over to go back to sleep. Karl grumbled as he sat on the bed beside me and began to shake me again.
“George wake up, we have stuff to do.”

“Yeah, that stuff includes sleeping.” I brushed him off. I had been awake all night and was exhausted after crying over the fact that my mother had known about my father owing money to a mafia in L’manburg. I wonder what would’ve happened if she told me. Maybe I wouldn’t have believed her and been in this situation anyway, or maybe I’d have stayed in the UK.

Either way, none of that mattered now. I just pulled one of the covers over my head but then Karl began shaking me again. “George, it’s almost lunch time. This is the fourth time that I’ve been in here in two hours.”
“What do you want from me then? Do you want me to clean or something, cause I’ll do it later.”

“No George. We are going out for lunch. It’ll be fun.” I sat up with a tired hum before glancing over at him.
“Why are we going out for lunch?” I replied. “Does Dream know we are doing this?” I rubbed my eyes as I waited for a response.

“Everybody else is busy and I am craving food from this really nice burger place down at the L’manburg mall, and since I didn’t want to go on my own I decided to bring you along.” His hand clasped mine and he pulled me up, not caring that I was shirtless as he grinned.

“Do I get a say in this?” I questioned as I moved over to the edge of the bed. “Or do I just have to go with you?” Knowing how everything else went here I think I already knew the answer.
“You do get a say, but it’ll be fun, I promise.” The brunette begged.

That was a surprise. Every time that I had left the mansion in the past few weeks (which is only twice; the mall, and the party at the casino), I hadn’t had a choice. Dream had made me go to the party, and Karl had practically dragged me to the mall the first time. I was surprised he wasn’t going to drag me there again.

Solely because I wanted to get out of the mansion I said yes, before immediately getting pushed in the direction of the bathroom so I could take a shower. Now that I was awake my body was beginning to feel hungry, after all I hadn’t eaten dinner last night and because I had slept in I hadn’t had breakfast either. It had probably been twenty hours since I last ate something.

So to keep Karl happy I quickly showered and got ready, wrapping a towel around myself as I stepped out of the bathroom to find some clothes since the taller brunette had pushed me in before I’d had the chance to grab anything. Karl was sitting on his phone and only glanced up at me as I walked into the room, but then turned away again as I walked over to the closet.

It took me a couple of minutes to get changed and when I walked back out the brunette was on the phone calling somebody. “Don’t worry, we’re about to leave.” He said quietly, and I could barely pick up his voice. “We’ll be there and eating in like… twenty minutes.”

“You and Sapnap are both nearby anyway, right?” His conversation was probably meant to be private, but I couldn’t help but wonder who exactly he was talking to. Quietly, I approached to try and hear the conversation better, but as I did the brunette’s gaze snapped over in my direction and he said goodbye before quickly hanging up.

“I’m sorry,” I said before he had the chance to get a word in. “I shouldn’t have snooped, I just heard you talking and got curious as to what it was about. I swear that I didn’t hear anything important though so you don’t have to worry.” I spoke swiftly and didn’t even stop to think over my words or breathe.

Karl laughed as he stood up, telling me to not worry about it. “I was just telling Dream that you were getting ready to go.”
“So is he going to be waiting in the mall car park in case I run off again?” I questioned sarcastically.

“No silly, he and Sapnap have got a… uh… meeting there. I don’t know what time it’ll finish though so we might not see them at all.” Karl seemed a bit hesitant on where Sapnap and Dream would be but I didn’t question it, mainly because it was none of my business.
“Should we go then?” I questioned, feeling the effect of hunger.

“Of course.” He responded, taking my hand and pulling me out of the room. As we hurried downstairs the two of us began talking about the burgers that were available at the place he was taking me, and how I would love all of them. The brunette continued his rambles as we got into a car and drove towards the same mall we went to in my first couple of days.

When we finally got to the mall he held my hand, pulling me in the direction of the burger place he was so eager to eat at. “Be careful Karl, you’ll pull my arm off if you go too fast,” I said breathily when he finally let go of me.

“What time is it?” The brunette quickly asked, stopping suddenly and making me almost walk into him. I just shrugged, since I didn’t have a watch or a phone on me.
“How am I supposed to know?” I responded, but then I looked around to check if there was a clock anywhere so I could answer Karl anyway.

“Oh yeah,” he remembered, pulling his own phone. “Almost 1pm,” he hummed after he had looked. “Good.” My eyebrow cocked itself as I looked over at the glimmer that was shining in his face.
“What’s so good about that?” I questioned.

“That’s when rush hour usually finishes, now come and sit down.” He dragged me over to a table for two outside the burger restaurant. “You sit right here and I’ll order you something that you’ll like. But do not move from that seat.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” I reassured him.

I knew what would happen if I tried to run off. Karl was already faster than me and had combat training. Plus, apparently Dream, Sapnap, and who knows who else, were here for some sort of meeting so I would definitely be caught if I tried anything. Because of all of these reasons I just settled down and glanced around at people who were passing by.
1273 words

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