chapter 1

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"stop it!" Meredith giggles, hitting him as her boyfriend slaps her ass. We're in my living room and she's stood infront of me.

I hate her boyfriend. His name is finn. He's such an asshole. He always talks crap about me infront of me like I'm not even there. Meredith always tells him off though.

"Derek, finn is taking me to work, do you need anything before I go?" She asks. I shake my head. "Okay, I'll see you later" she says.

I flinch as she kisses my cheek. "Do you have to do that everytime!?" She hits me lightly. "I told you not to kiss me" I say. "I'm sorry" she wipes my cheek with her hand.

"Ahh" I groan as she kisses my cheek a bunch of times. "I love you byyyeee" she grins, giggling as she walks away. "I hate you" I say. She looks back at me, waving.

She holds finns hand. He looks back at me as they walk away. "Bye finn" I smile politely. "Bye!.. he's such a weirdo" he says the last part quietly. "Finn!" She warns. The door closes behind them.

I put my hands on the wheels, wheeling myself to the kitchen. "You want anything to eat honey?" My Mom asks. "No thanks" I say.

I grab my phone and leave. I lift myself with my arms to the stair lift. I lift up my wheelchair and put it on next to me. It takes me upstairs.

I move my wheelchair infront of me. I groan quietly as I lift myself back up with my arms, onto the wheelchair.

I go to my room. I move infront of my desk and start working on my new project.

I only realise how many hours went by when I look up and its dark outside.

"Hi der" meredith walks in. I quickly put my stuff into my desk. "You okay?" She asks, kissing my head. She sits on my bed. I move infront of her. "Yes" I say.

"How was work?" I ask, watching as she takes off her shoes. "It was good" she says.

"Did you hear what finn said earlier.. um.. when we were leaving?" She asks nervously, not making eye contact. "Yes" I say. She sighs.

"I'm sorry about that.. I'll have a word with him I promise" she says. "I don't care" I shrug. She smiles small.

"Okay, what are you working on?" She runs to my desk, opening it. "No!" I say as she pulls it out.

She looks at it. "You're working on a.. a mug?" She raises her brow. "I made it out of clay.. and painted it" I say.

"It is beautiful" she says. "Its for you" I say. "It is?" She looks at me. "Yeah.. your favourite colour is purple so I made it purple with white stars and some of them are in the shape of a heart" I say. She's looking at it.

"not a real human heart unfortunately, because you probably wouldn't like that as much, but its good enough I guess.. and-" I stop as she leans down and hugs me tight.

"Can I sit?" She asks. I nod. She sits on my lap. "Thankyou so much derek" she says tearfully. "Oh, I upset you" I say. "No, you didn't.. I'm happy" she says. "Oh" I say.

"I thought you were annoyed with me because I kissed your cheek earlier" she says. "No, you know that I don't particularly like when people touch me at all but you're meredith so it's okay" I say. She smiles.

"You excited for school again soon?" She asks. "No" I say. "Me either" she smiles. I don't know why she smiles all the time. She's such a happy person. I don't get why.

"Meredith I don't like finn" I say. "Derek" she sighs. "I'm being honest" I say. "I know" she says.

"I haven't had sex with him yet" she says. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask. "I know you don't like talking about this but I just want to tell my best friend what's going on in my life" she sighs.

"No, I don't want to talk about this.. I dont like it" I say. "Okay.. okay" she stands up. She looks down. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "No, its okay" she says. "Good" I smile.

"Do you want me to help you get ready for bed or shall I get your mom?" She asks. "You're closer" I say. She grabs my pyjamas.

She pulls off my shirt. She puts on my pyjama shirt. She undoes my trousers. "Hold onto me" she says. I wrap my arms around her neck, lifting myself up so she can pull down my trousers.

I sit back down and she pulls them the rest of the way down. She puts my pyjama bottoms on instead.

"Do you want anything before bed?" She asks. "No" I say. I climb onto the bed. She tucks me in. "Can I sleep with you tonight? The couch is uncomfortable and I don't want to drive home" she says. "No" I say.

"Fine, but I'm stealing one of your shirts to sleep in" she grabs one. I roll my eyes. She pulls off her shirt and pants.

I look her body up and down, not purposely staring at her but I can't seem to help myself. She puts on my shirt.

She walks over to me. she leans down, kissing my head. I roll my eyes. She smiles. "Night" I mumble.

"No, wait!" I say as she's about to leave. She walks back over. "You have to do the thing" I say. "Oh, right" she smiles.

She grabs my book from my bedside table and starts reading. She strokes her hand up and down my chest gently.

"Goodnight der" she whispers, putting the book down as I drift off. I hear my room door close before I fall asleep.

Thoughts on this so far? Suggestions??

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