chapter 47

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Me and derek are back at the doctors for one of his physical therapy appointments. He's really angry. He hasn't progressed at all in the last week. The doctor is trying to calm him down.

He's sat in his chair with a frown on his face. "Derek, it's okay.. you're doing really good, it must be difficult" I stroke his hair gently.

"I'm never gonna walk!" He punches his thigh. "Hey! Don't do that" I hold his hand. He sighs. "I want to walk" he says. "I know you do.. and you will, you just need to be patient" I kiss him softly.

"But I did so good last week.. and it made you proud" he frowns. "I'm always proud of you" I kiss his cheek. "Really?" He asks, looking up at me. I nod. He smiles small.

"So.. you'll still have sex with me today?" He asks. "Derek" I chuckle. "No?" He frowns. "Just.. grab your stuff" I giggle. We leave.


"You enjoy that?" I look at him. We're laid naked in bed next to eachother. He nods. I giggle, biting my lip gently.

"I love you" I say. "I love you too" he smiles. "Do you want to go again?" He asks. "Sure, baby" I giggle. He pulls me ontop of him.

Derek is so clingy at the moment. He wants me all the time. I love it so much how desperate he is for me, but it is exhausting sometimes.


"Mer, guess what" he says as I rest my head on his chest, panting out of breath. "What?" I cuddle into him. He doesn't say anything.

"What, babe?" I look at him. "Huh?" He looks up from his phone. "You said guess what" I chuckle. "Oh.. I forgot" he says. I giggle. "I love you, weirdo" I kiss his cheek. He glares at me. I grin.

"Meredith, can you get me a drink?" He asks. "Baby, I'm not your slave" I groan. "Please, gorgeous" he leans in slowly. I smile as he kisses me. "You think I'm gorgeous?" I grin. He nods.

"Water" he says. I get up, put on some clothes and go down to get him a glass of water.

"Here you go sweetie" I hand him the glass, climbing back into bed with him. He has his pyjama bottoms on now. "Mhm mhm mwahh" I make funny noises as I playfully kiss his cheek and neck.

"Stop, you're so annoying" he fans me away with his hand. I giggle. "Love you" I sit next to him. "I love you" he says, drinking his water.

"I think I should go home tonight, babe" I say. "No!" He grabs me and pulls me into his arms. I giggle. "Derek" I grin. "You can't leave me" he frowns. "You'll survive" I chuckle. He shakes his head. I nod.

There's a knock on the bedroom door. "What!?" He asks. He tucks my hair behind my ears, sorting it our for me. I smile at him.

"Derek, mom wanted me to come and see if you'd stopped screwing meredith yet, so you can come downstairs for dinner" amelia walks in. I blush hard, hiding my face in Derek's shoulder. He laughs.

"Screwing.. you're funny sometimes amy" he shakes his head, chuckling. She grins, leaving the room. I hit him lightly. We go downstairs a few minutes later.


We're in the living room on the couch. Meredith is sat next to me, making out with me. I run my fingers through her hair, pushing it out of her face.

She pulls away slowly and bites her lip. "You taste good" I smirk, rubbing our noses together. She likes that, it makes her laugh. I smile.

"Its.. cherry chapstick" she giggles against my lips as I kiss her again. "Stop licking my lips!" She says, pulling away. "It tastes good" I kiss her again. She laughs harder against my lips.

"Derek! Dinner" my mom yells. "I need to go" she pulls away slowly. "No" I hug her tighter. "Derek" she pulls my arms away gently. I frown as she stands up. She grabs her bag and leans down to me.

"I love you" she kisses my cheek. "Are you going to text me?" I hold her hand before she can walk away. "Of course" she says. "And call before you go to sleep" I say. "Yes, babe" she let's go of my hand. She waves at me as she leaves.

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