chapter 56

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I've been downstairs all morning, waiting for derek to wake up but he's not come down yet. I finally get bored, so I go upstairs to check on him.

I grin, hiding behind the corner as I hear him walking down the hall. "Boo!" I yell, jumping out at him. He yells, stumbling back. I grab his arms before he can fall back.

I giggle as he grabs me and pushes me up against the wall gently. "I don't like you" he looks into my eyes. I grin at him. He actually looks angry.

"I'm sorry" I chuckle. "No you're not, you're laughing" he glares at me. "But you're just so cute when you're mad" I smile. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"No! I'm mad at you!" He pulls away and storms off. I hate that he can storm away from me now. It's so annoying. "Der, I was just messing around" I run after him.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry" I sit next to him on the couch. He moves to the other side of it and glares at me.

"Come on der, don't be like that.. I've been wanting to hang out with you all morning" I say. He ignores me and turns on the TV. I sigh.

I hit his arm. "Ow!" He yells. "Meredith" Carolyn warns. I climb ontop of him, hitting him repeatedly on his shoulders and arms. "Ow!" He yells at me.

"Stop being grumpy" I look at him. "No" he says. I hit him again. "Mom" he frowns. "Meredith, leave him alone" Carolyn says.

I hit him again. He raises his hand, threatening me. "Derek" Carolyn warns. He slaps my arm very gently.

"Ow!" I yell dramatically. I climb off of him and sit on the other side of the couch, fake crying. "Mom, I didn't even do it hard.. I swear" he says. She sighs.

"I'm sorry meredith" he sits next to me. "Really?" I sniffle. He nods. "I'm sorry" he hugs me. I grin at Carolyn. She laughs, walking out of the room.

He kisses my cheek a few times softly. "Thanks baby" I turn to kiss his lips. "I must be really strong.. I didn't mean to hurt you" he says. "Yeah, you must be" I smile at him. He grins proudly. I giggle. He's so sweet.

"Are you still tired, babe?" I ask as I see him yawn. He nods. "Last night really took it out of you, huh?" I grin, putting my hand on his thigh. "Why?" He asks. "Because we had sex twice" I giggle. "Oh, yes" he says. I smile at him. He smiles back.

"Look at what you did" he frowns slightly, showing me the hickey on his neck. I grin. "That's hot" I lean in and kiss his neck softly. "Don't do it again, mer!" He says worriedly. I laugh.

"Calm down" I look into his eyes. "Okay" he says. "Can I do it to you?" He asks. "If you're lucky" I giggle. He puts his hands on my waist and leans in to my neck. He knows he can do whatever he wants to me and I won't stop him. He knows.

I climb onto his lap, straddling him. He keeps his hands on my waist, taking over the control as my body gets weak whilst he starts feeling me up, still sucking on my neck softly.

The front door opens and we pull apart. I get off of his lap and sit next to him again. He screams as a dog runs in. He pulls me closer, hiding behind me.

"Its okay, babe" I sigh, getting off of him. I grab the dogs collar gently and move her away from derek. He stands up and walks to the other side of the room to hide.

"I'm sorry derek, I didn't know you were here" my mom says. He's literally terrified of dogs. She puts the dog back on its leash and I go over to derek.

"Its okay" I smile, hugging him. He hugs me back. "You wanna go upstairs?" I rub his back. He nods. "I'll meet you up there" I say. He walks out of the room and goes upstairs.

I hear a small bang. "You okay?!" I yell. "Yes, I just dropped my phone" he says. I let out a small breath.

"What's daisy doing here?" I ask, kneeling down to pet the dog. She's my moms friends dog. "They're going on holiday so I offered to watch her" she says. "Oh, okay" I smile, kissing the dogs nose. I grab my stuff and go upstairs.

I go into my room and close the door behind me. "Hi" I smile, climbing onto Derek's lap. He stares at the door. "Hey.. look at me, weirdo" I smile teasingly, putting my hands on his cheeks. "Mer, I'm scared" he says. "Its downstairs baby, my mom won't let her up" I say. He frowns slightly.

He kisses me softly, making me smile. "Okay, thank you" he says. "You're welcome" I grin, kissing him again.

I know he's a bit of a scaredy cat, and it's not the most attractive thing in the world.. but he's my boyfriend and I love him so much that I don't care at all. I'd never make fun of derek or be put off by his weirdness. I think the weirdo is adorable.

I put my hands on his cheeks, looking into his eyes. He smiles at me. "I love you" he says. "I love you more" I kiss him passionately.

"Meredith, you taste like chocolate" he pulls away. "Shut up" I giggle, pushing him back onto the bed, so hes laid down. I lean down and kiss him again.

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