Chapter 76: Makeover

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Sapnap POV.

“Your hair looks good in that colour.” George hummed, kissing Dream’s cheek as they admired Karl’s work in the bathroom mirror. “But I miss seeing you as a blond.”
“And your blue contact contrasts perfectly with the brown one.” The mafia boss responded, stroking his cheek.

“And it works,” Karl smiled, proud of his work. “If someone looking at you focuses on one specific part of the person, instead of the whole body, then they are less likely to recognise you.”
“You are a genius Karl,” the blond (although now he had hair that was a dirty blond, brown colour) complemented.

“I know I am,” my boyfriend said, happy at the compliment and I couldn’t resist the urge to pull him close and kiss him. For a couple of minutes the two couples just embraced, although it was clear most of us were still worried about the news knowing who Dream was.

“Are you four okay in here?” Bad questioned as he walked into the room. “I was wondering if you guys wanted me to order us all something for lunch from room service.” He suddenly stopped as he looked over at Dream and George. “Wow, you two muffins look totally different. I almost didn’t recognise you.”

“This transformation is all because of Karl’s make-up talent.” Dream smirked, making me kiss the brunette appreciatively.
“Yeah, you should give him a raise.” I stated. “Like, one hundred thousand dollars more than he usually gets.”

“Karl, I respect you as Sapnap’s boyfriend, but you are not getting a one hundred thousand dollar raise.” Dream stated, making the brunette he was addressing chuckle.
“It’s okay,” Karl responded as he laughed. “I already get paid more than enough.”

It was clear that Bad didn’t like the idea of being a fifth wheel, so he changed the conversation by telling us that there had been no more updates on the news. All of us were thankful for that, since that meant that the police were no closer to finding us, however we were all still on edge because they knew what George and Dream both looked like.

“How about we all go down to the shopping floors and get George and Dream some new clothes?” Karl offered. “That could be fun, plus it would mean that you guys will look even more different.” All of us had been desperate for a way to distract ourselves further, and so we all agreed.

George POV.
One hour later

“There is absolutely nothing here that I want to wear.” I huffed as I hung the shirt I’d just tried on back onto its hanger. It had looked cuter when I saw it, but it didn’t suit me as I looked at myself in the mirror.
“Well, is there anything else that you want to try?” Karl asked from outside the changing room.

I unlocked the door and stepped out while holding several of the shirts I’d just tried on. “We’ve been through every clothes shop in this place, nothing here seems to suit me. Ninety percent of this stuff is for rich assholes just throwing their money around.”
“Aren’t you dating a rich asshole?” The brunette chuckled the question as we left the store.

“Yeah, but I fell in love with him before I knew that he was a rich asshole. Back then he was just an asshole.” I laughed as we stepped onto an escalator to go down a couple of floors. For an hour we’d been trying on clothes in all of the clothes shops on the shopping floor of the hotel, but none of them have been particularly interesting.

“There are a couple of shopping centres around this area,” Karl suggested, as he stood a couple of steps behind me, looking at different floors with hotel rooms, and one of the several entrances to the casino. “They’ll probably have more variety there, seeing as less rich assholes are there throwing money around.”

I allowed myself to laugh at the rich asshole's comment, but didn’t say anything about the fact that he was carrying three bags from the shops that the rich assholes go to. All of them filled with clothes, make-up, and many other small things to replace the stuff that he had left in the mansion. He would most likely grab another three bags wherever he went next too.

Once we reached the ground floor and went to the street entrance he paused before turning to one of the bellboys. “Would you mind taking these up to my room for me?” He questioned, showing his card with its room number. “I don’t think that I’d be able to carry it when I go to the shopping complex down the road.”

It was clear that the bellboy was more distracted by Karl’s appearance over anything, with his eyes catching momentarily on the brunette’s recently painted nails. “It would be a pleasure sir to be able to take your stuff for you.” He smiled, clearly thinking that Karl was into him in some sense.

“Thank you,” Karl purred out the words before passing over a twenty dollar note as a tip. “I’ll be back in about an hour, just put it by the door.” The bellboy nodded dutifully and told the two of us to have a lovely day before he took the shopping bags and began carrying them to the elevator to take them to Karl’s room.

“I think he was interested in you.” I giggled when we stepped onto the street and began weaving among the busy foot traffic.
“He definitely was,” Karl responded. “But that means he’ll take more care of my stuff. Although, I do hope that he runs into Sapnap while he’s there, that would be fun to watch.”

The two of us kept laughing and giggling with each other as we wandered down a couple of blocks before crossing the road and heading through the large car park which surrounded the entire centre. It was the middle of the day, and so there weren’t too many cars around.

“So, are there any stores in here that seem to catch your attention?” Karl asked. “There has to be something here that you like.” I looked around at the question, trying to see if there were any shops that would have stuff I was interested in. There were a lot of options; kids clothes, retro, gothic, business, but then I saw something that made me more scared.

Sitting at a table outside a cafe were the two police officers who I had been in contact with over the last few weeks, and I knew that it wouldn’t be good if they saw me. Before they got a chance to look in our direction I lowered my head and pulled Karl into a nearby store
1214 words

So voting for the Christmas specials are in, and the winner was for a Heroes/Antiheroes special, but Gods came in a close second.

Because of this, I am going to write both, and either upload them both on Christmas Day, or one on Christmas Day and one on Christmas Eve (depending on time zones it won't be exactly that depending where you're from).

But be sure to keep an eye out for the chapters.

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