chapter 51

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Me and derek walk into his house, hand in hand. He's been the perfect gentleman literally all night. We had our date at a cute little restaurant and he paid with his pocket money.

I've not told him off for being rude once today. That rarely happens. He's opened every door for me, pulled out every chair and he even kissed me just before we left the restaurant. I've never been so in love with him.

"Do you want a drink?" He leads me to the kitchen. "Yes please" I follow him. He grabs us two drinks.

"Are you okay, der?" I put my hand on his back as I see how much his hands are shaking. He nods. "Are you sure?" I hold his hands in mine. He nods again.

"Honey, we don't have to do anything tonight if you don't want to" I look into his eyes. "I want to" he says. "You sure?" I ask. He nods.

"Do you want to go and have sex now? Or later?" He asks. I smile at him. He doesn't know how to be subtle at all. "How about we go up and watch a movie?" I suggest.

"...okay, but does that mean you're going to just kiss me the whole time, talk over it and take up all my space on my bed whilst we're watching it?" He asks, following me upstairs. "Yeah" I giggle. He sighs.


The movie is on and we're under the covers kissing. He pulls me ontop of him as we makeout. I rest my hands on the mattress either side of his head. I grind against him slowly.

He's so tense. His body feels like a rock under me. "Derek, it's okay.. relax" I whisper, looking into his eyes. His body loosens up a bit.

"Its just me.. don't be nervous, just enjoy it" I whisper into his ear. I grind against him again slowly. "Yeah, like that" I smile as I feel him grow hard under me. He helps me as I pull off his shirt. I toss it aside.

I lean down and kiss his neck softly. He let's out a small groan. He sits up slowly. I sit up with him. I look down as i undo his trousers. He puts his hands on my thighs. I take the hint and climb off of him.

I pull off my shirt before laying down. He climbs ontop of me. I wore a lacy black pantie and bra set, that's basically see through.

He starts kissing my neck. I let out a small moan. I smile, running my fingers through his hair. I run my hands down his body and pull down his pants and boxers. He kicks them off.

He sits up, on his knees infront of me. I smile at him, looking into his eyes as he pulls down my skirt and tosses it aside.

He runs his hands across my panties, then my bra. "Do you like them?" I whisper. He nods. He pulls off my panties slowly.

"Come here" I hold my arms open. He hovers over me again. I hug his neck and wrap my legs around his waist as we kiss.

After a few minutes, he reaches over to the drawer beside the bed. I pull away from his lips. He grabs a condom.

"Will you tell me if your legs get too tired, baby?" I whisper. He nods. "Promise" I say. "I promise.. stop being annoying" he says. I chuckle.

He kisses me. I grab the condom off of him and reach down to put it on him. "Hey, wait baby" I whisper before he can thrust himself inside of me.

I look into his eyes for a few seconds before kissing him. I whine quietly against his lips as he thrusts into me. He groans softly.

I giggle softly between my small moans as he starts moving his hips. He has no idea what he's doing. "Like this babe.. gently" I whisper, guiding his hips with my hands.

"Like.. this?" He whispers, thrusting his hips against me slowly. "Just keep doing it until it feels good for you" I whisper against his ear. He readjusts himself slightly.

I smile as he let's out a soft groan. I moan quietly. "Like this?" He carries on at the same pace. "Yeah, like that" I moan, running my fingers through his curls.

I giggle quietly as the bed starts creaking. He smiles at me. "Is this good?" I whisper, stroking his back gently. "Yeah, you feel great" he whispers. I kiss him softly.

I grin slightly as he starts kissing my neck. "Oh! Der" I moan louder as he thrusts into me harder. "faster" I whisper. He speeds up instantly.

I'm enjoying sex so much more with him ontop. I can just relax and enjoy it whilst he does all of the work. This is incredible.

My mouth falls open slightly against his lips as soon as he kisses me. I moan into his mouth, my eyes rolling back. He groans into my mouth.

"Don't stop" I cry out in pleasure against his lips. "Yes! Uhh!" I push my face into his shoulder. He groans into my ear as his cum spills into me. My body spazms slightly under him as I cum.

"Oh.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, mer" he panics slightly as his legs obviously get too weak and his weight is all put on me. He thinks he's hurting me. "Its okay baby, you're good" I chuckle softly, wrapping my arms around him.

I kiss his lips softly. "I love you" he cuddles into me. "I love you too" I stroke his back gently. I reach down and pull the covers over us both. We just cuddle for a bit before eventually falling asleep.

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